Chaos hegemony

Chapter 865 The transaction is successful! [4 more! 】

Chapter 865 The transaction is successful! [Four more! 】

Excited for a second, Shen Haoxuan quickly suppressed the hot look in his eyes, then fiddled with the booth casually, grabbed a piece of tile and asked lightly: "You are just some broken tiles and copper pieces, how can you be with seven Compared with pinnacle pills?"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the old man slowly opened his closed eyes, looked at Shen Haoxuan contemptuously, and then said impatiently: "Don't you have eyes? These are all taken from the ancient ruins. Everything from The things in the ancient ruins are priceless, and even your seventh-rank pills are rare!"

For the old man's contempt, Shen Haoxuan just laughed it off, and after searching for a long time, he finally moved his hand to the fragment he was looking at before.

"How do I change this piece? Do I need a seventh-grade elixir?" Shen Haoxuan asked casually, holding his hands that were trembling with excitement.

"Hey, my friend's eyesight, this is the most precious piece of mine here. If you want to change it, the seventh-rank high-level pill must be tempered by Dan Lei!" The old man saw that Shen Haoxuan picked it up. One piece, said with a smile.

It's not that the old man discovered the special features of this fragment, even if Shen Haoxuan didn't take this fragment, the old man would have said the same thing, he just wanted to simply increase the price, so that it would be easier to bargain for a while, compared to The seventh-grade high-level pills and the seventh-grade low-grade pills will naturally be acceptable to many people.

"A fifth-grade elixir is worth the same price. You are just some broken pieces. Who knows if there is anything useful in it. If not, isn't my seventh-grade elixir a waste?" Shen Haoxuan said He rebuilt the fragment in his hand and threw it back on the booth, acting as if he didn't really want to buy it. If the old man knew that he must get the fragment, he might raise the price on his own.

"Why don't you grab the fifth-grade elixir, then go away, I won't sell any more!" The old man was obviously a good person, so he decided that Shen Haoxuan would buy it.

"Well, you can continue to set up your stall!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled, then stood up, turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia, it seemed that he was really not interested.

Looking at Shen Haoxuan's back that was not muddy at all, the old man opened his mouth and wanted to stop, but he still endured it. What he is fighting for now is patience. Whoever can't bear it first will fall into a passive position. The price has no confidence.

Shen Haoxuan was striding out, the old man looked at Shen Haoxuan's back and was restless, his eyes were full of struggle.

But don't look at Shen Haoxuan's chic walk now, some fine sweat is already seeping from his forehead, that fragment is very important to him, and he must get it, but now he can't look back, once he looks back, he will lose!
"Why is this old guy so patient!" Shen Haoxuan cursed in his heart, he gritted his teeth and left even faster, he still couldn't believe it, this old man could really bear it?

But the old man really could bear it, Shen Haoxuan was slowly disappearing from his sight, but the old man didn't react in the slightest.

"No way, do I have to admit defeat?" Shen Haoxuan smiled wryly in his heart, that fragment was really very important to him, even if it cost a seventh-rank high-level pill, it was worth it.

"Wait, little brother, wait!" But just when Shen Haoxuan was about to give up and turn around, the old man's voice sounded from behind, his tone was full of exhaustion, and he thought he was the first to bear the burden during the mental game just now. Can't stop.

Hearing the cry from behind, Shen Haoxuan also heaved a long sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead vaguely, turned around and walked towards the old man, without the slightest expression on his face.

"Why old man, have you thought about it?" Shen Haoxuan asked indifferently, looking directly at the old man.

"Fifth grade elixir is impossible, and seventh-grade elixir, even low-level ones!" The old man seemed unwilling to let go, with a struggling look on his face.

"I have studied this fragment before, and it seems that the time is even longer. If you can study something in it, the benefits you get will definitely benefit you for life. A seventh-grade low-level elixir is definitely worth it!" The old man Seemingly afraid that Shen Haoxuan was refusing, he continued to introduce.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan was a little surprised, this old man still has research on this?And his vision is not bad, the time of this fragment is even longer than ancient times!
"Seventh-tier pills are impossible, sixth-tier pills, and one more recipe, this is my final bottom line, how about it?" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice.

"And this elixir is helpful for the injuries in your body!" Shen Haoxuan continued when he saw that the old man still wanted to bargain.In fact, Shen Haoxuan knew that the old man had injuries at the first sight, and many meridians were blocked. The reason he needed the seventh-grade elixir might be to catch the power of the elixir to open those blocked meridians.

"Do you know that I have injuries in my body?" The old man's cloudy eyes suddenly burst into two gleams, and a powerful aura erupted from his body, making Shen Haoxuan feel a wave of heart palpitations. The strength of this old man is so strong!
But the aura came and went quickly, the old man knew that this was a trading market, and there was a crowd of people, but fortunately he didn't notice this side, and then looked at Shen Haoxuan with piercing eyes, expecting his answer.

"I think the injury in your body is because the exercises you practice are too overbearing, but your physique is not strong enough to bear it, which leads to more bruises and blockages in the meridians, so whenever you practice, you will It's because you feel severe pain all over your body, and you even feel like you're going to collapse, right?" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the old man's eyes became even brighter, and then he stuffed the piece that Shen Haoxuan was interested in into Shen Haoxuan's hand, and said: "As long as my little friend gives me that pill formula, I will give you this piece. I don’t need that pill either!”

Seeing the excited look of the old man, Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed, and immediately took out a roll of parchment from the storage ring, handed it to the old man, and said: "This is the formula of Huo Luo Pill, it is my unique secret formula, so I don't Hope you pass it on to others!"

"Okay, okay, I promise, I promise!" The old man snatched the parchment scroll, and then hugged it like a baby.

"Then I took this fragment!" Shen Haoxuan also chuckled, the Huoluo Pill was only created by Yan Lao, because the formula of the Pill was too strange, so it was not made public, to Shen Haoxuan, it was just tasteless, use it It is worth it to exchange for this fragment. You must know that there are two fragments in my storage ring. If you put them together, it will be a complete token, which is exactly the same as the golden token in your sea of ​​consciousness. cards!

Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed, and then he bent down and grabbed the fragment, but just when he was about to get the fragment, a pair of hands stretched out and took the fragment away...

(End of this chapter)

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