Chaos hegemony

Chapter 740 Beastmaster Cannon!

Chapter 740 Beastmaster Cannon!
"How's the situation?" In the medicine hall, Yao Wuchen sat quietly cross-legged on the futon, and asked the alchemist below.

"Master, the two sides are fighting fiercely now, regardless of you and me, the White Tiger Clan has sacrificed the white tiger beast soul, presumably it was driven to a dead end by Shen Haoxuan!" The alchemist below replied with clasped fists.

"It seems that my guess is right. I didn't expect that there is such a powerful force around Shen Haoxuan. It seems that the White Tiger Clan can't afford it today!" Yao Wuchen sighed softly.

"Master, are we sure we don't want to intervene? After all, the White Tiger Clan has also stood in China for hundreds of years. Could it be that we just watched him be destroyed by Shen Haoxuan?" The alchemist below asked with a frown.

"It's their own fault, no one to blame, don't worry about it!" Yao Wuchen snorted coldly, then closed his eyes again, ignoring the alchemist below.Seeing this, the alchemist had no choice but to shut his mouth resentfully, and left the room.

At this time, several battlefields above the White Tiger Clan have entered a white-hot stage. Xue Ling, with the strength of the peak spirit emperor of the ninth rank, is like entering a no-man's land among the many guards of the White Tiger Clan. , that is, a head flew up, the eyes were extremely cold, without the slightest wave, the name of the beautiful killer snake is not called for nothing.

The elders of the White Tiger Clan looked at the guards who kept dying, and their faces became extremely gloomy. Xue Ling was very smart, knowing that even if he was stronger than the elders of the White Tiger Clan, he was no match for two fists, so relying on his own The speed advantage avoids fighting those elders, and those elders can only be led by Xue Ling for a walk. Although they really want to block Xue Ling, but the opponent's speed is too fast, they can't keep up with Xue Ling's action.

Xue Ling is fighting guerrilla warfare, while Ya Fei is in a head-on collision. Although Bai Zhennan's strength has slipped, he was once a strong man at the Ling Emperor level, and his fighting methods are vicious. Ya Fei can only It was a tie with him, but there was no way to suppress him.

As for Huo Jingang, it was completely crushed. Every time Huo Jingang punched out, he could see the surrounding space tremble. Even the warriors below could feel the terrifying power contained in that punch. Strength, although he is also a martial artist at the peak of the second-order Spirit Emperor, the ancestors of the White Tiger Clan can only defend. The terrifying power of Huo Jingang even made him a little overwhelmed!
Everyone's eyes shifted. When they saw Shen Haoxuan's battlefield, they couldn't help but take a breath. The strength of the white tiger beast soul has reached the third-level spirit emperor, but the white tiger beast facing this third-level spirit emperor Hun, Shen Haoxuan and Changmao chose to fight head-to-head, without the slightest fancy, if you punched, I would punch back, if you kicked, I would kick you back, such fierce hand-to-hand combat made Zhongdu Zhong The martial artist looked like his scalp was numb.


Shen Haoxuan and Changmao teamed up to collide with the white tiger beast soul again, a terrifying gust of wind blasted out, destroying the surrounding land in devastation, and for a while, gravel flew, huge cracks formed, and spread outward continuously Now, the buildings around them have long been turned into ruins, and even the ground is sunk in. It can be seen how terrifying the aftermath of the battle between the three of them is.

The figures of Shen Haoxuan and Changmao flew out again, but they quickly got up from the ground.

"Happy!" Shen Haoxuan laughed, and casually tore off the tattered clothes on his body, revealing his extremely perfect figure.

"Roar!" Changmao also roared, his eyes full of excitement. He hadn't fought such a hearty battle for a long time. The momentum began to rise continuously, and he was named the head of the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times. This title is not for nothing!

Shen Haoxuan is not much worse than Changmao. Although the two of them have suffered a lot in the hands of the white tiger beast soul, the aura of the two of them has not weakened in the slightest, but has become stronger and stronger, faintly surpassing that. The sign of the white tiger beast soul.

Looking at the two people who looked like immortal Xiaoqiang in front of him, the white tiger beast soul roared, and a trace of fear appeared in his heart. The long hair had already put him under a lot of pressure, and a human race who appeared out of nowhere Crazy, the two of them are getting more courageous as they fight, and if they fight again, I guess I can't bear it anymore.

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in the eyes of the white tiger beast soul, and a terrifying aura erupted from its body, and the surrounding spiritual power seemed to be drawn towards the mouth of the white tiger beast soul. A spiritual storm formed.

Looking at the huge storm of spiritual power, Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, it seemed that the White Tiger Beast Soul didn't intend to continue fighting, it wanted to get rid of him and Chang Mao in one go.

Sensing the increasingly powerful storm of spiritual power, Shen Haoxuan let out a long sigh. He hadn't enjoyed himself to the fullest yet, and the white tiger beast soul couldn't do it anymore. This made Shen Haoxuan feel a little unhappy. He took out the Soul Devouring Sword from the storage ring, facing the attack of the white tiger beast soul, Shen Haoxuan didn't dare to trust him, after all, the opponent was also a third-order spirit emperor, so he had to show some respect no matter what!
Chang Mao's face also became serious, and the devouring power on his body suddenly soared, a spiritual power vortex weaker than that of the white tiger beast soul condensed in front of Chang Mao. The spirit floated out and merged towards the spiritual power cannon condensed in front of Changmao. The originally translucent spirit salute changed into three colors in an instant. The spiritual power riot was even more terrifying, and the spiritual power vortex in front of Changmao doubled again.

Changmao sensed the changes in the spiritual power of the surrounding world, and immediately nodded to Shen Haoxuan. With the blessings of the three kinds of spirits of the heaven and earth, the power of the spiritual power cannon condensed this time can definitely be doubled!
"Beastmaster Cannon!"

The next moment, Baihu Beast Soul and Changmao shouted at the same time, the spiritual power vortex gathered in front of them suddenly stopped, and two extremely deep spiritual power cannons appeared in front of everyone.


Long Hair and the White Tiger Beast Soul just confronted each other for a moment, and in the next moment, two spiritual power cannons shot out instantly, attacking each other, crushing the surrounding space wherever they passed, revealing the pitch-black chaos space.

Two Beastmaster Cannons, one white and one colored, drew two beams of light, and they collided in an instant. The terrifying wind swept away instantly, and the violent roar continued to sound. The two Beastmaster Cannons began to erode each other. Everyone couldn't help closing their eyes.

"What's going on?" Everyone felt the violent energy storm, and they all screamed...

 PS: There is something wrong today, there are only two updates, there will be a big outbreak in a few days, and I will replenish everyone at that time, forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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