Chaos hegemony

Chapter 94 You are still far behind!

Chapter 94 You are still far behind!

"It seems that this test No.1 will be won by the kid from Qingmutang. Hallmaster She, I will accept that Ganoderma lucidum with a smile!" In the stands, the old man who bet on Mr. She touched it. Beard, said with a smile.

"What's the rush? It's not the end yet, don't jump to conclusions!" Mrs. She said calmly as she looked at Shen Haoxuan with his eyes closed on the ladder of chaos. She seemed not worried at all that she would lose the bet.

"I think the ending is already obvious. That kid in Qingmutang has already climbed to the 75th step. That height, even if you were back then, it was out of reach! If you go two or three steps forward, you will have to Catch up with the suzerain!" The old man smacked his lips.

Regarding this, Old Madam She just smiled, did not speak, and then closed her eyes, waiting for Shen Haoxuan to wake up.

At this moment on the ladder of chaos, Mu Feiyu's body had reached its limit, and he could not move forward any further. He could only sit cross-legged and try his best to resist the coercion pouring down from the top of the ladder!
Unlike Mu Feiyu's face of hardship, Shen Haoxuan's face of enjoyment!

In Shen Haoxuan's mind, the coercion around him was clearly decomposed into traces of heaven and earth forces, these forces of heaven and earth are like newborn babies, feeling novelty about everything around them, they entangle Shen Haoxuan's spiritual power, as if It's... having fun!
Seeing these curious babies, Shen Haoxuan was delighted. He was worried about how to get close to these forces of heaven and earth, but he didn't expect them to surround him by himself.It's good now, Shen Haoxuan can comprehend these trends of heaven and earth more carefully.In fact, Shen Haoxuan is also considered lucky, these forces of heaven and earth seem to be very friendly to him, perhaps because Shen Haoxuan possesses a chaotic divine body.

Feeling the traces of the power of heaven and earth, Shen Haoxuan's own spiritual power also began to imitate the trajectory of these powers of heaven and earth. Slowly, his spiritual power actually resonated with the power of heaven and earth, and followed their path. The rhythm began to superimpose upwards bit by bit!
And as the spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's body superimposed, the same terrifying coercion erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, and he even began to contend with the coercion on the chaotic ladder from the outside world. The two forces, one positive and the other negative, strangely began to neutralize.

As the coercion on the ladder of chaos was neutralized, Shen Haoxuan's whole body was lightened, and a feeling of relief almost made him moan.


Just when Shen Haoxuan was immersed in this wonderful feeling, a dull bell rang, and Chen Yu's voice rang in the ears of all the warriors: "The time to realize is a stick of incense, and after a stick of incense, the test is over and the results will be announced! "

Hearing Chen Yu's words, the warriors who originally planned to break through on the ladder sat down quickly. There are not many opportunities to comprehend martial arts under the pressure of the saint!

In an instant, the entire ladder fell silent.Mu Feiyu's eyes were red, panting heavily, he looked at Shen Haoxuan below.

How could Mu Feiyu have any thoughts and feelings at this time, all his thoughts are now on resisting the coercion of the ladder of chaos, the coercion above the fifth level of No. Stepping on his feet, Mu Feiyu could only grit his teeth and hold on!

"Hmph, after a stick of incense, I'll see how arrogant you can be after a stick of incense!" Mu Feiyu looked at Shen Haoxuan below, and roared in a hoarse voice.

But as soon as it finished speaking, Shen Haoxuan suddenly stood up!

For Shen Haoxuan's sudden standing up, all the eyes of the audience looked over.

"What is that kid doing? Don't you know that understanding martial arts under the coercion of a saint can achieve twice the result with half the effort?" Someone in the audience whispered.

"Maybe it's because his comprehension is too poor and he can't comprehend anything!"

"Poor savvy? Are you kidding me? He has climbed five steps. Although it is only one step higher than the 54th step, it can be regarded as the third stage anyway. Can he be a person with poor savvy!" The people on the side He glanced at the person who just spoke.

"Tch, what is level 55? He is a disciple who was selected to the entrance of the five main halls. If you look at the disciples of other entrances, the lowest ones have climbed to the [-]s. That Mu Feiyu is even more perverted. You broke the record of our suzerain, this is called a genius, okay, what is that Shen Haoxuan, no way!"

"Well, that's right, hey, Chiyantang is really not as good as every year. The disciples recruited are so bad now, I can enter Chiyantang after this!"


There was a lot of discussion in the audience.The stage didn't stop, Mu Feng looked at Elder Huo and said angrily, "Tsk tsk, this is the disciple you chose? He is very knowledgeable about current affairs and knows that he is not good enough. Do you want to come down early?"

Elder Huo gave Mu Feng a cold look, ignored him, then looked at Shen Haoxuan, frowning: "What is this brat thinking? If you continue like this, you will lose!"

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was moving his body on the ladder of chaos. Now he seemed to be completely unaffected by the coercion of the saint. His own spiritual power and the coercion of the saint formed a perfect resonance. He was like a fish, You can roam freely in this coercion.

Of course, the previous insight was not limited to this. The superposition principle of power is Shen Haoxuan's greatest achievement. This made him know that even if it is an insignificant power, it will become terrifying when it is superimposed layer by layer. Of course, this principle now It is still in the theoretical stage, after this test is over, Shen Haoxuan will slowly put it into practice.

And now what to do is to win the bet with Mu Feiyu!

Mu Feiyu looked at Shen Haoxuan who started to move his hands and feet below, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, he saw Shen Haoxuan stepping forward and started to climb up. At the beginning, one step was one step, and then, one step was two steps, and one step was three steps. At that speed, it seemed that the coercion here was not enough. He can't seem to get in the way!And in fact, it is true.

Below, the warriors who were still satirizing Shen Haoxuan, all closed their mouths after seeing this terrifying speed. They looked at Shen Haoxuan like a monster, and were speechless for a long time!
"He... is he running on it? Am I dazzled!"

"I'm dazzled too! Something is wrong with the Chaos Ladder. Has the coercion of the saints on the third stage disappeared?"

"Fart, this is a sacred artifact left by the first clan, how could something go wrong!"

"That kid..." Everyone turned their attention to Shen Haoxuan again.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan had come to Mu Feiyu's side. He turned his head, looked at Mu Feiyu who was struggling under pressure, and said lightly: "Want to win me? You are still far away." Woolen cloth!"

(End of this chapter)

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