Chaos hegemony

Chapter 849 Take the Hook!

Chapter 849 Take the Hook!

"You..." Shen Haoxuan looked at the long sword that pierced the heart, his eyes were full of disbelief, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the vitality in his eyes was slowly dissipating.

Liu Yuxi directly pushed Shen Haoxuan away in front of him, and walked straight into the house. Chin Maoshu pulled out the long sword from Shen Haoxuan's body, and gave him a disdainful look. The third-level Linghuang is the third-level Linghuang. Like paper, it is vulnerable to a single blow, but when it thinks that there is an old guy waiting for it in the room, Chinchilla is a little excited. Mr. Liu is a strong man standing at the peak of the middle domain. If he can die with his sword Come on, that's a great honor.

The two rushed into the house and saw Mr. Liu lying on the bed. His face was as pale as white paper, and his breath was so flimsy. Good life.

"Why did you come in? Didn't I see no visitors? Where's Master Leng?" Seeing Liu Yuxi and Chinchilla, Mr. Liu frowned and asked in a cold voice.

Hearing Mr. Liu's question, Chinchilla took two steps back unconsciously. Although Mr. Liu had lost all the spiritual power in his body, his majesty was not lost at all, which was not something a street thief like him could bear.

"Grandpa, you are dying, so don't put on airs. As for that Alchemist Leng, he is dead now, and I will send you to see him soon!" Seeing Mr. Liu's listless expression, A tinge of pleasure rose in Liu Yuxi's heart, and he said with a sinister smile.

"You actually killed Alchemist Leng? You rebellious son, cough..." Mr. Liu yelled angrily when he heard Liu Yuxi's words, because he was too excited, he couldn't help coughing violently, and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth shed.

"Old guy, it looks like you really can't live for a few more days. Why don't you enjoy the rest of the time and participate in the selection of the young patriarch of the family? It's fine to participate, why did you choose that trash Liu Yuxuan to become the young patriarch? " Liu Yuxi asked Mr. Liu, now that his face has been torn, there is no need for him to pretend to be hypocritical.

" actually wanted to kill your own grandfather for the sake of the young patriarch's position?" Old Master Liu's face was full of regret.

"Grandpa? You're not my grandfather, you're just Liu Yuxuan's grandfather. You protect him and promote him everywhere, but as for him, he doesn't do his job all day long, and hangs out with those people of all kinds, and I'm busy with family affairs every day. , learning from the elders every day, why am I still not as good as that trash Liu Yuxuan?" Liu Yuxi's face was full of ferocity.

"Running around for the family affairs? Learn from the elders? Hmph, you are so embarrassed to say it, you are just flattering the elders, you should know how much you have really done for the family!" Mr. Liu snorted coldly Said in one voice.

"Shut up, you've been nesting here all day, how can you know my hard work and hard work, I should be the best candidate for the patriarch of the Liu family, as long as you are killed, no one will support that trash anymore, plus I After so many years of relationship, I will definitely become the patriarch of the Liu family!" Liu Yuxi crazily shouted.

"You really think you can kill me?" Mr. Liu snorted coldly, Liu Yuxi had already completely exposed his fox tail, and there was no need for him to continue acting.

"Elder Qi told me that you are a useless person now, and it is not easy to kill you?" Liu Yuxi sneered, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the golden mouse behind him also stood up, He stuck out his tongue and licked the long sword, there was still Shen Haoxuan's blood on the long sword!

However, this licking of the Chinchilla felt something was wrong, Shen Haoxuan's blood was not ape, but sweet, like a kind of sweet fruit that he usually eats.

"Do you think it's a bit sweet, and you still want to lick it?" Suddenly, a faint voice sounded in the ear of Chinchilla, which made Chinchilla unable to react, and then the voice nodded, but after nodding, He didn't realize it until he turned his head. Why is this voice so familiar?

Chin Maoshu and Liu Yuxi looked up at the side compartment at the same time, there was a person standing there, it was Shen Haoxuan who had been beheaded by Chin Maoshu before.

"'re not..." Chinchilla and Liu Yuxi were shocked, didn't they kill this family just now?

"Don't you all know that there is a clone technique? Unfortunately, I happen to know it!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly with his hands folded on his chest, but Liu Yuxi and Chinchilla were not so calm, and they seemed to smell a trace of it. asked conspiratorially.

"Could it be that you are pretending to look like this?" Liu Yuzhen turned his head and looked at Mr. Liu, but as soon as he said his words, his face was full of fear. At this time, Mr. Liu still has the same sickness as before. His face was rosy, and his body was even more coercive. He didn't look like a person who was poisoned by fire.

Seeing this, the golden mouse was about to rush out of the house in a blink of an eye. He had experienced life and death experiences. He didn't want to be like Liu Yuxi, who recovered instantly after the shock. Now it is important to run for his life.

However, the moment he rushed out, a figure stood in front of him, it was Shen Haoxuan, just now Jin Maoshu stabbed him with a sword, Shen Haoxuan still remembered it!
Seeing Shen Haoxuan standing in front of him, Jinmaoshu snorted coldly, he is a powerhouse of the eighth-order spirit emperor, would he be afraid of a third-order spirit emperor?At that moment, he clenched his fists tightly and blasted towards Shen Haoxuan.

Shen Haoxuan didn't flinch at all, the unicorn arm appeared on his right arm, and he punched him. The next moment, the two fists collided with each other, and the terrifying power poured out, causing the surrounding houses to burst open.

The moment the two fists came into contact, Chinchilla's face suddenly changed color, the power transmitted from Shen Haoxuan's fist instantly disintegrated his strength, and the remaining strength bombarded his fist, throwing him flying.

The moment the Chinchilla was thrown away, Shen Haoxuan followed, kicked it high into the sky again, and then Shen Haoxuan bent his legs and squatted down suddenly.

The Chinchilla who was picked up was unable to control his body, when he saw Shen Haoxuan's movements, his clothes were instantly soaked in cold sweat.

The next moment, Shen Haoxuan's legs straightened instantly, and the strength of his legs suddenly exploded. His whole body rushed towards the golden mouse in mid-air like an arrow from the string. Chinchilla's back.


There was a shrill scream, followed by the sound of bones breaking. Chinchilla fell from the air like a puddle of mud, lying dead on the ground, unable to move an inch, and the vitality in its eyes was even more rapid. dissipated...

(End of this chapter)

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