Chaos hegemony

Chapter 803 Fight against 2 emperors alone!

Chapter 803 Fight against the two emperors alone!

In mid-air, Xue Ling and other Spirit Emperor powerhouses stopped fighting with a tacit understanding. Their battles were not the same as the Spirit Emperor below. , even if there is a gap between the two, wanting to kill each other is not a matter of one day, unless there is a great suppression in the realm!

Those Spirit Emperor powerhouses all turned their attention to the unrivaled battle between the three of Shen Haoxuan not far away. Everyone knows that the most critical battle today is here with Shen Haoxuan. If they were killed, Tiangangzong and Fengjianzong would definitely be defeated, but on the other hand, if Shen Haoxuan beheaded Ouyang Feng and Mr. Wu, Fallen Valley would really be wiped out, so this battle is extremely crucial!

However, it was such a crucial battle, but it made everyone feel a little unreal. Shen Haoxuan was able to fight against the two great spirit emperors with his own strength, and he did not lose the slightest advantage. Everyone was amazed at this.

"What a Shen Haoxuan, what an independent war emperor, this son is extremely talented and courageous, if he can survive this calamity today, his achievements in the future may be limitless!" A powerful elder stroked his beard and said in a deep voice Said, the tone is full of words of appreciation.

"It would be great if such a talented disciple could appear in our sect!" There was a hint of fanaticism in the eyes of all major forces.

"I have to say, I have lived for hundreds of years, and I have seen countless genius disciples, but there is absolutely no one who can compare with Shen Haoxuan. This is called a monster, and a real genius!" The elders and suzerains all nodded their heads, expressing their agreement with this point of view. Compared with Shen Haoxuan, the genius disciples in their sect are not enough.

Compared with the elder suzerains of those forces, the eyes of the younger generation are even hotter. Shen Haoxuan's age is similar to them, and even a little younger than some of them, but such Shen Haoxuan can fight against the two great spirit emperors alone, Even they couldn't do this. At this moment, Shen Haoxuan has become an idol in their hearts. Even the four masters of the Northern Territory, Xue Shitian, Jian Wushuang, and Ruanqinggu's ruthlessness are somewhat admired.


Just when everyone was amazed, there was a deafening roar, and the three of Shen Haoxuan collided again. The powerful counter-shock force forced the three of them back, pulling them out of the attack distance. It was a very tacit understanding to stop.

At this moment, Ouyang Feng and that Master Wu's expressions were so gloomy that they were able to drip water. I didn't expect that the two of them would join forces, and there was nothing they could do against Shen Haoxuan. The chaotic power of the other party was too strong to restrain them. .

But the more this is the case, the more intense the killing intent towards Shen Haoxuan in the hearts of the two of them. Now Shen Haoxuan is only using the power of the pill to break through to the Spirit Emperor. If he really waits for his realm to reach the level of the Spirit Emperor, The two probably have no chance to fight back, keeping Shen Haoxuan is really a threat to them, so Shen Haoxuan must die!
But thinking of this, both Ouyang Feng and Master Wu frowned. Under the current situation, they were really not sure that they could kill Shen Haoxuan. The fighting power shown by Shen Haoxuan was too strong.

"My lord, we can only procrastinate!" Ouyang Feng said in a deep voice, now there is only one way, and that is to drag Shen Haoxuan's body to the disappearance of the medicinal effect of the nine-turn Chi Yan Dan, and Shen Haoxuan will definitely fall into a state of weakness At that time, killing Shen Haoxuan would be effortless!
"Nonsense, do you think I don't know? Do you think we can hold on? Will Shen Haoxuan let us drag on like this?" Master Wu snorted coldly, then looked at Shen Haoxuan, taking Shen Haoxuan's combat experience just now , he will definitely end this battle with the next blow, because he knows that procrastination will be his death, so the next one is the final duel, if he persists, Shen Haoxuan will definitely die, if he can't, then they will die!
"Cough cough..."

Not far away, Shen Haoxuan coughed violently twice, blood could not help but flow down the corner of his mouth, although the Nine Turns Chiyan Pill did not completely squeeze out his potential, but the terrifying sequelae were not something Shen Haoxuan could bear He stopped, and the sudden burst of spiritual power allowed him to reach the level of Lingdi. If his body hadn't been awakened three times, he would have been unable to withstand this power at the beginning and exploded to death!


A crack opened from Shen Haoxuan's skin. Although the battle with Ouyang Feng and Mr. Wu just now consumed most of the spiritual power in his body, the spiritual power contained in the body of a strong man other than the Lingdi rank is too terrifying. Shen Haoxuan's My body still can't take it anymore. If I continue to drag it on, I don't need these two people to kill me, I will die. It seems that this battle must be ended as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, and then his mind moved, the spirit seeds of the three great spirits of heaven and earth in the small world of Hongmeng slowly floated out, and with the appearance of the spirits of heaven and earth, the three kinds of spirits in the surrounding space The spiritual power of the attributes suddenly rioted, frantically gathered towards Shen Haoxuan's hands, and instantly formed a huge three-color vortex.

"That's the spirit of heaven and earth, and there are three types!" Seeing the three spirit species in Shen Haoxuan's hand, the warriors in midair all screamed in surprise. Needless to say, everyone knows the rarity of the spirit of heaven and earth. It is even more difficult to refine and devour the spirits of heaven and earth, but Shen Haoxuan has mastered three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth alone, no wonder he can contend against the two great spirit emperors with his own strength!

Looking at the three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth, Shen Haoxuan's eyes were fixed, and it was still a little bit reluctant to kill the two great spirit emperors with the three-color Yanyang explosion, it seems that there must be another condiment!
Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan's sea of ​​consciousness trembled slightly, a pitch-black pagoda was slowly floating, and the power of chaos that Lin Xi left in the pagoda also came out erratically, condensing into a ball of pure energy, quietly and with the three great spiritual species suspended together.

Looking at the four-color spirit-seed floating in his palm, a stern look flashed in Shen Haoxuan's eyes, and then he slammed them together under the shocked eyes of everyone!
"Boom..." A violent roar resounded between the sky and the earth, and the whole sky and the earth seemed to viciously tremble. The expressions of the warriors from various forces also changed drastically at this time, and they looked at Shen Haoxuan in horror.

"This guy is crazy, he dared to fuse the spirits of heaven and earth together!"

"Damn it, don't drag us if you want to die!"

"Quick, fast back!" In mid-air, everyone was in a mess in an instant. They looked at the four-color energies in Shen Haoxuan's hands with some horror. They must know that the spiritual powers of different attributes repel each other. If the doors are fused together, if there is a little carelessness, it will cause an explosion. If it is the spirit of heaven and earth, the power of the explosion is enough to raze the entire Fallen Valley to the ground.

"Shen Haoxuan is going to die together!"

(End of this chapter)

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