Chaos hegemony

Chapter 795 Soaring Killing Intent!

Chapter 795 Soaring Killing Intent!
Standing in midair, Ouyang Feng glanced lightly at the people on the top of the mountain, and then he came to the side of the Fallen Valley Elder and sat down slowly.

"Everyone, welcome to Fallen Valley, everyone please sit down!" Ouyang Feng waved his sleeves lightly, and the light breeze caressed the faces of those forces, making everyone feel at ease.

"What a clever method!" Seeing Ouyang Feng's move, everyone present was a little startled. Everyone was a strong person of the Linghuang rank, and their state of mind had been cultivated for decades, and their hearts were already calm, but Ouyang Chen unexpectedly Just a single movement can stir up their minds, this move really shocked everyone again.

Everyone sat down solemnly, and raised their glasses to pay respects to Ouyang Feng. Now those who still have doubts about the Fallen Valley suppressed the throbbing in their hearts after seeing Ouyang Feng's strength.

After a glass of wine, everyone relaxed.

"Guzhu Ouyang, I don't know what you called us here today, what are you talking about!" Everyone looked at Ouyang Feng.

Hearing everyone's question, Ouyang Feng chuckled, put down the bag in his hand lightly, and then said lightly: "Please come here, of course to discuss the major issues of my Northern Territory, but before that, there is one more thing to do." Do!"

After Ouyang Feng finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a middle-aged man in ragged clothes was escorted forward by several warriors from the Fallen Valley. The middle-aged man staggered, his breath was weak, obviously he had been severely punished.

"Do you know who this person is?" Ouyang Feng said calmly, pointing to the downcast middle-aged man kneeling below.

Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes. The middle-aged man did not seem to be from the Northern Territory. Could this be the Shen family member mentioned in Ouyang Feng's invitation?

"That's right, this is the members of the Shen family, Shen Haoxuan's alliance, Shen Haoxuan and the Shen family dared to challenge the majesty of my Fallen Valley, so..." Ouyang Feng said here, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, Zhong Zhong who was kneeling below The young man screamed, blood flowed out from his seven orifices, and he lost his voice in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone present could not help but take a deep breath, Ouyang Feng was really cruel, but Tian Ao snorted coldly at this, the person who died was not from the Shen family, Shen Haoxuan confirmed it , The Shen family members were not taken away by the people of the Fallen Valley. The one that Ouyang blocked just now was just a scapegoat. What he wanted to do was to make an example to the monkeys and tell this group of forces that they would provoke the fate of the Fallen Valley.

"Don't be surprised, the good show is only just beginning. Next, we have to wait for our protagonist to appear!" Ouyang Feng said with a faint smile, and then looked into the distance of Fallen Valley.

Hearing Ouyang Feng's words, everyone's hearts tensed up. The protagonist Ouyang Feng said must be Shen Haoxuan, but facing such a powerful Fallen Valley, will Shen Haoxuan really appear?


However, just when everyone was suspicious, a dull sound sounded from the bottom of the mountain. Accompanied by this sound, the hearts of all the people present jumped violently. Immediately afterwards, a terrifying killing intent came from the bottom of the mountain. Come, the cold killing intent almost froze the surrounding space.

"What a strong killing intent, is Shen Haoxuan here?" All the warriors present were startled, and then cast their gazes down the mountain, where a thin figure was walking slowly towards the top of the mountain along the stairs, whenever he Taking a step, the killing intent will rise a little bit, and in the end, even these warriors of the Linghuang rank have to release the spiritual power in their bodies to resist.

"Is this killing intent really released by a spirit emperor? It seems that he didn't rely on luck to kill the four elders of the Fallen Valley!"

"It's so strong, no wonder it can convince all the four heroes of the Northern Territory. It's really No.1 in the Northern Territory!"

"Even if you know the strength of Fallen Valley, you still come to the meeting alone. This kind of courage is not something that ordinary people can have. If this kid can survive this calamity, his achievements in the future will be limitless!"

"Difficult, we have seen the strength of the Fallen Valley. If only one person wants to attack the Fallen Valley, it is tantamount to asking for a dead end. It is very unwise!"

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's not-so-burly figure, the martial artists on the top of the mountain began to whisper, and the genius disciples who were brought out by the leaders of those forces to see the world also looked at Shen Haoxuan with fiery eyes. Jie, but only after Shen Haoxuan was born, did they know what a real genius is. Compared with Shen Haoxuan, the four masters of the Northern Territory, they are nothing more than that!

"Facing a giant like Fallen Valley, he can still behave so calmly. No matter what happens to Shen Haoxuan today, he will become a legend in the Northern Territory!" Everyone secretly said in their hearts.

Ouyang Feng also narrowed his eyes slightly at this time, looking at Shen Haoxuan who was climbing up, with a sneer on his lips.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan also saw many warriors on the top of the mountain, but he didn't have the slightest expression on his face, he just stepped on the steps step by step to climb up, every time he stepped on a step, the aura on his body would become a bit domineering , and the steps he stepped on also left a deep footprint, and the fine cracks were like spider webs, covering the entire step.

The warriors of the Fallen Valley standing on both sides of the stairs looked at Shen Haoxuan with horror on their faces. They also knew that Shen Haoxuan was here to make trouble today, but facing such a powerful Shen Haoxuan, they didn't have the courage to do anything at all, so they could only watch Shen Haoxuan slowly. climbed to the top of that mountain.


A dull sound sounded, and Shen Haoxuan finally stepped onto the top of the mountain. Visible air waves spread out from his feet, stirring up the surrounding dust. At this time, Shen Haoxuan's aura had reached its peak, and the purple-black spirit The force soared into the sky, even though it was only the second-order spirit emperor class, it made all the warriors present feel a strong coercion.

Shen Haoxuan stood quietly on the top of the mountain, looking at Ouyang Feng who was sitting on the high platform with an expressionless face, and the killing intent burst out in his eyes. A year ago, Fallen Valley massacred his Shen family members. One year later, Shen Haoxuan Come to debt collection!

"You're finally here. I thought you would hide in fear!" Ouyang Feng also felt the killing intent on Shen Haoxuan's body, but he didn't care at all, and just said lightly.

"Hmph, I'm afraid, these two words don't exist in my dictionary!"

"A year ago, I was forced into the chaotic space by you and endured the torment of the space storm. I once swore in my heart that if I survived the catastrophe, after all, you will pay me back a hundred times in the Fallen Valley. Now I have come back alive, so today, It is also the day when your Fallen Valley will be turned upside down!"



(End of this chapter)

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