Chaos hegemony

Chapter 898 Metal Space! [4 more! 】

Chapter 898 Metal Space! [Four more! 】

"People from Sifang Pavilion?" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows as he looked at the dozen or so disciples around him.

"Leng Feng, please come with us!" The disciples of the Sifang Pavilion surrounded him and said in a somewhat stiff tone. It seemed that if Shen Haoxuan didn't agree, he would directly attack!
Hearing the words of the Sifang Pavilion disciples, Shen Haoxuan frowned. He wanted others to threaten him like this the most. If he spoke well, Shen Haoxuan would still think twice or three, but these disciples are so tough, which aroused Shen Haoxuan's heart. dissatisfaction.

"What if I refuse?" Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his voice became cold.

"Do you think you have the qualifications to refuse?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, all the warriors around gathered around, their aura burst out, all the seventh-rank Linghuang, it seems that Sifang Pavilion entered the holy mountain. He is a top genius in the sect!

"Then you all have a try!" Shen Haoxuan had a wicked smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of disdain.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the disciples in the Sifang Pavilion looked at each other, then nodded, and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan in an instant. It seemed that they really wanted to take Shen Haoxuan down to meet the other three in the Sifang Pavilion. Young Pavilion Master.


There was a sound of fierce fighting, but only a moment later, the dark space stopped, and everything returned to calm.

Shen Haoxuan clapped his hands indifferently, looked at those Sifang Pavilion disciples lying on the ground in disorder, shook his head, and then said lightly: "Tell your Young Pavilion Master, if you want to find me, please come in person. Let me see him? He doesn't have the qualifications yet! If you are not convinced, you can come to the fire attribute space to find me, and I will accompany you to the end!" After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan left without looking back.

The dozens of people lying on the ground were all bruised and swollen at this time. Looking at the back of Shen Haoxuan leaving, a sense of fear rose in their hearts. They were so strong that none of them were his opponents. They believed that if If Shen Haoxuan kills them, there is absolutely no possibility of them surviving.

"Let's go, go back and find the young pavilion master, I guess the only young pavilion master is his opponent!" A dozen people helped each other get up from the ground and walked towards a certain space.

"Boss, why don't you kill them!" Chang Mao lay on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder and said boredly.

"What do you kill them for? Isn't it fun to have one more opponent?" Shen Haoxuan smiled lightly, but the laughter made Chang Mao feel a chill, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit of the people in Sifang Pavilion. Feeling sympathetic, confronting Shen Haoxuan, these people probably won't end well.

"Are we going to the metallic space? Didn't you say that you are going to the fire attribute to wait for the Sifang Pavilion?" Looking at Shen Haoxuan's path, Changmao asked with some doubts.

"Is that what I say? Let them find me, I don't have time to play with them now!" Shen Haoxuan spread his hands and said, now there is only one and a half months left before the opening of the sixth floor, and he must improve his strength as soon as possible, Otherwise, they will not have much advantage in the battle for the holy fruit in the holy pool.

"Okay, you won!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Changmao rolled his eyes, and felt even more sympathetic with the Sifang Pavilion group of people, probably they will waste time in the fire attribute space!

Shen Haoxuan and Changmao soon came to the metallic space. The two had just stepped into the metallic space when they were tormented by the strong wind blowing around for a while, and all the clothes on their bodies were torn apart. If the two of them hadn't reacted quickly, they would have been beaten into a sieve!

"Is this the metallic nature? It's really strong!" Shen Haoxuan finally revoked the spiritual power of the body protection after a long while to adapt, feeling the tyranny of the surrounding wind, a hint of shock appeared on his face.

Before, Shen Haoxuan didn't know much about the properties of metal, but after feeling the strong wind today, he finally understood that the sharp weapon of gold is unstoppable and indestructible wherever it passes. This is the ultimate attack. It doesn't matter what defense it is. Metal Sex, offense is the best defense!

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help taking out the Soul Eater Sword, and began to wave it in the space. Sword qi continuously flashed out of Shen Haoxuan's body, facing the strong winds, and the constant collisions erupted. There was a sound of iron and steel clattering, and sparks burst out, like gorgeous fireworks.

After quite a while, Shen Haoxuan finally came back from that state, with a look of unsatisfactory expression on his face, it seems that he also got something.

"Let's go, let's go inside and have a look!" Shen Haoxuan became interested. Although he had a little understanding just now, he always felt that something was missing, but since he came here, he could always find that feeling.

The two followed each other to the depths of the metallic space. Along the way, Shen Haoxuan encountered many metallic holy beasts. These holy beasts all had one thing in common, that is, their attacks were very sharp. Even Shen Haoxuan was eaten by them. It was a lot of suffering, but fighting these metallic holy beasts allowed Shen Haoxuan, who had just broken through, to stabilize his realm.

"Huh? Is there someone in front?" Just as Shen Haoxuan and Changmao were shuttling through the depths of the metallic space, a powerful aura appeared in Shen Haoxuan's perception. Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Changmao also hurriedly sneaked into Shen Haoxuan in the body.

Shen Haoxuan quietly moved forward, and soon found the place where the breath was. Shen Haoxuan stood behind the rock and looked forward. When he saw that figure, Shen Haoxuan was also a little surprised, because this person I also know that it is Lei Haotian, the Lei Jizong who wanted to help him on the first floor!
At this time, Lei Haotian's upper body was bare, and the impact of the explosive muscles was too great. Even from a long distance, Shen Haoxuan could feel the violent power in Lei Haotian's body. A huge golden rock turtle was confronting him.

The next moment, a flash of lightning flashed under Lei Haotian's feet, and he disappeared in place instantly, at a speed almost comparable to Liu Yuxuan's speed of traveling through space!
When Lei Haotian reappeared, he appeared on top of the golden rock tortoise. Immediately afterwards, he turned into a shooting star and slammed into the golden rock tortoise fiercely, violent power shot out, The rock tortoise, which seems to be super defensive, fell to the ground with a wail, and its body was directly embedded in the ground. Not only that, thick cracks began to appear on the golden tortoise shell on its body, and finally burst open. , To kill this golden rock turtle directly!
"What a powerful attack!" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but secretly admired.

Lei Haotian stood up slowly, suddenly, he seemed to feel something, the lightning flashed under his feet again, this direction, unexpectedly came towards Shen Haoxuan, it seems that he found Shen Haoxuan...

(End of this chapter)

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