Chaos hegemony

Chapter 801 Desperate!

Chapter 801 Desperate!

Looking at the figure wrapped in the pitch-black robe, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, it was another Spirit Emperor powerhouse, and it seemed that this Spirit Emperor came from the Fallen Valley again!
"Uh...uh!" Shen Haoxuan struggled to get up from the ground, and he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, and spit it out. Then he raised his head and looked at the black robed figure with a serious expression. If the Soul Sword blocked that palm for him, he would be seriously injured. Unexpectedly, there is a Spirit Emperor powerhouse hidden in the Fallen Valley, and the aura emanating from him is even stronger than Ouyang Feng. He has fully reached the level of the third-rank Lingdi!

"Ouyang Feng, you really let me down, you were beaten up like this by a Linghuang!" A hoarse voice sounded from under the black robe, and then the man in black robe raised his hand, and the black mist continued to flow. After pouring into Ouyang Feng's body, with the influx of black mist, the large and small wounds on Ouyang Feng's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, they recovered like this, even the severed wound The arms have grown again.

Ouyang Feng recovered from his injuries and slowly got up from the ground. He looked at the black-robed figure standing beside him, and immediately cupped his fists respectfully and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wu, for saving my life!"

"Hmph, if it wasn't for you being useful to me, I wouldn't have saved you as a waste!" The Master Wu snorted coldly, and said unceremoniously, and for Master Wu's scolding, Ouyang Feng just lowered his head even lower No, dare not have the slightest resistance.

Seeing this scene, everyone in mid-air froze in place. They were full of curiosity about the identity of the black-robed figure. Who on earth could scold Ouyang Feng, the overlord of the Northern Territory, like this? It seems that he dare not even speak back.

"This is the suspicious person you mentioned?" The man in black didn't pay attention to Ouyang Feng, but turned his attention to Shen Haoxuan.

Hearing the man in black robe's question, Ouyang Feng nodded, and then said: "Shen Haoxuan's body contains three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth at the same time, and they perfectly blend together the spirits of heaven and earth. There is no such thing as a chaotic divine body as the adults say!"

"A fusion of three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth?" The black-robed figure looked Shen Haoxuan up and down, as if he had read through Shen Haoxuan's entire puppet.

"The power of Chaos, that is, he is right, he is the inheritor of the Chaos Divine Body!" The Master Wu laughed sinisterly, and his body began to tremble slightly because of the excitement.

"It's really hard to find a place to walk through the iron shoes, and it's so easy to get here!" Mr. Wu walked forward slowly, and the black mist gushed out from his body, and the terrifying aura instantly climbed to an unbelievable level , it looks like they are going to attack Shen Haoxuan!

When the strengths in the midair felt the aura of Master Wu, their faces were full of horror. If they felt anything in their hearts now, it was despair, yes, it was despair, and Fallen Valley took out four For the strong spirit emperor, Shen Haoxuan can still rely on the powerhouses of Tiangangzong and Fengjian to compete. Ouyang Feng will fight himself, and Shen Haoxuan can also use the secret method to fight, but now there is another spirit emperor in Fallen Valley who is far more powerful than Ouyang Feng. Strong man, what will Shen Haoxuan use to resist this time?Secret method?That's impossible, the time for Shen Haoxuan to use the secret method just now has come, and he must not use it for the second time, now there is really no other way but despair!

Shen Haoxuan's aura gradually weakened, severe pain began to spread from every part of his body, his face also turned pale, and the spiritual power in his body was also dried up, it seemed that he didn't even have the strength to move now!
"It's over, it's over, Shen Haoxuan is dead now!"

"Hey, he was really only one step away from success just now, what a pity!"

"The Valley of the Fallen is really terrifying, what this Spirit Emperor powerhouse hides is too deep!"

"There is really no other way. I really can't think of how to fight against this strong Spirit Emperor. What's more, Ouyang Feng has recovered his strength at this time. Facing the two Great Spirit Emperors, even the same Spirit Emperor has no way to escape. , let alone a Shen Haoxuan who is already at the end of his rope!"

In mid-air, warriors of various strengths began to sigh, they all felt sorry for Shen Haoxuan, and at the same time, they were also afraid of the powerful strength of Fallen Valley.

Seeing this scene, the strong men of the Tiangang Sect and the strong men of the Fengjian Sect also felt a sense of despair. The strength of the Fallen Valley has completely exceeded expectations. Today, they have no chance of winning!

Both Tian Ao and Jian Nantian's faces were a bit bitter. Success was in sight, but who would have expected that there would be a Spirit Emperor powerhouse hidden in the Fallen Valley. When the Spirit Emperor powerhouse appeared, Tian Ao would immediately Yes, I know, it's over, everything is over!

Xue Ling, Changmao, and Huo Jingang all sensed the danger of Shen Haoxuan at this time, and they all wanted to go to the rescue, but those Lingdi powerhouses in the Fallen Valley bullied them and stopped Xue Ling and the three, so that they could not be rescued at all. I can't spare my hand.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the whole world became heavy. Shen Haoxuan, who was originally taking the initiative, suddenly lost his momentum, but was suppressed by the warriors in the Fallen Valley. A sense of despair rose in everyone's heart. There is no way to recover from this situation today.

Just when everyone was feeling desperate, Shen Haoxuan stood up slowly, and everyone focused their eyes on Shen Haoxuan. At this moment, they realized that there was no trace of despair on Shen Haoxuan's face, but a trace of madness color.

"Shen Haoxuan, do you still want to resist?" Ouyang Feng couldn't help but sneered, if he was replaced by Shen Haoxuan, there was really no other way to face this situation except to die!
"Stubborn resistance? Haha, it's up to you? As I said, today you will be destroyed in the Fallen Valley, no matter what the price is!" Shen Haoxuan laughed wildly, and the madness in his eyes became more intense!

"Hmph, idiots are talking about dreams, I want to see what else you can do to save today's situation!" Ouyang Feng snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

When Ouyang Feng said it, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, then took out a crimson elixir from the storage ring, and threw it into his mouth with a wild laugh!

"That's Nine-Turn Chiyan Pill!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's crimson red pill, the alchemists present screamed out, resounding throughout the world.

"Nine-turn Chiyan Pill? What is that?" Seeing the terrified expressions of those alchemists, the warriors around asked in doubt.

"It's a taboo elixir banned by Dantang. Warriors who take Jiuzhuan Chiyan Pill will discover the potential in their bodies. That kind of excavation is permanent and fatal. When a person's potential is completely destroyed When it is unearthed, his sanity will also be swallowed up, turning him into a machine that only knows how to kill, and he will stop only when the spiritual power in his body is exhausted, and when he stops, it is also when he dies!" The alchemist explained in a deep voice, his face was full of horror...

(End of this chapter)

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