Chaos hegemony

Chapter 769 Happy Cooperation! 【Part 2】

Chapter 769 Happy cooperation! 【No.12 more】

"You just trust me like that? Also, do you know who I am?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Zi Yuexi, his eyes narrowed slightly. He never revealed his name from the beginning to the end, because Shen Haoxuan knew that with Zi Luo The intelligence gathering ability of the palace will definitely have its own records and files. Once Zi Yuexi says her name, she knows that she still has an enemy like the Fallen Valley, and she doesn't know if the other party will cooperate with her.

"Not to mention that you have two Spirit Emperor powerhouses, your talent alone is enough to make my heart beat. With the strength of a first-order Spirit Emperor, you can easily defeat two fifth-order Spirit Emperors, and those two are super sects. A genius disciple of the sect, I am afraid that there will be no second person in the Southern Territory. As for who you are, aren't you a disciple of the Five Elements Sect? Do you have a special identity?" Zi Yuexi didn't think too deeply. , said with a chuckle.

"Really? What if I say my name is Shen Haoxuan?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Zi Yuexi, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"Shen Haoxuan? It's a good name..." Zi Yuexi smiled and nodded, but the next moment, she seemed to think of something, the smile on her face instantly subsided, and she looked at Shen Haoxuan in shock. It was even more exaggerated than after knowing that Shen Haoxuan had two powerful Ling Emperors.

"You are Shen Haoxuan?" Zi Yuexi felt that she was hopeless. She was known as the iceberg beauty in the southern region, no matter what kind of things she faced, she was always calm. Today, it seemed that all the shocks in her life showed.

"Why, doesn't it look like it?" Shen Haoxuan still had that harmless smile on his face.

Zi Yuexi recalled Ziluo Palace's files about Shen Haoxuan: Shen Haoxuan, a disciple of the Shen family in Qingshan City, was once known as the useless young master of Qingshan City. After joining the Five Elements Sect, due to some reasons, there was friction with the overlord of the Northern Territory, the Fallen Valley. The Fallen Valley slaughtered the members of the Shen family, but Shen Haoxuan arrived in time, rescued the members of the Shen family, and then killed the Fallen Valley, beheading the young master of the Fallen Valley. The owner of the valley and the four elders were seriously injured by the owner of the Fallen Valley, Ouyang Feng, and were involved in the space storm. Their life and death were unknown...

The ambition of Ziluo Palace is not small. They want to develop their power to the whole continent. There will be more or less eyeliners arranged by them in all regions. The matter of Shen Haoxuan is really a sensation in the Northern Territory. Ziluo Even if the palace doesn't want to know, it's okay, but after Shen Haoxuan was involved in the space storm, everyone thought that Shen Haoxuan was dead, but they didn't expect that a year later, Shen Haoxuan not only came back alive, but also brought back two spirit emperors. This is simply a miracle.

"So, are you coming back this time for revenge?" Zi Yuexi asked solemnly.

"That's right, the Fallen Valley slaughtered members of my Shen family. If you don't take this revenge, you are not a gentleman. Why, after Miss Zi knows my name, do you still want to cooperate?" Shen Haoxuan's eyes flashed a stern look, Zi Yuexi asked lightly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Zi Yuexi fell into silence. The story of Shen Haoxuan had spread to the ears of the forces in the southern and northern regions a year ago. In the eyes of these people, Shen Haoxuan was synonymous with trouble, and Fallen Valley also A warning was issued to all the forces in the Southern and Northern Regions. Anyone who dares to accept Shen Haoxuan and the Shen family members will be an enemy of Fallen Valley!Although the Fallen Valley is in the Northern Territory, its influence is not small. Even the Five Elements Sect in its heyday may not be the opponent of the Fallen Valley, so under the power of the Fallen Valley, no one dares to oppose it, and on the other hand , Fallen Valley also spent a huge amount of rewards, as long as they can provide any information about the Shen family and Shen Haoxuan, then even a superpower like Ziluo Palace will be jealous of the rewards, once they cooperate with Shen Haoxuan, they will give up Having accepted the coveted bounty, and standing on the opposite side with a behemoth like Fallen Valley, Zi Yuexi couldn't make up her mind for a while.

Shen Haoxuan just looked at Zi Yuexi quietly, with a faint killing intent lingering around his body, he revealed this news to Zi Yuexi, with the other party's intelligence, he would definitely guess that the Shen family is in the Five Elements Sect at this time Anyone who knows this news, Shen Haoxuan will either make him his own person or make him a dead person. If Zi Yuexi refuses to cooperate, Shen Haoxuan will kill her mercilessly!

"I agree!" After a long while, Zi Yuexi smiled wryly, and agreed, even if she didn't agree now, she could clearly feel Shen Haoxuan's killing intent, but this was only one reason, a bigger one. The reason is that she believed in her vision, this time it was considered as a gamble on Shen Haoxuan.

If Zi Yuexi could predict the future, she would definitely be grateful for the decision made today, because this decision made her and her Ziluo Palace the most dazzling existence in the entire continent.

"Very good!" Hearing that Zi Yuexi agreed, the smile on Shen Haoxuan's face became more intense, and the killing intent on his body also subsided.To be honest, Shen Haoxuan needs the help of Ziluo Palace very much. The information collection of Ziluo Palace is very useful to him, and if he wants to develop his power in the future, the collection of information is even more important.

Sensing the restraint of killing intent on Shen Haoxuan, Zi Yuexi also gave a wry smile. The majestic Young Mistress of the Purple Luo Palace, who controls the fate of countless people, has now surrendered to Shen Haoxuan. It seems that this time back, the master will invite She went to drink tea.

"Girl Zi, since we are already partners, then I will be honest and honest. I will agree to your conditions. My condition is that you will bury Fallen Valley in all the strongholds and responsible persons in the Southern Territory. In addition, there are all the materials about the Blood Fiend Alliance, there is no problem with this!" Shen Haoxuan asked in a deep voice.

"No problem, these things you need will be delivered tomorrow!" Zi Yuexi said confidently, since Shen Haoxuan has shown her his strength, then Zi Yuexi will also let her see his Zi Luogong's ability.

"You want these things in such a hurry, don't you want to do it!" Zi Yuexi frowned and asked, the Five Elements Sect is still in a dangerous period, if Shen Haoxuan goes out so hastily, it may arouse the suspicion of other forces, if If they are taking advantage of the situation, the Five Elements Sect will be over.

"Don't worry, I naturally have my own arrangements, the debt of Fallen Valley must be paid, and I can't stay for a moment!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, and a strong evil spirit erupted from his body.

"Boom..." At the same time, the originally clear sky outside suddenly became cloudy, and the sky thunder burst out. It seemed that even God felt the evil spirit on Shen Haoxuan's body, and began to respond...

(End of this chapter)

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