Chaos hegemony

Chapter 828 Fight Qin Tian!

Chapter 828 Fight Qin Tian!
Looking at Qin Tian who suddenly launched an attack, the warriors around the half-moon platform couldn't help but exclaimed, it was so sudden, there was no chance to react at all, Shen Haoxuan is still keeping his head down, is he going to be killed just like that? ?
Naturally, their worries were superfluous. Just when the white sword energy was about to pierce Shen Haoxuan's eyebrows, Shen Haoxuan raised his hand and stretched out two fingers, directly clamping the small sword formed by the sword energy, so he couldn't move forward!


Shen Haoxuan squeezed the sword energy directly with his hands, then raised his head, looked at Qin Tian who was not far away, and said indifferently: "As expected of a direct disciple of the Eight Desolation Sword Sect, such a sneak attack style is really It's exactly the same!" After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan unintentionally glanced at Wang Zhan.

Qin Tian also heard the sarcasm in Shen Haoxuan's tone, and immediately snorted coldly and said: "Hmph, I don't need a sneak attack to kill you!"

"Oh, you want to kill me?" Hearing Qin Tian's words, Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly. He did see a strong killing intent in Qin Tian's eyes. Shen Haoxuan asked himself that he hadn't done anything harmful to Qin Tian. Blocking the way for the Qin family and the Xue family to dominate Banyue City, but this is nothing to Qin Tian who is in the Eight Desolation Sword Sect. After all, he may not be able to see this Banyue City in his eyes. Well, then why did he want to kill himself?
"Hmph, there is only one end for anyone who wants to kill me, and that is death!" Shen Haoxuan didn't care what the other party's reason was, and Shen Haoxuan would never let anyone who wanted to kill him go. Kindness to the enemy is to be kind to the enemy. Own cruelty!
"Death? Haha, you are the first one who dares to talk to me like this, well, let me see, what ability do you have to make me die!" Qin Tian raised his head to the sky and laughed loudly, then his eyes turned cold, and his eyes turned cold in an instant. It came towards Shen Haoxuan violently!


A crisp sword cry sounded, and the moment Qin Tian approached Shen Haoxuan, a pitch-black long sword was unsheathed from Shen Haoxuan's hand, and the purple-black sword light flashed out, directly killing Qin Tian.

"Using a sword in front of me is really tricky!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan using a sword to deal with him, Qin Tian raised a disdainful smile, and then pinched the seal in his hand, and dozens of sword qi formed around him, crushing Shen Haoxuan. The killing black long sword swung away, and his sword pointed directly at Shen Haoxuan's throat!

Faced with Qin Tian's fierce attack, Shen Haoxuan's face remained unchanged, and his fingers moved nimbly. Then, with the power of Qin Tian's sword energy, the Soul Devouring Sword changed from a forward grip to a reverse grip, and it attacked Qin Tian at a faster speed. , will definitely penetrate Qin Tian's body before he stabs himself!
"What!" Sensing the crisis coming from his side, Qin Tian screamed. He didn't expect that Shen Haoxuan's critical reaction would be so powerful. He could only curse secretly, and then he stepped back and exchanged lives with Shen Haoxuan. , he would never do it, compared to Shen Haoxuan's life, he felt that his own life was more precious.

"Take out your sword, otherwise, you will have no chance!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the retreating Qin Tian, ​​and said with a chuckle, and then the Soul Devouring Sword in his hand pulled out a few sword flowers, and the sharp sword There are a few shallow white marks on the half moon platform.

"Hmph, you don't need my sword!" Qin Tian snorted coldly.

"Really? Then remember this sentence well!" Shen Haoxuan smiled lightly, and then a terrifying wave of spiritual power erupted from his body, sweeping the audience instantly.

"Third-order spirit emperor!" Sensing the fluctuation of the aura coming out of Shen Haoxuan's body, everyone around the half-moon platform said in shock. It seemed that Shen Haoxuan was only 20 years old, but he had already reached the third-order spirit emperor.

"Impossible, doesn't he have spiritual power? How could he be a third-order spirit emperor!" The warriors of the Qin family and the Xue family looked at Shen Haoxuan in disbelief. They had dealt with Shen Haoxuan a few days ago. Without the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power, not even a small world, how could it be possible to become a powerhouse of the third-order spirit emperor in just a few days!
"Oh, has the small world been unsealed?" Luo Nan was prepared, after all, Shen Haoxuan was the Nine Star Miasma Breaking Pill refined from the elixir he took from him.

Qin Tian couldn't help but raise his brows. He faced Shen Haoxuan directly, and he felt the fluctuation of spiritual power on Shen Haoxuan most deeply. This aura was far more than that of the third-order Linghuang, and the purity of Shen Haoxuan's spiritual power was far beyond his imagination.

"It seems that I still underestimated you!" Qin Tian was only a little shocked, and soon recovered. Even though Shen Haoxuan was not an ordinary third-order spirit emperor, he still didn't look good enough in front of him. It will just make me spend a little more effort!

The sound of a sharp sword being unsheathed sounded, and Qin Tian had a red long sword in his hand. The sword was three feet wide and seven feet long. Faint blood flowed on it, and the sharp sword energy surrounded it. This should be a top grade spiritual weapon.

"Chi Lianjian, that's Chi Lianjian, Brother Qin even took out his own sword!" Wang Zhan shouted excitedly when he saw the red long sword.

"Qin Tian actually used a sword, it seems that Shen Haoxuan's death is coming!"

"To force the disciples of the Eight Desolation Sword Sect to use their swords, Shen Haoxuan's death is worth it!" Seeing Qin Tian take out his saber, all the warriors around the half platform discussed.

"I don't know if Shen Haoxuan can still handle it?" Luo Nan and even the hall master became nervous at this time. Qin Tianhe, who took out his sword, didn't feel like a person at all before, and the prestige of the Eight Desolation Sword Sect was not for nothing. When they came out, both of them became nervous, ready to rescue Shen Haoxuan at any time.

When Hall Master Lian and Luo Nan were worried about Shen Haoxuan, Shen Haoxuan didn't have the slightest fear, instead he smiled lightly, looked at Qin Tian and said sarcastically: "A certain person seems to say that he can't use a sword, so could it be that what you hold in your hand is someone who eats? "

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense!" Qin Tian didn't want to talk more with Shen Haoxuan, so he immediately raised his Chilian sword and charged directly at Shen Haoxuan. What Luo Nan and Hall Master Lian said was right. Alone, Shen Haoxuan also felt it. At this time, Qin Tian was extremely fierce, like a sharp long sword, and his aura was enough to pierce the sky!

Looking at the fierce Qin Tian, ​​Shen Haoxuan's momentum sank, the Soul Devouring Sword in his hand swung across, and he stepped on the Nine Heavens Shocking Cloud Step to meet him directly. Compared with Qin Tian's fierceness, Shen Haoxuan looked like a lake. Like water, it is extremely weak, yet extremely tough.

Like two meteorites, they collided with each other in the center of the half platform. The powerful sword energy shot out, leaving a series of white marks on the hard half platform. Back away, worried about being affected by the sword energy.

"What a powerful sword qi!" Everyone looked at the sword qi constantly splashing out, and couldn't help swallowing. What they didn't expect was that Shen Haoxuan could use the sword to fight against Qin Tian, ​​but they didn't know this. In this battle, who will have the last laugh...

(End of this chapter)

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