Chaos hegemony

Chapter 743 Beastmaster Domain!

Chapter 743 Beastmaster Domain!
The war ended, and there were rumors about Shen Haoxuan everywhere in the central capital. Within two days, the members of the White Tiger Clan had completely moved out, and the White Tiger Clan in Nuoda had become empty. After entering, the White Tiger Clan became lively again.

"Brother Chen, the White Tiger Clan will be your domain from now on!" Long Aotian said with a big laugh as he looked at the people of the Fox Clan who were constantly busy coming in and out.

"Mine? This is Ya Fei's territory. I have already given it to Ya Fei. If you want to come in the future, please tell Ya Fei!" Shen Haoxuan waved his hands casually.

Hearing this, Long Aotian gave Shen Haoxuan a blank look, and said: "The Baihu clan has stood here for hundreds of years, and there are not a few things left behind. It is a large piece of wealth, and it is possible to hand over such a large amount of wealth casually." Man, I think only you can do it!"

"Is this wealth great? A man should look at the world, such a small place is enough for you!" Shen Haoxuan looked at Long Aotian and said cruelly.

"That's right, you're the only one with a heart!" Long Aotian knew that he couldn't beat Shen Haoxuan, so he curled his lips and ignored him.

"Haha!" Seeing Long Aotian's deflated appearance, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help laughing.

"Master Shen, Master Long, there are leaders from many forces outside the door who came to see him, saying that they want to seek refuge with Master Shen!" Just as Shen Haoxuan and Long Aotian were fighting, a young man from the fox clan came in to report.

"Brother Shen, it seems that you have become a favorite!" Long Aotian said with a chuckle when he heard the young man from the fox tribe.

Hearing Long Aotian's words, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but smile wryly. In the past two days, there has been an endless stream of forces seeking to see him. When he didn't show his strength before, these forces avoided them. Now that he has wiped out the White Tiger Clan, these forces are becoming more and more popular All the powers followed, making Shen Haoxuan very annoyed.

"Let Ya Fei and Xue Ling handle these matters. I'm not very good at dealing with these matters!" Shen Haoxuan waved his hand and said, he knows his own character, and he hates those who follow others, Shen Haoxuan is worried that he can't get used to it It would be embarrassing to beat them all up!
"Yes!" The fox youth heard Shen Haoxuan's words and left the small courtyard, while Long Aotian looked at Shen Haoxuan like a monster.

"Why are you looking at me?" Shen Haoxuan didn't wrinkle tightly, looking at Long Aotian in front of him vigilantly.

"Aren't you a lot of scheming? The combination of these forces is a lot of energy. If you can subdue them, it will definitely help you a lot. Why don't you try it!" Long Aotian frowned asked.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan shook his head and said: "My scheming is not on those cats and dogs. Even if their forces are not weak, they are all mobs after all. I still don't like it! Instead of letting them surrender, Why not spend some effort on the other three great beast families!"

"What do you mean? Do you want to make the three great beast families surrender?" Long Aotian said looking straight at Shen Haoxuan.

"I think too much, it's just cooperation. Besides, your Qinglong clan has helped me so much, how can I make you surrender? I want the Fox clan to replace the White Tiger clan in the central capital. There must be three big With the help of the beast family and the medicine hall, you need to discuss with your father more when you go back!" Shen Haoxuan said looking at the somewhat oversensitive Long Aotian.

"That's good!" Long Aotian breathed a long sigh of relief, so he just said, no matter how ambitious Shen Haoxuan is, he will not do anything to his family.

The two continued to chat for a while, and then, the Shen Haoxuan faction and the envoys of the three major families and the medicine hall also started negotiations with the four major forces.

A few days later, the Fox Clan and the other three great beast families reached a consensus, and the Fox Clan replaced the White Tiger Clan in the Central Capital, and because of Shen Haoxuan, the Fox Clan faintly surpassed the other three The signs above the family, regarding this situation, the other three major families are also silent, after all Shen Haoxuan's strength is there, they can't accept it.

In the medicine hall conference hall, Shen Haoxuan and Long Xiaotian were discussing something with Yao Wuchen.

"Bai Zhennan is not dead yet, nephew Shen, you'd better be careful, there are ancient forces behind the Baihu clan, I think Bai Zhennan will go to the Beast King Realm to seek help from the forces behind him!" Long Xiaotian looked at Shen Haoxuan and said in a deep voice. Said.

"Beast King Realm?" Shen Haoxuan frowned, this was the first time he heard of this place.

"Xingluo Continent is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. There are many forces inherited from ancient times, but the energy possessed by these forces is too powerful to easily appear on our continent, so they All of them lived in seclusion in another space, and due to the long time of avoiding the world, the warriors on the mainland thought they had disappeared, except for some top forces, no one knew of their existence." Yao Wuchen explained to Shen Haoxuan road.

"No one knows that it doesn't mean they don't exist. The ancient forces of the monster race are all in the Beastmaster Realm, while those of the Human Race are in the Sanctuary. Your little girlfriend Ji Lingxuan, the Ji family she lives in is in the Sanctuary. As for On the other side of the Demon Race, due to the environment of the Demon Race and the sturdy folk customs of the Demon Race, the ancient forces are not hidden, they are just on the Xingluo Continent, but no one can approach it!" Long Xiaotian added.

Hearing Long Xiaotian and Yao Wuchen's words, Shen Haoxuan frowned. He didn't expect the support of ancient forces behind the White Tiger Clan. No wonder Ji Lingxuan said that she would not let her touch the White Tiger Clan. It was because of this relationship that she was afraid ah!

If the strong man from the Beastmaster Realm really came here, with his current strength, he might not be able to deal with it. After getting along with Ji Lingxuan for a long time, Shen Haoxuan also knew a little about that ancient force. The strong man there, That's the real powerhouse!
"Nephew Shen, don't worry, the forces in the Beastmaster Domain cannot intervene in the disputes in the Xingluo Continent, and there is a law enforcement team in the Beastmaster Domain. If they have no valid reason, they will definitely not be able to leave the Beastmaster Domain. However, with your In terms of talent and strength, you will definitely have to deal with those forces in the future, I'm afraid Bai Zhennan will look for you!" Long Xiaotian said immediately when he saw Shen Haoxuan's frowning.

Hearing Long Xiaotian's words, Shen Haoxuan breathed a sigh of relief. People from the Beastmaster Domain cannot leave the Beastmaster Domain. It won't be a fish to be slaughtered by others. If the people of Beastmaster Domain want to touch him, they have to weigh it!

(End of this chapter)

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