Chaos hegemony

Chapter 791 Lin Xi?

Chapter 791 Lin Xi?

"Lin Xi, the third-generation inheritor of the Chaos Divine Body!" the middle-aged man raised his head and said proudly.

"The third generation?" Shen Haoxuan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him curiously. Shen Haoxuan had seen the first generation of chaotic gods before. Compared with the illusory feeling of the first generation, the third generation in front of him seemed much more real.

"How many generations have the Chaos Divine Body passed down?" Shen Haoxuan asked curiously.

"When we come to your place, it should be the seventh generation!" Lin Xi counted carefully, then said lightly, and then looked up and down Shen Haoxuan with a satisfied look in his eyes.

"The three great spirits of heaven and earth, and the Chaos God Body have also awakened three times. It's not bad. Since me, the inheritors of the Chaos God Body have not been able to open the real Chaos God Body. It's a miracle to come to you!" Lin Xi's face Said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Lin Xi's words, Shen Haoxuan was also a little surprised, but Yan Lao once said to himself that his awakened Chaos God Body is not a real Chaos God Body, and has many imperfections. There must be some reason for this.

"Because of the environment, because of the crisis, after I sealed the extraterrestrial demons, they never appeared again, so there is no need for the chaotic gods to appear, so their awakened chaotic gods are not perfect, but when you awaken the perfect After the chaotic divine body, I thought that the crisis was coming. I don't know how terrifying the strength of the extraterrestrial celestial demon that has been recharging for tens of thousands of years will attack again, but I know that I want to survive this time. It's very difficult!" Lin Xi's face became heavy.

"It's an extraterrestrial demon again!" Shen Haoxuan's brows were also tightly frowned. He also knew something about the ancient things. He had also seen the so-called extraterritorial demon before. The young man in white should be the one who was sealed when he was in the Yaozu. Now the young man in white has fled, and he doesn't know where he is. It seems that the crisis has already arrived!

"Oh, it seems that you already know about this?" Lin Xi said in surprise when she saw Shen Haoxuan's reaction.

"Well, not only that, I also saw an extraterrestrial demon, but he was severely injured by me and escaped!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice.

"What, you were discovered by an extraterrestrial demon?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Lin Xi screamed. Every inheritor of the chaotic body is the leader against the extraterritorial demons. If they haven't grown up, they will never be allowed to contact the extraterritorial demons. Heavenly Demon, otherwise, the extraterritorial Heavenly Demon will definitely kill the inheritor of the Chaos God Body at any cost. Once the inheritor of the Chaos God Body dies, the Xingluo Continent will be permanently plunged into darkness and will never be able to stand up again!
"No, you can't leave. You can practice here in the future. When you reach the level of the Spirit Emperor, you are leaving!" Lin Xi said firmly. Except for the inheritors of the Chaos God Body, the top floor of the Buddha Pagoda has no other people. People don't come here at all, this is the safest place, Shen Haoxuan will not be threatened here!

"I refuse!" Shen Haoxuan said without thinking, he just came here to know the news about the Chaos Divine Body, and he didn't intend to stay here, he still needs to do a lot of things, revenge on the Fallen Valley, save himself Shen Haoxuan's mother, saving Ji Lingxuan, everything is more important to Shen Haoxuan than his life, how could he stay here to waste time.

"Do you know what the responsibility is on you? If you are killed by the extraterrestrial demon, Xingluo Continent will be plunged into darkness forever. Can you take this responsibility?" Lin Xi said in a deep voice, her face full of accusations color.

Looking at the dark-faced Lin Xi, Shen Haoxuan didn't show any fear at all, and then said lightly: "First of all, I'm not a saint, the safety of Xingluo Continent is none of my business, and it's not my choice to have a chaotic body. So I will not restrain myself for the safety and future of the mainland, let myself stand on the moral high ground. Secondly, I don’t care about the extraterrestrial demons. I am naturally happy if they don’t come to me, but if they insist If it's my life, then I have to have that ability!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Lin Xi's face darkened, and then he said coldly: "Hmph, you say such things, how can you justify your chaotic divine body!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't rely on some chaotic divine body to make it to this day. Maybe you don't understand this. Unlike you, I was born into a big family, the proud son of the big power, and was born to be supported by countless people. Countless resources are at your disposal, and there are extremely strong people to protect them. I am just a dandy in a small family. All I can enjoy are others' supercilious looks and insults. In exchange for my life, I can go so far. I can't count how many times I have died. Sometimes the Chaos Divine Body has indeed given me a lot of help, but compared to the Chaos Divine Body, I believe in myself more! "Shen Haoxuan responded lightly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Lin Xi was also taken aback. He didn't expect that Shen Haoxuan was born in a small family. The chaotic gods of the past were all born in big families or powerful forces, because to awaken the chaotic gods requires an extremely large body. Energy, this is the first time that a situation like Shen Haoxuan has appeared, and it is the first time that a situation like Shen Haoxuan who has a chaotic divine body is not only not proud, but somewhat repulsive!
"Are you really going to leave?" Lin Xi asked in a deep voice, looking at Shen Haoxuan's firm eyes.

"If you can keep me, I don't mind staying!" Shen Haoxuan still said calmly.

"Okay, since you want to leave, it's not impossible, but you need to stand my test for you. If you succeed, I will let you leave and give you a big gift. If you fail, you must Stay!" Lin Xi stood up, looked at Shen Haoxuan and said seriously.

"Great gift? What is that?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"When you succeed, I'm telling you, follow me now!" Lin Xi said softly, and even though he was walking towards the chaotic space, Shen Haoxuan followed closely behind him.

After a while, Lin Xi stopped in her tracks. This was already the center of the chaotic space. At the center, several thick chains formed by the power of chaos bound a burly man in a black suit. The burly man's body was covered with pitch-black runes, and those pitch-black runes were like living creatures, wriggling slowly, resisting the power of chaos around him.

"This is... an extraterrestrial demon?!" Sensing the familiar aura emanating from the burly man, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but scream...

(End of this chapter)

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