Chaos hegemony

Chapter 872 Royal Emperor Qingchen!

Chapter 872 Royal Emperor Qingchen!
Outside the other garden, dozens of imperial guards dressed in golden armor and holding blood-colored spears rushed in quickly, and then stood neatly in two rows, making way for a path in the middle.

After a while, several figures appeared in front of everyone. The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe. From this middle-aged man, Shen Haoxuan felt a strong oppression. This kind of oppression , and only experienced it from Mr. Liu, that is to say, the strength of this middle-aged man has surpassed the level of Lingdi and reached the level of Venerable!
"Refer to the Holy One!" Seeing the middle-aged man, the disciples of these forces all knelt on one knee and saluted in unison. Even Mr. Liu and the others were half-bent, which shows how important this middle-aged man's status is. Taller.

Shen Haoxuan also imitated the others and knelt on one knee on the ground. This middle-aged man is the current helm of the royal family, the emperor of the human race, and can be said to be the most powerful existence.

"Haha, all the loves are flat, you don't need to be too polite!" The emperor waved his hand to signal everyone to get up, and then walked into the other garden with a few members of the royal family.

"Thank you, my lord!" Everyone thanked in unison, and then slowly stood up.

"It seems that everyone is here. If that's the case, then I won't talk too much, everyone come with me!" The emperor looked at the people present again, and said with a chuckle, and then he took the lead towards the people behind the other garden. Go back to the mountain.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly followed, the royal tomb was in the back mountain, and everyone followed the footsteps of the emperor, marching into the deep mountain.

Along the way, Shen Haoxuan felt countless powerful auras hidden in the mountains and forests. It seems that these people are here to protect the emperor's tomb. After all, it is the tomb of the first emperor, and the royal family has to pay attention to it.

The few people walked for a long time, and finally came to a cliff. The emperor looked at the cliff, bent over it and performed a grand descendant etiquette, and said: "The late emperor, today I will bring a human genius to test the way of the emperor. , what a bother!"

After finishing speaking, the emperor turned around, waved his big hand, and streamers of golden light rushed towards the crowd, who quickly caught it.Shen Haoxuan spread his hands, and found that there was a small token in his hand, and the word "Emperor" was engraved on the token.

"Take God's order, follow me!" The emperor said softly, and then jumped straight into the cliff.

Seeing the emperor disappearing on the cliff, everyone was a little surprised. It seems that there is a hole in the sky behind the cliff!
Thinking of this, everyone followed the example of the emperor and flew towards the cliff. Shen Haoxuan rushed towards the cliff, only feeling a blur in front of his eyes, and he recovered. When he recovered, he appeared in a dark hall Before, there were a few faint lights around to dispel the darkness, but it was barely able to see the surroundings clearly.

Here is a huge square, in front of the square is a huge hall, above the hall hangs a plaque, on which Hao Ran b is the word "Emperor's Tomb", a simple and simple atmosphere rushes forward, Let everyone's hearts flutter for a while.

"See Father!" Just as everyone was looking around, twelve young people came out of the hall and saluted the emperor. The Twelve Princes of War!

"Is that Di Qingchen?" Shen Haoxuan looked in the direction of the voice, and in front of the 12 people, stood a young man, even dressed in black, he was outstanding and heroic. His imposing, handsome facial features seemed to be carved out of marble, with sharp edges and corners, sharp and deep eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of oppression.

Luo Hongtian, Wang Chen and the others looked at Di Qingchen with serious expressions on their faces. Di Qingchen was the only one who could make these heaven's favorites feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Well, how are you getting ready?" the emperor asked with a slight wave of his hand.

"If you go back to the father, everything is ready!" Di Qingchen replied with fists clasped.

"That's good, all the lovers come with me, this time the test before the battle for the holy mountain, let's start now!" The emperor said, and led everyone into the hall.

The space inside the hall is very large, but it is very empty. Except for a few stone pillars, there is nothing else around. In the depth of the hall, there is a stone wall with four bronze gates above the stone wall. The emperor After coming here, it stopped.

"This is the entrance to the emperor's way. From left to right, there are yellow level, mysterious level, earth level and the highest level of heaven." The emperor pointed to the bronze gate in front of him and explained.

"Here, I would like to declare in advance that the remnant souls of the former emperor in the Emperor's Dao are irrational. If the level of the Emperor's Dao you choose exceeds what you can bear, it is very possible to die in it, so you should choose carefully. Now everyone, discuss it carefully!" The emperor reminded everyone with a chuckle.

Hearing this, all the forces began to discuss in low voices. After all, this is just a test. The highlight is the battle for the Holy Mountain. If you get injured here, it may affect the subsequent battle for the Holy Mountain. So everyone They all carefully chose the emperor's way that they want to break through.

"If the discussion is finished, let's start. As the host, my emperor will give a demonstration for everyone. Qingchen, you come first!" The emperor looked at the crowd and said softly.

"Yes!" Hearing the emperor's words, Di Qingchen stood up, then quickly walked towards the heavenly emperor's way, and got in without the slightest hesitation.

After Di Qingchen entered, the space in front of everyone began to distort, and a cloud of mist appeared in front of them. Through this mist, everyone could see Di Qingchen's performance in the Heavenly Emperor Dao.

After Di Qingchen appeared in the heavenly emperor's way, groups of spirit bodies slowly appeared in front of him. At a glance, they were innumerable, and everyone could feel the power emanating from those spirit bodies. Strong breath.

Di Qingchen had no expression on his face, and just walked forward slowly. All the spirit bodies that approached him were smashed by a simple punch. In the end, everyone could no longer see the movements of his hands clearly. To the splintering spirit body.

Di Qingchen's speed is getting faster and faster, so fast that everyone can't see clearly, but everyone can clearly feel that the spirit body is getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more spirit bodies, but no matter how many spirit bodies , under Di Qingchen's fist, they could only explode.

"Good... so strong!" Everyone saw Di Qingchen's battle, their faces were full of shock, they might be able to deal with any of those spirit bodies, but looking at the densely packed spirit bodies, everyone could only despair , but Di Qingchen is like a harvester, no one can stop where he passes, and those spirit bodies in front of him seem to have no threat at all.

"Is this the number one strength in the Tianlong list?" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but licked his lips, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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