Chaos hegemony

Chapter 764 One Death!

Chapter 764 Die Together!

"What's going on?" Feeling the riots around, everyone in the square exclaimed.

However, no one answered everyone's doubts, the ground under their feet was trembling constantly, and the violent spiritual power vortex also began to wreak havoc between the heaven and the earth, and the huge energy that shocked even Xue Chengtian was constantly impacting this place. The ground under his feet seemed to be the omen before the eruption of the volcano.

"What did you do?" Xue Chengtian looked at Shen Haoxuan and shouted sharply, just now he only saw a few seals in Shen Haoxuan's hands, and then there was a riot in the underground.

"It's nothing, just detonated a small formation, you don't need to worry!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the crowd and said with a smile on his face.

"Small formation?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the warriors around all frowned. Can a small formation cause such a big commotion?Isn't this a joke?

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that there is a thousand-year-old spirit vein under the Five Elements Sect, and the formation is in this thousand-year spirit vein, but now I just detonated the formation on the surface of the spirit vein, and there is another layer that hides it. In the depths of the spiritual veins, if I also detonate the second formation, you should be able to imagine what will happen!" Shen Haoxuan continued, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"What!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the warriors in the square immediately exploded, and everyone looked at Shen Haoxuan in shock.

"Are you crazy? You really don't know how to live or die!" Someone couldn't help but yelled directly. You must know that there is a thousand-year-old spiritual vein below. What is the concept of a thousand-year-old spiritual vein? The formation of a spiritual vein requires tens of thousands of years of accumulation. And after 1000 years of absorption and accumulation after formation, the energy contained in it will reach a terrifying level. If you have no idea, then you only need to give a small example, a spirit vein that has just been formed for ten years, The energy in it is enough to break through an ordinary person directly to the Spirit Emperor, and a spirit vein that has been formed for a hundred years can directly break through an ordinary person to the Spirit Emperor, and a thousand-year-old spirit vein is equivalent to ten Spirit Emperors. Powerful, if it is detonated, it is equivalent to self-detonation of the strong man of the Mission Spirit Emperor. Who can bear such power.

Xue Chengtian also looked at Shen Haoxuan with a face of shock, the energy contained in the thousand-year-old spirit veins could not be clearer than the leaders of these forces, if Shen Haoxuan detonated it, let alone the entire Five Elements Sect, even the entire Chiyan Mountain Range, I'm afraid they will all be razed to the ground directly, and the ten Lingdi powerhouses blew themselves up. No matter how powerful the warriors are, they dare not say that they can bear it.

"Haven't you thought about the consequences of doing this? Can you bear it?" Xue Chengtian looked at Shen Haoxuan with a gloomy expression. At this moment, he finally knew what the energy that made his heart palpitate was. This Shen Haoxuan is really Crazy, actually dare to detonate the thousand-year-old spirit vein, if it is accidentally detonated completely, everyone in the scene will die, including him.

"Consequences? What consequences can there be? The worst thing is to die together with you. Anyway, my Five Elements Sect is surrounded by enemies and will be swallowed up by you sooner or later. If the two earn money, we can let the leaders of all the sects in the Southern Region be buried with us, and our Five Elements Sect can be regarded as having face, you think so!" Shen Haoxuan said calmly, with an extremely casual expression on his face.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the complexions of all the people present immediately darkened, and they all felt that Shen Haoxuan was really crazy, to be able to do such a thing.

"Crazy, crazy, you are really crazy, if you want to die, don't pull us, we have nothing to do with this matter!" Those sect warriors from small forces shouted angrily, and now they are very angry. Regret, why did you come to this place, why did you meet this lunatic.

"It doesn't matter? You all seem to be on the opposite side of my Five Elements Sect just now. In the face of huge interests, I don't believe you can stay out of it. Anyone who threatens my Five Elements Sect, I will naturally get rid of it!" Shen Haoxuan looked Looking at those warriors, he said coldly.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Xue Chengtian suppressed the shock in his heart, fixed his eyes on Shen Haoxuan and asked, Shen Haoxuan must have his purpose for making such a big noise.

"The blood lord is smart, I'm easy to talk to, as long as we discuss it, I can let you go!" Shen Haoxuan said with a chuckle as he looked at the leaders of the forces present again.

"Discussion, what do you want?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, everyone frowned.

"It's very simple, you bid, what price do you think can buy your lives, as long as I am satisfied, I will let you leave safely, if anyone dares to escape, I will immediately detonate the formation below, don't doubt that I dare not, You can try it!" Shen Haoxuan's face and eyes were full of madness.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the faces of the people present turned black. Shen Haoxuan was blackmailing, Chiguoguo's blackmailing. They originally thought that the banquet of the Five Elements Sect was just a big change for the future forces in the southern region. The League directly won the title of the overlord of the Southern Region, and completely divided up the Five Elements Sect. Originally, they thought... However, these thoughts were just their thoughts, and they never dreamed that Shen Haoxuan would do such a thing.

Xue Chengtian's face was so gloomy that he could drip water. Before he came, he had made all the preparations. Now the warriors of the Blood Fiend League under the Chiyan Mountains are ambushing, and they can directly kill them just waiting for his order. The Five Elements Sect was slaughtered all over the place, and his Blood Fiend Alliance ruled the Southern Territory from now on, and he was the only one. All of this was so beautiful, but Shen Haoxuan's sudden change of tactics shattered all his dreams!
"Master Zi of the Palace of Controlling Swords, you can leave, the farther the better, don't hurt the innocent!" Shen Haoxuan said to Jian Nanchun and Zi Yuexi, these two people did not stand on the opposite side of the Five Elements Sect, Shen Haoxuan also didn't want to hurt the innocent.

"Why can they leave!" Hearing that Shen Haoxuan said that he would let Jian Nanchun and Zi Yuexi from the Sword Control Palace leave, those warriors were instantly dissatisfied.

"Shut up for me, if you talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will detonate it immediately, everyone will die together!" Shen Haoxuan shouted angrily, and directly shut the mouths of these warriors.

"I'm asking the price now, I believe you will think about it carefully!" Seeing the leaders of those forces shut their mouths, Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, those warriors all reluctantly lowered their heads and began to think. At this moment, they had no way to resist. Judging from the madness on Shen Haoxuan's face, they didn't dare to bet whether Shen Haoxuan would directly detonate it. After all, the current The situation is indeed as Shen Haoxuan said, the Five Elements Sect is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, the lives of the Five Elements Sect are worthless, but their lives are valuable, and they can only succumb now...

(End of this chapter)

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