Chaos hegemony

Chapter 852 Refining the 9-Star Miasma Breaking Pill!

Chapter 852 Refining Nine Star Miasma Breaking Pill!
After Mr. Liu took over the power of the family, he started to rectify crazily and dug out all the moths in the Liu family. As for the other black sheep, after seeing Mr. Liu's thunderous methods, he must have self-knowledge and dare not continue to do whatever he wants up.

On the other side, Shen Haoxuan was also entertained by Liu Yuxuan, and formally contacted various places of the Liu family. After seeing the details of the Liu family, Shen Haoxuan was really shocked. Among the doors, it is not that Shen Haoxuan has not seen special cultivation resources, but compared with the Liu family, those things in the southern and northern regions are just children's play games, and the Liu family is really powerful. The overall strength of the Liu family is still unmatched by other forces.

However, Shen Haoxuan felt a little regretful, before his Hongmeng Small World was unsealed, he had no chance to enjoy these cultivation supplies, so he could only pray in his heart, hoping that Di Xiaoxiao would send him the Star Hidden Grass as soon as possible.

For the next few days, Shen Haoxuan followed Liu Yuxuan around Liu's house during the day, and at night helped Mr. Liu get rid of the fire poison. There was only half of the fire poison left in Mr. Liu's dantian, and it was much easier to get rid of than before. It took three or four days to clean up all the fire poison that had plagued Mr. Liu for 15 years and even nearly killed him.

Feeling the power continuously coming up from his body, Mr. Liu couldn't help but screamed up to the sky, the berserk aura erupted from his body, making Shen Haoxuan feel suffocated, is this the power of the venerable rank?It's really terrifying, even if Shen Haoxuan uses all his strength, he probably won't be able to get away with a move in the hands of Mr. Liu!
Mr. Liu's fire poison has been completely expelled. As long as it takes a while, his strength will fully recover, and there may be a breakthrough. After all, the power contained in the fire poison cannot be underestimated. For Mr. Liu But double happiness.

After Mr. Liu regained his strength, Di Xiaoxiao finally sent Xingyincao over. It was Elder Qi who had treated Mr. Liu before. When Elder Qi knew about the relationship between Shen Haoxuan and Dixiaoxiao, I couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. I didn't expect Shen Haoxuan to have a personal relationship with the little princess of Dantang. It seems that they still have a good relationship. I had slandered him before. If Di Xiaoxiao knew about this, I would definitely eat it. I can't walk around.

Fortunately, when he gave the Xingyincao, Shen Haoxuan didn't pursue it, but rushed into the alchemy room in a hurry, and began to refine the Nine Star Miasma Breaking Pill. The dantian seal that had troubled him for a long time was finally able to be untied.

The Nine Star Miasma-Breaking Pill is a seventh-grade pill, and it was not easy for Shen Haoxuan to refine it. After spending about ten days, Shen Haoxuan finally succeeded in refining the Nine-Star Miasma-Breaking Pill. In an instant, dark clouds and thunder rolled over the Liu family, which made everyone in the Liu family startled.

"This is... Pill Lightning?" Seeing the flashing thunder light, Mr. Liu frowned. Generally, refining high-grade pills will attract pill lightning, because high-grade pills will produce spiritual wisdom. , This is against the law of heaven and earth, so heaven and earth attract thunder and want to destroy it.

"It's from alchemist Leng, it seems that he is refining a seventh-grade high-level elixir!" Liu Zhennan looked at the place where the alchemy was concentrated, and said in a deep voice.

"Seventh-rank high-level pill? How old is he, and he is actually a seventh-rank high-level alchemist?" Hearing Liu Zhennan's words, all the elders of the Liu family couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Don't forget that he is the one who can even get rid of the fire poison in my body. It seems that it is completely worthwhile to use the holy mountain's quota to befriend him this time!" Mr. Liu stroked his snow-white beard and said, a seven-year-old A high-ranking alchemist, even a behemoth like the Liu family, would definitely not dare to ignore it.

"This is Tianlei's, can he hold it? His strength is only the third-order spirit emperor!" Liu Zhennan frowned at this time, the Danlei in the sky had already condensed to the extreme, and it was about to fall here.

Hearing Liu Zhennan's words, everyone in the Liu family was taken aback for a moment. They stared at the direction of Shen Haoxuan. Mr. Liu also planned to help. This Dan Lei was nothing to him, but for a third-order spirit For the emperor, it is a deadly existence!
But just when Mr. Liu was about to make a move, he saw a figure soaring into the sky. It was Shen Haoxuan. At this time, Shen Haoxuan faced Dan Lei in the sky, and an extremely domineering aura erupted from his body, as if he wanted to To compete with this world.


The thunder in the sky seemed to have sensed Shen Haoxuan's provocation, and there was a dull thunder, and the thunder that was as thick as a bucket struck down, pointing directly at Shen Haoxuan's body.

"Well done!" Shen Haoxuan yelled loudly, the unicorn arm appeared, and punched Tian Lei with a punch. The tyrannical wind of the fist rang out bursts of sonic booms in the air, and instantly hit Tian Lei's body with violent power It directly smashed the sky thunder, turning into a little thunder light and disappearing.


The remaining thunder and lightning flickered on Shen Haoxuan's body, but soon disappeared, and he was not afraid of this little thunder and lightning with his body of Chaos Divine Body!
Next, everyone in the Liu family saw a scene they would never forget. In the midair, like a God of War, Shen Haoxuan kept punching out his fists. The rolling thunder did not hurt him at all, but Elder Qi on the other side was The head is full of black lines, and the general alchemist would hire many experts to escort Dan Lei when he meets Dan Lei, and avoid it if he can. Shen Haoxuan is lucky, he chooses to confront Dan Lei head-on, and seeing the domineering figure, Dan Lei really has no way to deal with him , After hacking wildly for a while, he finally retreated in spite of the difficulties!
In mid-air, Shen Haoxuan was panting violently, there were still bursts of lightning flashing on his body, most of his clothes were torn, revealing his perfect body, seeing the dark clouds in the sky dissipate, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised A smile, so what about Tianlei?He is not his own defeated opponent!

Shen Haoxuan spread his palms, looked at the translucent pill, and nodded in satisfaction. This is this kind of Nine Star Miasma Breaking Pill. After experiencing the baptism of Dan Lei, the efficacy of the medicine will probably be doubled. My own small world of Hongmeng is finally about to be unsealed!
Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan didn't even have a chance to explain to everyone in the Liu family, left a word in a hurry and went straight into the alchemy room, and started to take the Nine Stars Miasma Breaking Pill...

(End of this chapter)

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