Chaos hegemony

Chapter 892 "Untitled"

Chapter 892 "Untitled"

After Shen Haoxuan and Liu Yuxuan explained a few words to Liu Yuan and the others, they left the cave together and rushed towards the entrance of the fourth floor.

At the entrance of the fourth floor, many people have gathered here, and they all seem to want to enter the fourth floor. Although the emperor's decree is not required to enter the fourth floor, they need their own strength!

After the two of Shen Haoxuan came over, the crowd automatically gave way to a path. Although the Liu family has declined in recent years, the dead camels are still bigger than horses. No one dares to provoke the members of the Liu family. .

Looking at the light curtain in front of them, Liu Yuxuan and Shen Haoxuan stepped into it together. At this time, they also knew why entering the fourth floor requires their own excellent strength. In this light curtain, there is a very strong energy coercion, strength A slightly weaker martial artist would probably be pushed out if he couldn't even step in!

"This probably has reached the coercion of the Lingdi level!" Shen Haoxuan raised his arm, and said lightly, although the coercion here is very strong, it is at most a little obstacle for Shen Haoxuan and Liu Yuxuan, The two of them didn't stop for a moment, and soon they reached the other end of the light curtain.

When the two walked out of the light curtain, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. At this time, Shen Haoxuan and Liu Yuxuan seemed to be standing in a chaotic space, with nothing under their feet, and it was pitch black. , There are countless lights, which are entrances, and energy of different attributes comes from those entrances, including fire attribute, wind attribute, wood attribute, etc., even space attribute!
"What the hell is this...!" Shen Haoxuan and Liu Yuxuan looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in their eyes. Isn't this a holy mountain?Shouldn't it be that the forest is densely covered with sacred beasts?How could there be such a place?This looks like a transit station leading to another space, and there are countless choices in front of them, leading to different spaces.

"It seems that this is specially made for warriors with different attributes!" Shen Haoxuan quickly understood, and he admired the powerful methods of the ancients even more in his heart. He never thought that they could come up with such a method.

"Let's go, let's go in too!" Shen Haoxuan and Liu Yuxuan greeted each other, and the two began to look for their respective attributes. Liu Yuxuan undoubtedly chose the space attribute, and his Void God Body is the only one.

After Liu Yuxuan bid farewell to Shen Haoxuan, Shen Haoxuan was stunned. If he chose attributes, it seemed that he could use any of the five elements, but after thinking about it, he should go to the space of water attributes first. After all, he has fire attributes and wood attributes in his body. As well as the earth attribute, we have found the corresponding spirit of heaven and earth, and they have become very powerful. Now it's time to strengthen the metal and water attributes!

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan didn't hesitate, and soon found the water attribute space, and plunged into it.


Entering the space, what greets the eyes is a vast ocean, terrifying waves one after another, constantly beating the teacher in the distance, huge waves splashing, forming a gorgeous rainbow in the sky.

"Haha..." Just as Shen Haoxuan was admiring the beautiful scenery, several pleasant laughter suddenly sounded from under his feet, which brought Shen Haoxuan back to his senses in an instant, and he quickly lowered his head to look down. Shen Haoxuan was not allowed to fall from mid-air.

At this time, there is a pool of water surrounded by rocks below. Compared with the turbulent sea in the distance, this pool of water is extremely quiet. Of course, this is not important. What is important is that in that pool of water, several women are taking a bath. Everyone was laughing and playing, not knowing that they had been exposed to someone's eyes.

"Don't look at evil, don't look at evil!" Shen Haoxuan quickly raised his head, and forced back the nosebleed that was about to flow out. He is a family man, so he can't do such a thing, but just now there is a loli's chest It's too big, Shen Haoxuan thought wickedly.

"Ah, who is it?" Just as Shen Haoxuan was thinking wildly, there was a scream, and the women below seemed to have seen Shen Haoxuan, and they shouted coquettishly, and then they were in a hurry, and hurriedly put on their clothes.

"It's you, Leng Feng!" The girls stood together, looking at Shen Haoxuan with cold eyes, and Shen Haoxuan also recognized the girls at this time. These four were all disciples of the Jade Glass School, and Hao Ran, the leader, was the one who broke through. You Menglan, a genius disciple of the Heavenly Emperor Dao!
"Hehe, what a coincidence!" Shen Haoxuan smiled awkwardly, and greeted several people, what kind of thing is this, just entered this space and saw the four of them taking a bath, it's okay to see them, and they were discovered by others Even if Shen Haoxuan jumped into the Yellow River this time, he couldn't clean himself up.

"Hmph, Leng Feng, I really didn't expect you to be such a person. You are simply a hooligan, obscene, and shameless, peeping at us in the shower!" The little loli standing behind You Menglan scolded Shen Haoxuan. Nangong Mengze, a genius disciple of his.

"It's not what you think, I really didn't intend to, I just entered this space, who knew I ran into you..." Shen Haoxuan explained.

"Leng Feng, you don't need to explain. This is a water attribute space. What are you doing here as a fire attribute person? And you said you came to peek at other people taking a bath?" Nangong Mengze said unreasonably. The two girls also nodded, looking at Shen Haoxuan with unkindness in their eyes.

"I'm really..." Shen Haoxuan suddenly felt that he couldn't argue with anything. It seemed that these people didn't intend to believe him anymore. Thinking of this, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth.

"That's right, I just watched you take a shower, and it seems that your breasts are not as big as those next to yours!" Shen Haoxuan said to Nangong Mengze with a lewd look.

" rascal, I'm going to kill you!" Nangong Mengze's pretty face flushed red when she heard Shen Haoxuan's molesting words, and then, regardless of other people's dissuasion, she rushed towards Shen Haoxuan in a flash !
Seeing Nangong Mengze rushing over, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised slightly, and light blue spiritual power emerged from his hand, winding towards Nangong Mengze. The power of water attribute spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's hands was not weaker than that of fire attribute. The flexible water attribute became softer in Shen Haoxuan's hands, and the palms wrapped around Nangong Mengze's arms, leading her to start circling in the air.

In the end, Shen Haoxuan pulled violently, and Nangong Mengze's body flew into Shen Haoxuan's arms uncontrollably. Shen Haoxuan hugged her waist and clamped her tightly, so that she could not escape at all.

You Menglan and the others who were standing not far away were shocked when they saw Shen Haoxuan's move. Just now, Shen Haoxuan didn't use any fire attribute spiritual power, but only used water attribute spiritual power. How could this be possible? Having seen Shen Haoxuan make a move, he even practiced water-attribute spiritual power. It's impossible. Water and fire don't mix. How can it be possible for a person to have fire-attribute and water-attribute spiritual power at the same time?

(End of this chapter)

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