Chaos hegemony

Chapter 762 Unbreakable!

Chapter 762 Vulnerable!
Seeing that Guiyuan Shengtong and Huanhua Shengzi teamed up, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but sneered, and rushed towards the two of them again without saying a word.


The figures of the three of them collided fiercely like meteorites, and the powerful air wave spread out from the center of them. rise.

As soon as the three of them came into contact, they fought fiercely together. The Illusory Son and the Guiyuan Shengtong teamed up, and the berserk spiritual power continuously hit Shen Haoxuan's vitals. back out.Compared with these two, Shen Haoxuan is more domineering, his moves are open and closed, purple-black flames surround his body, the attacks of the Imaginary Son and the Guiyuan Shengtong can't reach the corner of Shen Haoxuan's clothes at all, even if he is directly It was completely burned, but the purple-black flame made the two of them a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's fighting style, those people know what violence is. Except for the purple-black flame, Shen Haoxuan didn't seem to have used any spiritual power at all, all relying on his own physical strength. Now Shen Haoxuan seems to have gone mad The savage beast can even see the space trembling every time it punches, which shows how terrifying power is contained in that body.

Three figures shuttled back and forth on the central square, and the violent wind of spiritual power continued to rage, and everyone was shocked to see that Shen Haoxuan fought against two powerhouses of the fifth-order spirit emperor by himself, and it seemed that he did not fall behind Fang, you must know that Shen Haoxuan's spiritual power is useless so far except for the purple-black flame!


There was a muffled sound, and the three of them fought again, and the huge force forced all three of them back, but Shen Haoxuan's body only took a few steps back, but the Huanhua Shengzi and Guiyuan Shengtong retreated a few steps. After ten steps, his feet drew a long ravine on the ground before he could barely stop his figure.

Shen Haoxuan put away his fighting posture, and sneered at the two men with gloomy faces: "Tsk tsk, don't you claim to be the proud sons of the Southern Region? Why are you so vulnerable?"

Shen Haoxuan's words are not wrong. The Huanhua Shengzi and the Guiyuan Shengtong are both fifth-level spirit emperors, but their strength is far worse than the warriors of the monster race who are also fifth-level spirit emperors. Shen Haoxuan had to use all his strength to defeat the fifth-order spirit emperor of the monster race, but facing the two of them, Shen Haoxuan didn't even need to use his spiritual power, relying on his powerful physical strength alone was able to suppress them. , they really suck.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the faces of the Huanhua Shengzi and Guiyuan Shengtong were so gloomy that they were able to drip water. The two of them joined forces and couldn't beat Shen Haoxuan. Looking at each other, it seemed that there was not much consumption at all, and they also Sensing Shen Haoxuan's strangeness, the purple-black flame would crazily drill into their bodies when it touched their bodies, not only burning the meridians in the body, but also devouring the vitality in the body, it was extremely weird.

At this time, they no longer think that Shen Haoxuan is just a small outer disciple. With such strength, the elders of the Five Elements Sect may not be able to reach it. It will definitely be a disaster if he keeps this guy.

"I can't delay with him, just deal with him directly!" The Huanhua Shengzi and Guiyuan Shengtong looked at each other, and they both saw each other's meaning. They took a deep breath, and the spiritual power in their bodies burst out At this moment, they all decided not to continue fighting with Shen Haoxuan, and wanted to use their strongest attack to send Shen Haoxuan to the west!
The powerful spiritual power continuously condensed in front of the two of them, and Shen Haoxuan just looked at the two of them indifferently without making any movement.

Soon, two terrifying energies were successfully condensed above the heads of the two, and the powerful coercion poured down, making everyone in the square feel a burst of fear.

"This is Gui Yuanzong's Guiyi Palm and Huanhuazong's Thousand Illusion Fist. These are both high-level martial arts. Now Shen Haoxuan will suffer disaster!" Looking at the fists and palms in the air, some familiar Gui The warriors of Yuanzong and Huanhuazong exclaimed.

Shen Haoxuan also raised his head to look at the fist in mid-air, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then with a thought, a black shadow sprang out of his body and grew bigger with the wind. In an instant, a huge pitch-black The giant beast appeared in front of everyone. Immediately afterwards, the pitch-black giant beast opened its mouth wide, and directly swallowed the Guiyi Palm and Thousand Illusion Fists that exuded such terrifying coercion. It became calm in an instant, as if nothing happened.


The one who swallowed the Gui Yi Palm and Thousand Illusion Fist was naturally Chang Mao. At this time, Chang Mao let out a long, full belch, rubbed his stomach with satisfaction, and then stepped on it, directly smashing the Gui Yuan Shengtong and the Illusion Saint. The child stepped on the foot, only a head was exposed.

The people in the square were stupefied by the sudden appearance of the giant beast. The terrifyingly powerful earth-level high-level martial skill was actually swallowed by this giant beast. This powerful martial skill made everyone a little bit overwhelmed, but when they felt the aura emanating from Changmao's body, they couldn't help swallowing.Emperor Ling, this giant beast actually has the strength of the Emperor Ling.

The forces on the square are just some small families and sects, and the strongest ones are only first-class forces like Yujian Palace, but even among the forces like Yujian Palace, there is no one as strong as Lingdi. Or, the sects with the powerhouses of the Spirit Emperor rank, there are only super powers like the Huanhua Sect, Guiyuan Sect and Ziluo Palace, and such a giant beast with the strength of the Spirit Emperor rank appears in the Five Elements Sect, This shows that no matter how poor the Five Elements Sect is now, its strength is still higher than that of the first-class sect. After all, there is a strong man of the Ling Emperor rank, and no one dares to ignore it. At this time, everyone also guessed that the Five Elements Sect invited Guang The reason for the forces in the Southern Region is nothing more than to show them the current strength of the Five Elements Sect, and the effect is surprisingly good. Now no one thinks that the Five Elements Sect is just fish on the chopping board.

When everyone was shocked, Shen Haoxuan had already slowly arrived in front of the Guiyuan Shengtong and Huanhua Shengzi. At this time, the two of them were firmly pressed down by the long hair, and their limbs had been trampled. The two struggled to think. They wanted to break free, but they were helpless in the face of Chang Mao whose strength had already reached the level of Lingdi.

"I advise you to let us go, otherwise, I, the Illusionary Sect and the Guiyuan Sect, will definitely crush your Five Elements Sect!" The Illusionary Son roared at Shen Haoxuan.

"It's good to level the Five Elements Sect, but even if your sect can do it, you won't be able to see it! Long Mao, kill them!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the two with a blank face, and said in a cold voice...

(End of this chapter)

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