Chaos hegemony

Chapter 90 Bet!

Chapter 90 Bet!

Seeing such an insolent Shen Haoxuan, Elder Huo was overjoyed. Originally, he was thinking about how to stimulate Shen Haoxuan's fighting spirit, but this is great, the wooden seal has helped him a lot!
Elder Huo looked at the genius disciples at the entrance of the three halls, they were just two spirit generals and one with an extreme physique.Before meeting Shen Haoxuan, Elder Huo really thought that these people were geniuses, but after seeing Shen Haoxuan's abnormality, they couldn't fall into the eyes of Elder Huo!
Especially that Mu Feiyu, is his extreme physique very good?Is the half-step spirit general very cool?Is it cool to draw with the spirit general?He, Shen Haoxuan, jumped from an ordinary person who couldn't cultivate to an eighth-level spiritual disciple in two years. He also has an extreme physique, and Shen Haoxuan is also pregnant with the fire spirit obsidian, and even abolished a strong spirit general!Compared with Shen Haoxuan's genius level?Even Mu Feiyu can't catch up with Shen Haoxuan, okay?

Elder Huo is happy here, but the pot has exploded over there!Except for the Linglong Hall that has not yet arrived, the people at the entrance of the other three halls all stared and scolded, this Shen Haoxuan is simply too arrogant!
"Okay, okay! Do you know the consequences of what you said?" Mu Feng laughed angrily when he heard Shen Haoxuan's words.

"Consequence? Isn't it that I won the first place and then hit you in the face? Is there any other reward?" Shen Haoxuan said casually, if you want to be crazy, then go crazy to the end!He won't give face to these people!
Mu Feng was speechless, he had seen crazy people, but he had never seen Shen Haoxuan so crazy, his face was so angry that he couldn't speak!
"Okay, since you are so arrogant, let's make a bet!" Mu Feiyu stood up at this time.

"Bet? Well, I like betting the most!" Shen Haoxuan replied.

"We'll bet on No.1 in this rookie test. If I get the first place, you have to cultivate at your own expense, get out of the Five Elements School, and when you see the three characters Mu Feiyu in the future, you must go around!" Mu Mu Fei Yu stared at Shen Haoxuan fiercely and said.

Hearing Mu Feiyu's words, everyone looked sideways. They never thought that this seemingly weak young man would have such a vicious heart. To abolish his self-cultivation is more uncomfortable than killing him for a warrior!

"Okay!" Shen Haoxuan didn't care, and just agreed.

"Then what if I win?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"Hehe, is it possible for you to win?" Mu Feiyu said disdainfully.

"Heh, I don't know if I have the possibility to win, but I only know that you have the possibility to lose! My bet is my whole body cultivation, what about yours? You can't be a white wolf with empty hands!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly Said in one voice.

"Hmph, if you win, you can make any conditions you want!" Mu Feng said directly.

"Haha, okay, Elder Mu is grand, and I don't want any expensive things. If I win, I want the cultivation resources that Qingmu Hall distributes to new disciples!" Shen Haoxuan said.

"I promise you, if you win, I will give [-]% of the resources from Qingmutang to Chiyantang!" Mu Feng replied.

"Heh, Elder Mu, you underestimate me too much! What I want is all the cultivation resources of Qingmu Hall!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the wooden seal and opened his mouth.

"You have such a big appetite!" Mu Feng said angrily, he didn't expect Shen Haoxuan to want all the cultivation resources of Qingmutang!Although these resources are distributed for newly recruited disciples, it is not a small amount, Shen Haoxuan's appetite is indeed not small!

"Elder Mu is too modest, the boy's appetite is only average, why, doesn't Elder Mu have confidence in his disciples? He is a half-step spirit general with an extreme physique, and even fought to a tie with a strong spirit general Hey, I'm just a brat of an eighth-level spiritual disciple, no matter how you look at it, it's Elder Mu that you have a high chance of winning!" Shen Haoxuan said with a bitter face.

"Master, please give me this chance, I will destroy him with my own hands!" Mu Feiyu cupped his hands and said, at the same time, staring at Shen Haoxuan with ruthless eyes, wishing to tear him into pieces!
"Okay, I hope you don't let me down, otherwise, you will know the consequences!" Mu Feng said looking at Mu Feiyu who was full of confidence.

Thinking of the consequences of failure, Mu Feiyu couldn't help shivering, and quickly responded: "Yes, I will let him know that it was his wrong decision to come to this world!"

Shen Haoxuan didn't care about Mu Feiyu's vicious threat at all, it's not certain who wins and who loses, besides, he, Shen Haoxuan, has no intention of losing!Now we just need to wait for the arrival of the suzerain of the Five Elements Sect, and then we can officially start this newcomer test!
The waiting time was always too long. After the episode just now, the atmosphere on the stage was a little tense. The talented disciples at the entrance of the third hall stared at Shen Haoxuan unkindly, wishing to have a showdown with him now!
However, Shen Haoxuan turned a blind eye to them and just joked and played with Ji Lingxuan, which made those genius disciples even more annoyed!
"Wow...!" Suddenly, a water curtain descended from the sky, and an old woman floated down from the water curtain.

After the old woman appeared, the person in charge at the entrance of the four halls hurriedly pulled his disciples to salute her, Shen Haoxuan was also quickly stopped by Elder Huo, and respectfully said: "See hall master She!"

That's right, this old woman is the current head of Linglong Hall, Mrs. She!
Mrs. She gave a light grace, glanced at everyone present, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "The talents of the newly recruited students this year are not bad, you have worked hard!"

"It's all for the sect! But Elder Huo recruited some disciples..." Mu Feng stepped forward and said.

"En? What?" Old Madam She put her eyes on Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan. At that moment, Shen Haoxuan felt like being spied on, as if all the secrets of his body were exposed in front of her!
This feeling was very uncomfortable, Shen Haoxuan frowned, and slowly mobilized the Fire Spirit Obsidian in his body to wrap his dantian!Cut off the prying eyes of Mrs. She!

"Huh!" Old Madam She suddenly realized that her spirituality had been cut off, and immediately let out a light sigh.But when she put her eyes on Ji Lingxuan, her heart shook violently!

"This... this is..." Mrs. She showed a look of shock, and walked quickly to Ji Lingxuan, and grabbed Ji Lingxuan's jade hand!

"Little girl, you don't seem to be from the Southern Region, or the Northern Region! Where are you from?" Old Madam She asked softly.This question made the people around me puzzled!And Ji Lingxuan didn't speak, just smiled!
Seeing Ji Lingxuan's smile, Mrs. She understood instantly, and immediately said: "Little girl, how about you follow me in the future, and be my personal disciple!"

As soon as Mrs. She finished speaking, Elder Huo and the others froze!They all know that Old Madam She has not recruited disciples for nearly a hundred years. Her threshold is too high. A little girl is a direct disciple!
"Ah?" Ji Lingxuan was also taken aback, not knowing what to do, she immediately looked at Shen Haoxuan.

This tiny movement of Ji Lingxuan did not escape Old Madam She's eyes, and he also knew that Ji Lingxuan seemed to listen to Shen Haoxuan very much, so he said to Shen Haoxuan: "Little brother, this little girl's physique is a bit special, let her follow her." My words will help!"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded. Ji Lingxuan was originally the proud daughter of heaven, her talent was only above her own, but she had always stood behind Shen Haoxuan, willing to be Shen Haoxuan's background, now, it's time for her to bloom Your own brilliance!
Seeing that Shen Haoxuan agreed, Ji Lingxuan also had no objection, so she just followed Mrs. She!

Elder Huo was very surprised, he didn't expect that a random little girl would have such great potential, even Mrs. She was anxious to accept her as his apprentice!

"The suzerain is here!" Just when everyone was surprised by Ji Lingxuan, a loud shout came from the distant sky, and immediately, a colorful torrent descended from the sky, and a figure appeared in everyone's sight!

(End of this chapter)

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