Chaos hegemony

Chapter 876 Rank 9 Spirit Emperor!

Chapter 876 Ninth Rank Spirit Emperor!

"Here we come, be careful!" Suddenly, Shen Haoxuan gave a low shout, and his whole body instantly entered a fighting state.

As soon as Shen Haoxuan's words fell, the space in front of him was distorted, and dozens of spirit bodies also slowly emerged. The number of spirit bodies that appeared this time was not as many as before, but the momentum emanating from these spirit bodies But even stronger!

"Ninth-rank Spirit Emperor!" Seeing the appearance of the spirit body, everyone in the Liu family couldn't help screaming. The spirit body of the ninth-rank Spirit Emperor is difficult to deal with even if the opponent has no spiritual intelligence. Yibo's spirit body is one level higher, but compared with those spirit bodies of the eighth-level spirit emperor, it is a heaven and an underground!
Shen Haoxuan's brows are also slightly frowned at this time, the spirit bodies of these ninth-level spirit emperors look more solid, their resistance to the fire spirit obsidian must be much stronger than the eighth-level spirit emperor's spiritual power, and they are threatening It was even better, myself and Liu Yuxuan had no problem dealing with these spirit bodies, the problem was Liu Yuan and the others, I don't know if they could resist!

"Brother Leng, don't worry, we are not waste. If these spirit bodies want to eat us, they have to shatter their teeth!" Liu Yuan seemed to know the estimation in Shen Haoxuan's heart, and then said viciously, with a smile on his face. A hint of madness.

"Do what you can, and defend if you can't beat it. With your speed, you should be able to delay for a while. When Yuxuan and I get rid of the spirit body in our hands, I will come out to help you!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice, and then He set his sights on the spirit bodies of those ninth-level spirit emperors.

At this time, outside the emperor's way, seeing the appearance of the ninth-level spirit emperor, the people in the eight major sects swept away the previous look of despair, the ninth-level spirit emperor, let alone the group of Liu family who only have the sixth-level spirit emperor's disciples , Even if the disciples in their own sect enter, they may not be able to survive. It seems that they are really going to be wiped out this time!
At this time, Mr. Liu also clenched his fists nervously, and he kept praying in his heart, hoping that everyone in the Liu family could survive this calamity safely.

"Qingchen, do you think they can survive?" the emperor suddenly asked Di Qingchen beside him.

"If you don't have those oil bottles, with the strength of the Void Divine Body, you might have a chance to survive, but with those oil bottles, you will die sooner or later!" Di Qingchen looked at the picture in the emperor's way, faintly Said.

"Oh, is that so? What if there is one among them who is stronger than the Void God Body?" The emperor smiled lightly, and then looked at Shen Haoxuan.

"Father was talking about that kid just now? He has speed, but his attack is too fancy, so it's nothing to be afraid of!" Di Qingchen glanced at Shen Haoxuan lightly, and said disdainfully.

"Don't underestimate him, maybe he will become your greatest opponent in the future, but if you have a chance, recruit him, and he will become your greatest helper!" The emperor said to Di Qingchen with his lips moving slightly.

Hearing this, Di Qingchen frowned, he didn't expect his father to have such a high opinion of a little-known boy, but since it was his father's will, Di Qingchen could only nod his head .

Everyone turned their eyes to the emperor's way again. At this time, the spirit body in the emperor's way and everyone in the Liu family had been confronting each other for half a moment in surprise, and the battle was about to break out!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In the end, those spirit bodies still couldn't hold back, and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan and the others first. In an instant, the entire Emperor's Dao was filled with evil winds, ghosts crying and wolves howling, and the powerful momentum forced everyone in the Liu family to take a few steps back.

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan let out a low cry, put the Soul-devouring Sword on his waist, and the purple-black sword energy began to frantically gather towards the Soul-devouring sword. The sword rose up, dispelling all the surrounding wind.

"Draw the sword and cut!" Shen Haoxuan yelled angrily, and the Soul Devouring Sword in his hand was pulled out from his waist suddenly, a bright sword light lit up, and instantly attacked those spirit bodies.

"Boom bang bang..."

A muffled sound resounded, and the spirit bodies in the first row were instantly hit by the purple-black sword energy, and all of them burst. Torn to shreds, where will the attack be avoided?
Shen Haoxuan's single blow killed dozens of spirit bodies, but to those spirit bodies, it was just a drizzle, and it couldn't hurt the bones at all.

After one hit, Shen Haoxuan and Liu Yuxuan burst out. In order to relieve Liu Yuan and the others a little pressure, they could only keep these spirit bodies away.

Shen Haoxuan and Liu Yuxuan can no longer kill other spiritual bodies of the ninth-level Linghuang class. Even if they are powerful, they must entangle the pot before they can be killed, and some spirit bodies are borrowed Taking advantage of this gap, he directly crossed the blockade of Shen Haoxuan and Liu Yuxuan, and rushed towards Liu Yuan and the others.

Fortunately, Liu Yuan and the others did not forcefully attack, the six of them hugged tightly and defended with all their strength. Those spirit bodies from the ninth level had no choice but to attack the tortoise shell for a while, and could only continue to attack frantically!
Seeing this scene, everyone outside the emperor's way was sweating, but the warriors of the eight major sects had already shouted happily.

"Haha, let me just say, it is absolutely impossible for these people to pass this test!"

"That's right, I just got shit luck, and I'm proud of killing a few spirit bodies of the eighth-level spirit emperor. What's there to be proud of? If they can pass this test alive, I'll kneel down and eat shit!"

"The Liu family still wants to turn around. It's just a dream. What's wrong with having a Void Divine Body? Isn't it going to die in the emperor's way now?" The mocking voices kept ringing out, but Mr. Liu was not in the mood to argue with them now, his eyes were tense. Staring at the screen, expecting a miracle to happen.

Inside the emperor's way, Shen Haoxuan watched more and more spirit bodies pass through the blockade between himself and Liu Yuxuan, and immediately frowned. No matter how well Liu Yuan and the others cooperated, they were still no match for the strength of the other party. It hurt a little, if this goes on, the lives of Liu Yuan and the others will be in danger!

"Yuxuan, we can't go on like this, let's end the battle quickly!" Shen Haoxuan shouted coldly, and then with a thought, the Suzaku wings behind him suddenly spread out.

"Suzaku burns the sky!" Shen Haoxuan softly shouted, and there was a burst of energy fluctuations on the wings of the Suzaku. Immediately afterwards, countless fire feathers attacked those spirit bodies like a torrential rain, and directly formed a fire in front of Liu Yuan and the others. With the curtain, those spirit bodies will not be able to break through for a while.

"Xiaoyao Zhan!" Immediately afterwards, Shen Haoxuan's figure turned into a purple-black streamer, and countless sword shadows lit up, stabbing at those spirit bodies instantly, where the sharp sword energy passed, those spirit bodies were like cutting wheat fall down.

Seeing this, Liu Yuxuan was not far behind, and immediately pinched Yin Jue, and an extremely huge force of space burst out from his body, causing the surrounding space to be directly distorted.

"Seven kills in a row!" A roar sounded, and seven huge space wind blades appeared in front of Liu Yuxuan, killing those spirits instantly, and smashed everything where the space wind blades passed.

Under the outbreak of Shen Haoxuan and Liu Yuxuan, the situation of the battle was saved in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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