Chaos hegemony

Chapter 78 Meeting Ceremony!

Chapter 78 Meeting Ceremony!
"It's you, Shen Haoxuan!" Seeing the person coming, the Spirit Crane Sect disciple was not angry but happy, and exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right, it's me? Why, what do you need from me?" Shen Haoxuan walked leisurely in front of the members of the Liu family with a piece of dog's tail grass in his mouth, and looked directly at the two disciples of the Spirit Crane Sect.

"Hmph, there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you choose to vote! You have offended Senior Brother Zuo Chuan, and you dare to appear in front of us if you don't hide well, you really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!

But since you're here, it saves us from looking everywhere, Senior Brother Zuo Chuan promised to abolish you, but he will give each of us five Dragon Power Pills! "One of the disciples of the Spirit Crane Sect looked at Shen Haoxuan greedily, as if seeing a beautiful woman with no clothes on!
Hearing what the Spirit Crane Sect disciple said, Shen Haoxuan nodded, stroked his chin and said, "Oh, I didn't expect me to be so valuable! Tsk tsk tsk, your Zuo senior brother is really generous!" Tier [-] can be regarded as a third-grade elixir. After taking it, it can not only increase the spiritual power in the body, but also strengthen the strength, and it is permanent!

"Hmph, senior brother Zuo Chuan's identity and background are beyond your comparability!" the Spirit Crane Sect disciple snorted coldly.

"Well, is he very rich? Well, I'll give you ten Dragon Power Pills, how about you abolish Zuo Chuan?" Shen Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Ten!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the disciple of the Spirit Crane Sect was taken aback for a moment, and the greedy look flashed in his eyes, but then he realized that something was wrong, and immediately came back to his senses, and said coldly : "Hmph, you're too immature to try to provoke a relationship between us!"

"Oh, so you disagree with this deal?" Shen Haoxuan said with some regret.But then a fierce aura erupted from him, and a voice that sounded like a voice from under hell sounded in the ear of the Spirit Crane Sect disciple: "Since you don't agree, then I can only abolish you!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Haoxuan's figure had already disappeared in place!

The moment Shen Haoxuan disappeared, the pupils of the Spirit Crane Sect disciple shrank, and a sense of crisis appeared on the right, and then he raised his right fist and threw it to the right!

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Shen Haoxuan's fist collided with the right fist of the Spirit Crane Sect disciple, and the huge force caused the Spirit Crane Sect disciple's right arm to instantly lose consciousness!
A punch was blocked, but Shen Haoxuan's offensive did not stop. He turned his fist into a palm, clasped the disciple's fist with five fingers, and pulled it towards him fiercely. At the same time, he raised his knee and hit his head!
Shen Haoxuan's offensive change made the Spirit Crane Sect disciple unprepared. He could only raise his left arm to protect his head. The next moment, a huge impact directly knocked him away until his body hit a towering giant tree Just stopped!
Shen Haoxuan's attack like clouds and flowing water made everyone present not react, they only saw Shen Haoxuan's figure disappear, and then the Spirit Crane Sect disciple flew upside down!

"Ahem!" Not far away, the Spirit Crane Sect disciple struggled to get up, looking at Shen Haoxuan with resentful eyes.His strength is an eighth-level spiritual disciple, one level higher than Shen Haoxuan's, but he found that he couldn't resist Shen Haoxuan's attack at all, and he was no match for that terrifying power. Just look at his almost crippled arms. Already know, this is only withstood the opponent's two attacks!

"Not bad, you are indeed a disciple of the Spirit Crane Sect!" Shen Haoxuan smiled lightly when he saw the Spirit Crane Sect disciple standing up tremblingly.

"Hmph, don't get complacent too early!" The Spirit Crane Sect disciple snorted coldly, and then shouted to another companion: "Senior Brother Zhu, let's go together!"

Hearing the words of that Spirit Crane Sect disciple, Senior Brother Zhu froze for a moment.Some reluctantly said: "But..."

"Hurry up, do you still want Long Lidan?" the Spirit Crane Sect disciple roared without waiting for Senior Brother Zhu to finish speaking.

Hearing Long Lidan, senior brother Zhu didn't care about his face, the two of them attacked Shen Haoxuan together!
Seeing this situation, the disciples headed by the Liu family frowned, and then wanted to step forward to help Shen Haoxuan. After all, Shen Haoxuan was besieged by two eighth-level disciples because he saved them, although his fifth-level spirit disciples were not strong enough. , but it should still be able to share some pressure for Shen Haoxuan!

But just as he was walking forward, he was stopped by the beautiful girl who was walking with Shen Haoxuan.

"Aren't you and Shen Haoxuan together? Didn't you see that he was besieged by two eighth-level disciples?" The disciple of the Liu family frowned.

Ji Lingxuan glanced at the Liu family disciple, and said calmly: "He can handle it, you are just adding to the chaos!"

Hearing this, that disciple of the Liu family looked towards the battle circle, but what he saw directly refreshed his worldview!

Under the siege of the two, Shen Haoxuan seemed to be able to do a job with ease, tossing and turning like walking, as if he was not facing two eighth-level spiritual disciples, but two clowns!
"How is it possible, isn't it a seventh-level spiritual disciple?" It's incredible that there are two eighth-level spiritual disciples. They now feel that Shen Haoxuan is playing with them, especially the sentence "too slow!" "Too slow!" Let them fight more and more frightened!They had never felt such a great pressure when facing Zuo Chuan!

"Crack!" Shen Haoxuan caught the attack of two Spirit Crane Sect disciples again.

"It's too slow. Is this the level of your Spirit Crane Sect disciples? I'm so disappointed!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, then raised his fist and punched the two Spirit Crane Sect disciples directly on their chests with the punch the size of a sandbag. , the two of them flew blood in an instant, and their bodies pulled out a long gully on the ground!

Looking at the Spirit Crane Sect disciple who fell on the ground and vomited blood, everyone present except Ji Lingxuan looked at Shen Haoxuan like a monster!Two years ago, Shen Haoxuan was still a waste in their mouths. They didn't expect that two years later, he would use the strength of a seventh-level spiritual disciple to confront two eighth-level spiritual disciples of the Spirit Crane Sect, and easily won the victory!Such a big contrast makes them somewhat unacceptable!

What is even more unacceptable are those two Spirit Crane Sect disciples. They feel that Shen Haoxuan has not exerted his full strength, but even if the other party has not exerted his full strength, the two of them have no strength to fight back. The gap between them is a bit big. !

In fact, this can be regarded as the disadvantage of the sect's cultivation. Although there are countless resources in the sect, the sect is like a huge greenhouse. The disciples in the sect seldom have real life-and-death fights. The flowers in the garden are destined not to go too far on the road of growth!

"Let's go!" Seeing that they were not Shen Haoxuan's opponent, the two Spirit Crane Sect disciples stood up and ran back quickly. Since they couldn't beat them, they had no choice but to run!When you find Senior Brother Zuo Chuan, let him deal with Shen Haoxuan!

"Hmph, I want to leave!" Seeing the backs of those two people running away, Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, his figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already above those two people!
"Since you're here, let's stay!" Shen Haoxuan said in an icy voice, and he slammed his elbows on the backs of the two men, knocking them down from the air and pulling them down. Embedded in the soil under the impact!
"Tap!" Shen Haoxuan fell from the sky, looking down at the two Spirit Crane Sect disciples.

"Go back and tell Zuo Chuan to wash his neck, and I will go get his head soon! As for you, it is my gift to them!" After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan stepped on the two Spirit Crane Sects. The disciple's dantian.

"Bang!" Two muffled sounds came from the disciples of the Spirit Crane Sect. Feeling the spiritual power gradually dissipating in their bodies, the pupils of the two shrank. They knew that their life was over...

(End of this chapter)

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