Chaos hegemony

Chapter 880 Methods!

Chapter 880 Methods!

"What way?" Hearing that Shen Haoxuan still had a way, Liu Yuxuan's eyes flashed brightly, he knew that Shen Haoxuan would not just give in like this, no matter what kind of desperate situation, Shen Haoxuan could always come up with a solution.

Shen Haoxuan looked at Di Zihao and Di Zijie who were not far away, then looked at Liu Yuan and the others behind him, turned around and asked Liu Yuxuan in a deep voice: "If you use all your strength, plus my wood Ling Qingxuan, how long can we hide in the chaotic space without being forced out by these two people?"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Liu Yuxuan was taken aback for a moment. If Shen Haoxuan said that, he was planning to hide in the chaotic space, right?However, out of trust in Shen Haoxuan, Liu Yuxuan answered after a deep groan: "5 minutes, at most 5 minutes, that is my limit, after all, my Void God Body awakening is not complete!"

"5 minutes? 5 minutes is enough!" Shen Haoxuan nodded, and then pulled Liu Yuxuan back to Liu Yuan's side in an instant.

"Yuxuan, it's up to you next time!" Shen Haoxuan said.

Hearing this, Liu Yuxuan nodded, and then pinched the seal in his hand, a huge force of space erupted from his body, enveloping Shen Haoxuan and the others in it, and the next moment, they only felt the burst of space around them. Distorted, when they came back to their senses again, the surrounding scene had changed.

This is a pitch-black space, and a series of scary space wind blades passed by them, making goosebumps on everyone's bodies uncontrollable. This space wind blade is not the kind made by Liu Yuxuan, but It is formed by the chaotic space, not to mention the strong spirit emperor, even if the strong spirit emperor rank enters here, they may not come out alive!

"Is this the chaotic space?" Liu Yuan and the others looked at the darkness around them, and the dark cracks in the space, and the space wind that blows from time to time. This chaotic space is really terrifying!

"Ahem..." Liu Yuxuan coughed violently twice, his face turned pale, and he seemed to have consumed a lot. If he was the only one entering the chaotic space, it would be easy. This chaotic space is closely connected, but it would consume a lot of energy to bring other people along, and to protect these people from being blown by the space wind in the chaotic space, that difficulty is not ordinary.

Seeing Liu Yuxuan's pale face, Shen Haoxuan quickly covered it with the wood spirit Qingxuan, and stuffed a pill to restore spiritual power into his hands. Now the lives of several people are in Liu Yuxuan's hands, he Naturally, nothing can happen.

"Brother Leng, I'm fine. What exactly is the method you mentioned? We can't hide here forever, I can only last 5 minutes!" Liu Yuxuan asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded and said: "I know, don't worry, I will definitely find a solution!" After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan spread his hands, and three groups of heaven and earth spirit seeds of different colors slowly moved across his body. The palm emerges.

"This is...the three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth?" Liu Yuxuan couldn't help but screamed when he saw the three groups of light in Shen Haoxuan's hands. The spirits of heaven and earth are so precious, and the energy they contain is extremely terrifying. A warrior can Refining one kind of spirit of heaven and earth is already a blessing among luck, but Shen Haoxuan has refined three kinds by himself, which is simply unheard of.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth in his hands, and then with a thought, the pagoda also slowly emerged, and the power of chaos in the pagoda also gushed out, quietly floating around the spirits of heaven and earth.

Looking at the four-color energies in his hands, Shen Haoxuan directly patted them together under the shocked eyes of Liu Yuxuan and the others. The four energies collided together, and a dull roar erupted.


A powerful energy impact rushed out of Shen Haoxuan's hand, almost breaking through the protective cover made by Liu Yuxuan. Liu Yuxuan didn't care about the shock at the moment, and immediately calmed down and stabilized the protective cover around him.

Liu Yuan and the others looked at the four-color energies in Shen Haoxuan's hands in disbelief, and a trace of cold sweat oozes from his forehead. The repulsion between these different attributes is very great, especially as the spirit of heaven and earth, Shen Haoxuan dared to use the four-color energy Different energies are forcibly fused together. If there is a slight mistake in this, then they don't have to wait to be killed by Di Zihao, Di Zijie and the others, they will be swallowed by this energy!
However, although the energy in Shen Haoxuan's hands had been in a state of rioting, there was no sign of it erupting at all, which made Liu Yuxuan and the others heave a sigh of relief.

"Could it be possible to get rid of Dizijie and Dizihao, the two fifth-level spirit emperors, with this?" Liu Yuxuan was a little puzzled. For Emperor Ling, it's still a bit reluctant, right?
Shen Haoxuan didn't have time to pay attention to other things, he didn't explain to Liu Yuxuan, he just put all his mind on the four-color Yanyang explosion in his hand, but at this time there was an uproar outside the emperor's way.

"Where are Liu Yuxuan and Leng Feng? Why are they missing?" A warrior asked suspiciously.

"Haha, isn't Liu Yuxuan a void god? I guess he hid in the chaotic space with other people!"

"Turtle-headed turtles, but their brains are twitching. Even if they hide in the chaotic space, they will never escape the palms of the two great fifth-order spirit emperors. I don't believe that they can hide for a lifetime?" It sounded from the surroundings, and other people were also closely staring at the picture in the emperor's way.

"Huh? Hiding?" Di Zihao raised his eyebrows when he saw the members of the Liu family disappearing suddenly.

"This void god body is really difficult to deal with, but the space of the emperor's way is integrated with the outside space, and they can't escape. With the spiritual power in that kid's body, he can only last 5 years in the chaotic space at most. Minutes, so what if we wait five minutes!" Di Zijie said with a chuckle.

"Hmph, the one who came up with this kind of method is really a waste. If those two boys are desperate, maybe they can replace one of us, so that we can hide in the chaotic space and consume spiritual power in vain. In the end, there is only a dead end One!" Di Zihao said with a cold snort, his eyes full of contempt.

Di Zijie also nodded at this, and the two stood here quietly, waiting for Shen Haoxuan and the others to appear.

But at this time in the chaotic space, the fusion of the four-color energies in Shen Haoxuan's hands was almost complete, and traces of destructive aura emanated from Shen Haoxuan's hands, making Liu Yuxuan and the others feel palpitations, and their bodies could not help but tremble.

"Brother Leng, are you alright? I can't hold it any longer!" Liu Yuxuan said with difficulty, his face became extremely pale now, although he could last for 5 minutes, but under the influence of the destructive power in Shen Haoxuan's hand, His consumption is too great, and now he can't hold it in less than 4 minutes.

"Okay, let's go out!" As soon as Liu Yuxuan finished speaking, the four-color energies in Shen Haoxuan's hands were completely fused together, and a four-color unicorn appeared in front of everyone, but Liu Yuxuan didn't have the heart to appreciate it. With a thought, several people retreated from the chaotic space...

[ps: It’s the beginning of the month, please comfort me with monthly tickets and recommended tickets, thank you big brothers~~~~]

 [ps: It’s the beginning of the month, please comfort me with monthly tickets and recommended tickets, thank you big brothers~~~~]

(End of this chapter)

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