Chaos hegemony

Chapter 779 5 Emperors Battle 1 Emperor [Chapter 22! 】

Chapter 779 Five Emperors Fighting One Emperor [No. 20 Second Update! 】


However, before Xue Chengtian's blood-colored spiritual power could condense and succeed, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him. These two figures were the brothers of the Long family. At this moment, the brothers of the Long family looked at Xue Chengtian indifferently. God, the next moment, the two kicked out directly, and the two kicked directly on Xue Chengtian's face, the violent force poured out, Xue Chengtian's face became distorted, and his body hit the ground like a shell.


Before Xue Chengtian's body fell to the ground, Shen Haoxuan's figure appeared below him. At that moment, the Qilin's arms were clenched tightly, and crimson lines shone on the arms, and a burst of prehistoric power burst out, directly bombarding On Xue Chengtian's back, Xue Chengtian's falling body immediately bent into a strange arc, and rushed towards the sky again.


After three rounds of attacks, even Xue Chengtian, who has the cultivation level of Lingdi, couldn't bear it. Blood spurted out from the air, drawing a beautiful arc in the air and falling down. There is a handprint and two footprints, the teeth in the mouth are loose, the long hair is loose casually, and the clothes on the body are scorched black by the brothers of the Long family and Shen Haoxuan's Fire Spirit Obsidian. It looks extremely miserable , if it weren't for the spirit emperor's aura emanating from him, others would really not be able to recognize that this is Xue Chengtian!

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Xue Chengtian roared, two substantial flames shot out from his eyes, he was already dazzled by anger, no matter what price he paid today, Kill the five people who insulted him!
The blood-red energy slowly condensed on Xue Chengtian's body, and finally Xue Chengtian completely turned into a blood-colored figure, the aura of the first-order Lingdi erupted, and the entire Juesha Valley began to tremble, and the surrounding mountain walls were shaking. It began to shatter under the coercion, and even the earth couldn't bear the terrifying coercion, thick cracks spread like spider webs.

The four of Shen Haoxuan gathered together, his body was slightly heavy, and he assumed a fighting posture. The next step was the real hard battle. Today, either Xue Chengtian died or they died. They have already retreated with brows!

Thinking of this, the spiritual power in the four people's bodies also erupted in an all-round way. The powerful air waves and the coercion of Xue Chengtian fought against each other in midair. The two eroded each other, and no one was willing to take a step back.

"Boom..." "Boom..."

All of a sudden, the people who were originally confronting each other started to move in a tacit understanding. The terrifying explosive force caused the five people to collide together in mid-air like meteorites. The next moment, it will be an earth-shattering battle!

Shen Haoxuan, Zi Mo, and the Long family brothers have brought out their strongest state at this time, the scorching fist wind and fierce thunder flashed in front of Xue Chengtian continuously, bombarding Xue Chengtian's bloody spirit Above the power, terrifying energy fluctuations raged from mid-air, constantly destroying Jue Sha Valley.

Xue Chengtian became more and more frightened. Under the attack of Shen Haoxuan's four people, he was only able to defend. After the bloody spiritual power on his body came out of his cultivation, it was the first time he encountered a nemesis, whether it was Shen Haoxuan's Huolinghei Yao also knows the Skyfire of the Long family brothers, or Zimo's Tianlei, both of which are the power of the most yang, and they have completely overcome the power of blood evil that they have cultivated, even if they are stronger than Shen Haoxuan and the other four. Only for passive defense.

Not only that, but whenever he finds an opportunity to attack the four of Shen Haoxuan, there will be ice crystals falling from the sky, this ice crystal is not the kind of ice crystal that Shui Ruolan made at the beginning, if this kind of ice crystal touches him, it will be him It also takes a long time to melt, Shui Ruolan seems to have opened up the blood in her body, and she looks like an ice queen. The five spirit emperor powerhouses in front of her are not simple warriors!


In mid-air, the five people collided again, Xue Chengtian and Shen Haoxuan were all pushed away by the berserk force, both sides listened and looked at each other quietly.

At this time, the chests of the four of Shen Haoxuan and Xue Chengtian were heaving violently. The high-intensity battle just now consumed a huge amount of spiritual power in their bodies, especially the Long family brothers and Zi Mo, who had big bean faces. Beads of sweat kept dripping, the spiritual power in their bodies was almost exhausted, and their aura also became vain. After all, they were first-order spirit emperors, and the spiritual power in their bodies was naturally not as strong as that of Xue Chengtian.

Xue Chengtian glanced coldly at Zi Mo and the Long family brothers, a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth, this was the gap between Ling Emperor and Ling Emperor, which could not be bridged by other means.However, when Xue Chengtian saw Shen Haoxuan, his complexion turned cold. Shen Haoxuan's breath of hunger is still long now, as if the fierce battle just now didn't consume much at all, which made him a little puzzled. Could it be that the spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's body is strong? Is he even stronger than the Lingdi powerhouse?
The spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's body is of course not as powerful as that of Xue Chengtian, but don't forget that there is also the wood spirit Qingxuan in Shen Haoxuan's body, this is the spirit of heaven and earth, and the recovery ability of the wood spirit Qingxuan is the most powerful in the world Let alone a strong man of the Ling Emperor rank, even a powerful warrior might not have the same recovery ability as Shen Haoxuan.

Shen Haoxuan also felt the almost empty spiritual power in the bodies of the three people in Zimo, and with a thought, the spiritual seed of Qingxuan, the wood spirit, floated out, and the light green light enveloped the three people in Zimo. After being enveloped, the spiritual power in the three of them recovered at a terrifying speed, and in the blink of an eye, they had recovered to their peak state!

Xue Chengtian was completely dumbfounded at this moment, he had finally exhausted their spiritual power, and he recovered in a few breaths. If this continues, he will be the first one who can't hold on, if he is alone Lingdi was consumed to death by several Linghuangs in a war of attrition, then he would no longer have the face to be a human being!
"It can't be dragged on any longer!" Xue Chengtian screamed in his heart, his heart became ruthless at the moment, all the bloody spiritual power in his body was condensed, this is the final blow!

Seeing this, the faces of Shen Haoxuan and the others also became serious, and they took a deep breath, and the spiritual power recovered in their bodies gathered again, and Shui Ruolan, who was below, also stood beside Shen Haoxuan and the others. Next, it was the last The battle to the death is also time to resolve this battle!

"Blood fiend transforming demon!" Xue Chengtian roared, and the bloody spiritual power on his body began to gather crazily towards the sky. The originally dark sky became even more gloomy, and the bloody thunder light flickered above the heads of Shen Haoxuan and the others. After a while , a huge skeleton arm swung down from the sky, the terrifying energy coercion made Shen Haoxuan and the others tremble.

"Heaven-level martial arts!"

(End of this chapter)

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