Chaos hegemony

Chapter 735 Shen Haoxuan's Reliance!

Chapter 735 Shen Haoxuan's Reliance!

All the elders of the Qinglong clan looked at Shen Haoxuan in shock, and stood there blankly, a little unable to recover, Shen Haoxuan actually wanted to attack the Baihu clan!Thinking of this, all the elders frowned, the four great beast families in Zhongdu are one, if Shen Haoxuan attacks the Baihu family, they have no choice but to help!
"I see, the Qinglong clan will not interfere!" Long Xiaotian also knew what Shen Haoxuan meant, and said without hesitation.

"Patriarch!" Hearing Long Xiaotian's words, all the elders exclaimed. This is a blatant violation of the treaty drawn up between the four great beast families. If it is said, it may arouse the disgust of the people of the monster clan. When the time comes, Qinglong The reputation of the family is gone.

"Needless to say, I have made a decision. Over the years, the White Tiger Clan has secretly attacked our Qinglong Clan. It is not uncommon for you to know that we have tolerated it countless times for the sake of the treaty. This time we will never be relentless! Besides! Now, nephew Shen called me uncle, nephew Shen's matter is also my matter, this matter is decided!" Long Xiaotian slapped the table violently, shouted in a cold voice, directly speaking the words of many elders. All sealed.

Seeing Long Xiaotian's firm gaze, the elders couldn't refute it. After all, Long Xiaotian is the patriarch of the Qinglong clan, and no one else can change what he decides.

Looking at the unconvinced expressions of the many elders, Long Xiaotian shook his head lightly and said: "Nephew Shen, the White Tiger Clan is one of the four great beasts of the Monster Clan, and they have a solid background. How do you plan to deal with it?"

"There is no scheme, no plan, just one word, kill!" Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the cold killing intent burst out from his eyes, which made Long Xiaotian feel terrified.

"To put it bluntly, the White Tiger Clan is really that small family that kills them as soon as they say so. What do you rely on?" An elder snorted coldly, looked at Shen Haoxuan and said with disdain. In his eyes, Shen Haoxuan was just a How could he possibly compete with the behemoth of the White Tiger Clan?Their patriarch also lost his mind, and would actually tear his face with the White Tiger Clan for an outsider!
"What am I relying on?" Shen Haoxuan sneered, his eyes swept over every elder present, and every elder who was caught by his gaze couldn't help shrinking his neck. That feeling was like being stared at by the god of death. In general, it's hard to imagine that a first-order spirit emperor can make them feel so much pressure!
With a thought in Shen Haoxuan's mind, a behemoth suddenly appeared in the meeting hall. This behemoth was naturally Huo Jingang, whose body was even bigger than before. The moment he appeared, a terrifying aura swept the entire meeting hall. The stone pillars around the hall couldn't bear the terrifying breath, cracks spread on the stone pillars, and the elders looked at Huo Jingang with horror, Long Xiaotian's muscles tensed up , he felt a coercion from the depths of his soul on Huo Jingang's body, which showed that Huo Jingang's strength was even higher than him!
Shen Haoxuan looked indifferently at the elders of the Qinglong clan who looked terrified, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Huo Jingang also absorbed a lot of energy in the medicine pool, and his own strength skyrocketed, which further improved Huo Jingang's strength. According to Shen Haoxuan's estimation, the current strength of this Huo King Kong may have reached the peak of the second-order Ling Emperor!

The elders of the Qinglong clan looked at Huo Jingang and hadn't recovered their senses yet, two more terrifying auras came from behind Shen Haoxuan, Xue Ling and Ya Fei were already standing beside Shen Haoxuan.

In the past two months, after refining the spirit pill of the eighth-level spirit beast that Yafei gave Shen Haoxuan to her, her strength has broken through to the level of the spirit emperor, and now she is also a first-level spirit emperor. As for Xue Ling, Xue Ling's strength is also at the peak of the ninth-order spirit emperor, half a foot has already stepped into the spirit emperor realm!

The explosive momentum of the two women once again shocked the elders. It is hard to imagine that these two people who usually follow behind Shen Haoxuan and look very well-behaved can be so strong. The strength of the two of them can match theirs. Patriarch Long Xiaotian contended.

Standing beside Shen Haoxuan at this time is already equivalent to having two strong men of the half-spirit emperor level. With such strength, it is enough to sweep away any side of the monster clan, but if you want to attack the Baihu clan, you are still close thing.

"It's not over yet!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled lightly, and when his words fell, a pitch-black phantom slowly condensed behind Shen Haoxuan, this figure was exactly Long Mao.

The long hair appeared without the slightest burst of breath, but Long Xiaotian and the elders all looked at the phantom behind Shen Haoxuan in shock, and the next moment they all knelt down respectfully.

Gluttony, it turned out to be the soul of the gluttonous beast, the head of the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times!Long Xiaotian and the others roared in their hearts, and a coercion came from the depths of their blood, making the blood in their bodies boil.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?" Changmao glanced at Long Xiaotian and the others lightly, then leaned on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder and said very flatteringly. In his eyes, Long Xiaotian and the others were just a few bugs. Can't get into his eyes at all.

When Long Xiaotian and the others heard that the leader of the top ten beasts in ancient times called Shen Haoxuan the boss, they couldn't help but protrude their eyes. It was rumored that the leader of the top ten beasts in ancient times had a perverted personality and was extremely arrogant. The human race is the boss, and their worldview has collapsed a bit!
At this time, why did those elders know that Shen Haoxuan would have the guts to directly confront the White Tiger Clan, a puppet who was at the peak of a second-order spirit emperor, two beauties at the first-order spirit emperor level, and a gluttonous beast soul at the first-order spirit emperor level , plus Shen Haoxuan, a pervert, one must know that Shen Haoxuan was able to kill a seventh-rank Spirit Emperor powerhouse at the spiritual stage, but now that he has broken through to the Spirit Emperor stage, everyone dare not imagine what level of Shen Haoxuan's strength will reach!Counting Shen Haoxuan, this can almost be said to be five Spirit Emperor powerhouses. Such a lineup is enough to compete head-on with the White Tiger Clan, and even sweep the White Tiger Clan!

The expression in Long Xiaotian's eyes looking at Shen Haoxuan has changed at this time. He is very grateful for the decision he made, and even more fortunate that he did not oppose Shen Haoxuan. However, Shen Haoxuan did not lose to him in the slightest, just rushing to the few Spirit Emperor powerhouses around Shen Haoxuan, Shen Haoxuan was enough for him to pay attention to.

"We also agree with the patriarch's opinion!" At this time, no one was against Long Xiaotian, facing Shen Haoxuan who possessed such strength, they had no reason to doubt it.

"Very good!" Shen Haoxuan nodded, and the momentum of the people around him all withdrew, and the atmosphere in the conference hall suddenly lightened, and everyone in the Qinglong clan breathed a sigh of relief.

"When will nephew Shen do it?" Long Xiaotian asked.


(End of this chapter)

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