Chaos hegemony

Chapter 832 My master is amazing!

Chapter 832 My master is amazing!
Quietly sneaking onto a towering ancient tree, Shen Haoxuan wrapped himself and Di Xiaoxiao with spiritual thoughts, and then looked towards the open space below, where two groups of people were arguing with each other.

"Guo Li, we found this red sun fruit, why should I give it to you?" A glamorous beauty in a white dress snorted coldly.From the looks of it, this glamorous beauty should be the leader of one party, but at this time she looked rather embarrassed, with three thousand black hair scattered behind her back, and the clothes on her body were also torn, making it difficult for the few standing on the opposite side to The young man's eyes were burning.

"Huh, what do you mean you found it? But all the treasures of heaven and earth are known to those who are capable. We have big fists, and the red sun fruit is ours. If you don't agree, then we will have to grab it by force!" The young man named Guo Li snorted coldly and said without shame.

"You... really shameless!" The cold and beautiful woman snorted coldly at this time, and then her face became a little worried. Most of the people on her side are female disciples, and their strength is not strong. I am the fifth-level spirit emperor, but on the other hand, Guo Li's side is stronger than the second-level spirit emperor, and Guo Li is even the strongest of the sixth-level spirit emperor. If there is a fight, my side will definitely lose!

"Yu Shuang, don't struggle anymore, hand over Chi Yang Guo, and I will spare you, otherwise, you will know the consequences!" Guo Li snorted coldly, and then scanned her body up and down with aggressive eyes , with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Senior Brother Guo, what are you talking to her for? Just grab it. I see that the opposite side is all girls. It is said that the beauties of the Yu family are very tasty. Why don't we try it?" Several warriors behind Guo Li said He shouted, and the filthy words reached Yu Shuang and the female disciples behind him, making them retreat back.

Hearing the words of those warriors behind Guo Li, Yu Shuang frowned, the long sword in her hand was gripped even tighter, and a look of determination flashed in her eyes, if these people dared to violate her, Yu Shuang would kill herself.

"Stop it, you villains, how dare you bully girls!" But at this moment, a childish cry sounded, and then a petite figure landed in front of Yu Shuang, pointing at Guo Li and the others and shouted angrily.

The sudden appearance of the little loli made Guo Li and the others stunned, but then a fiery look flashed in their eyes. The little loli in front of him was so delicate, she looked like a doll. It directly aroused the most primitive desire in their hearts, and they couldn't help licking their chapped lips right now.

Yu Shuang was also a little stunned by the sudden appearance of the little loli, but when she felt the fluctuations in the spiritual power of this little loli, she couldn't help but frown slightly, the first-order spirit emperor, such strength is unbearable in front of Guo Li and the others With one blow, not only would he not be able to save himself and the others, but she would also be caught in it.

"Little sister, hurry up, this is not the place for you!" Yu Shuang said in a deep voice, and then protected Di Xiaoxiao behind her.

"Haha, since you're here, don't even think about leaving!" Guo Li and the others laughed loudly, and soon surrounded Yu Shuang and the others.

"Big sister, don't be afraid, my master will come to save you, these people are not my master's opponent!" Di Xiaoxiao looked at the warriors around him, without the slightest expression of fear on his face.

"Your master?" Hearing Di Xiaoxiao's words, everyone present was shocked. The faces of Yu Shuang and the others were full of joy, while the faces of Guo Li and the others were a little gloomy. Have a master?But they couldn't feel anyone's aura around here, which meant that the strength of the other party was far superior to them. If there really was such a strong person, Guo Li and the others would be in trouble.

"Yes, my master is very strong!" Di Xiaoxiao said proudly with her hands on her hips, then waved in the direction of Shen Haoxuan, and said, "Master, come out quickly and drive these away!"

Seeing Di Xiaoxiao waving at him, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. Just now, when he didn't watch, Di Xiaoxiao rushed out. Didn't this cause trouble for himself?It seems that Di Xiaoxiao will have to be trained and trained in the future, but now that Di Xiaoxiao has taken over this matter, it can't be justified if he doesn't help.

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan jumped and jumped onto the open space below.

When Shen Haoxuan appeared, Yu Shuang, Guo Li and the others immediately looked over, but when they saw Shen Haoxuan's figure, they couldn't help being stunned.

"Hahaha, I thought it was an expert, it turned out to be a brat!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's young face and the aura of the third-order spirit emperor emanating from his body, Guo Li and the others couldn't help laughing, Fortunately, they were frightened just now, thinking that Di Xiaoxiao's master was an outsider.

The hopes of Yu Shuang and the others were all shattered after seeing Shen Haoxuan, the third-rank Linghuang, another one who gave Guo Li the head experience. Have self-knowledge.

"Boy, are you this little loli's master? How can you be someone else's master with a bear like you?" Guo Li looked at Shen Haoxuan with disdain in his eyes.

"Little sister, brother is much better than your master, why don't you take me as your teacher, I will love you very much!" Another warrior smiled lewdly at Di Xiaoxiao.

"Okay, as long as you beat my master, I promise you!" Di Xiaoxiao said with a smile at the warrior, showing two cute little canine teeth, seeing the warrior's nose bleed directly.

Seeing this scene, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help giving Di Xiaoxiao a blank look. Isn't this clearly a trick to Master, this little guy doesn't know what kind of idea he is thinking.

"Boy, immediately kneel down and beg for mercy, let this little guy worship me as a teacher, and I will spare your life, otherwise, I will kill you!" The warrior came out and yelled at Shen Haoxuan.

Shen Haoxuan didn't even look at him, instead he looked at Yu Shuang, and then said lightly, "Give me the Chiyang fruit, and I'll help you solve them, how about it?"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Yu Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Shen Haoxuan suspiciously, he is only a third-order spirit emperor, what confidence does he have to say such a thing?
Seeing the suspicious look in Yu Shuang's eyes, Shen Haoxuan could only helplessly rub his forehead, and then his eyes became cold, and then his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place instantly, and everyone saw only a purple-black streamer Appeared, and the next moment, the martial artist who had originally yelled at Shen Haoxuan fell directly to the ground, a small sword mark appeared on his neck, blood spewed out unstoppably, and the vitality in his body also quickly dissipated.

"Can you trust me now?" Shen Haoxuan had arrived in front of Yu Shuang at some point, and a faint voice rang in Yu Shuang's ears, making her lose her senses for a moment...

(End of this chapter)

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