Chaos hegemony

Chapter 955 Lessons?

Chapter 955 Lessons?

In the tavern, Shen Haoxuan didn't know that there was trouble on his way. After several inquiries, he finally got some information.

"There are tens of thousands of people participating in the assessment of the three major courtyards this time, and less than one-tenth of them are from the Xingluo Continent, and the rest are geniuses in the hidden world!" Shen Haoxuan shared the information After sharing it with Luo Hongtian and Murong Wanqing, both of them took a deep breath after hearing it.

Out of tens of thousands of people, less than one-tenth of them are from the Xingluo Continent, so the difficulty of the assessment of these three colleges will be doubled!In the hidden world, there are countless small sects and small families, but even if it is these sects, any one of them is enough to reach the level of the eight major sects in the Central Territory. It doesn't matter that Di Qingchen's level is weak, most of the genius disciples are much stronger than Di Qingchen, it is very difficult to snatch the identity token from those disciples!

The best ones to deal with in this assessment are naturally those warriors who just came from Xingluo Continent, but such warriors are less than one-tenth, and they are scattered in different regions, the probability of encountering them is too small .

"Don't worry, before going to Shengwu City, no matter where you take the assessment, you will enter the Xingluo Mountains, where we will have the opportunity to do it. As long as we get [-] tokens, we will have the opportunity to enter the three major colleges!" Shen Haoxuan took Analyzing the map of the hidden world.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Murong Wanqing and Luo Hongtian also nodded, but they were still a little worried. Newcomers like them who just came from Xingluo Continent will definitely be treated as soft persimmons. People are targeting!
"What do you want to do so much? Soldiers come to cover you up, don't underestimate yourselves, Wan Qing, you have refined the sacred fruit of the dragon and phoenix, and now you have the divine body of the dragon and phoenix, and your talent is no less than those genius disciples from the hidden world Brother Luo, too, after the opening of the Celestial Overlord Body, it is also enough to compete against the third-order spirit emperor. Don't worry, we will definitely be able to enter the three major colleges. After entering the three major colleges, we can compare us with those geniuses in the hidden world Make up for the gap, and your achievements in the future will not be inferior to theirs!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the nervous two, and comforted with a chuckle.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Murong Wanqing and Luo Hongtian also nodded. Shen Haoxuan was right, why should they be afraid? They must be better than them, as long as enough time is given, the two of them will definitely surpass those talented disciples in the hidden world!

Moreover, don't forget that there is an even more perverted Shen Haoxuan beside them. The current Shen Haoxuan is absolutely no worse than those talented disciples in the hidden world. It shouldn't be difficult to enter the three courtyards.

Seeing that the two of them relaxed, Shen Haoxuan also smiled lightly. In fact, the fighters on Xingluo Continent are not weak, but in their hearts they think that they are not as good as the genius disciples in the hidden world, and their aura is weaker when fighting. Where is the possibility of winning?
After letting go of the worries in their hearts, the three of them began to enjoy the food. Although it is said that they can not eat the grains of the world when they reach the Lingdi stage, there is still no way to resist such things as food.

"Get out of the way, get out of here!" However, while Shen Haoxuan and the others were eating, shouts of cursing resounded in the tavern, and then dozens of big men rushed in with big knives in their hands. Among these people, A warrior wearing a wolf fur coat walked in slowly. This is the leader of the Kui Lang Gang, Kui Lang!
"Why did the people from the Kui Lang Gang come here? Even the leader of the gang is dispatched!" Seeing Kui Lang, the warriors in the tavern all moved aside tactfully. The Kui Lang Gang is well-known around Yanluo City. Everyone in the gang is desperate and fierce, and no one is afraid of them, and they can be regarded as the existence of an emperor around Yanluo City.

"Hey, don't you know yet? The three evil wolves of the Kui Lang Gang were abolished outside the altar square today. Kui Lang must have come to find a place!" A well-informed person whispered.

"Oh, who has the guts to offend the Kui Lang Gang!" Everyone was curious.

"I don't know, it should be a newcomer who just came up from Xingluo Continent, but now that Kui Lang is here, those few people will be miserable!" Everyone whispered.

"Brother, it's that kid!" The three evil wolves stepped forward at this moment, pointed at Shen Haoxuan and said viciously.

At this moment, Shen Haoxuan also felt several killing intents, and when he turned his head, he saw Kui Lang and the others walking towards him.

"Boy, are you the one who abolished my three brothers?" Kui Lang looked at Shen Haoxuan and asked coldly, with a flash of killing intent in his eyes, a newcomer who just came from Xingluo Continent dared to break ground on his head, I really want to die!

"Oh, you said these three trash? So what if I'm crippled?" Shen Haoxuan glanced at the three evil wolves behind Kui Lang, and said calmly, without any fear in his tone.

"What a big tone, boy, this is a hidden world. Don't think it's your Xingluo Continent. Let me teach you the rules of the hidden world today!" Kui Lang snorted coldly, holding his hands abruptly Suddenly, a mace appeared, waving his hand like smashing Shen Haoxuan's head, the howling wind shook the surrounding space.

Seeing Kui Lang's attack, the warriors around couldn't help but close their eyes, mourning for Shen Haoxuan in their hearts, this kid is really arrogant to the limit, which one of the warriors who just came up from Xingluo Continent is not swallowing his anger and being cautious, like Shen Haoxuan It's so crazy, it's the first time I've seen it.

"Hmph, boy, go to hell and reflect on yourself. The hidden world is not a place where you can be arrogant!" When the three evil wolves saw Shen Haoxuan's motionless body, a ferocious smile appeared on the corners of their mouths. I have already seen the scene where Shen Haoxuan's head was directly smashed by that mace!

However, just when everyone thought that Shen Haoxuan was bound to die, there was a sound of iron and steel clanging, and violent wind blasted out, blasting all the surrounding tables and chairs into powder. Knowing when a palm appeared, that palm easily took Kui Lang's mace, and Shen Haoxuan below was not injured at all.

The one who appeared behind Shen Haoxuan was naturally Huo Jingang. Shen Haoxuan didn't plan to do it himself, after all, the other party was a fourth-order spirit emperor, and he couldn't solve it for a while.

Kui Lang saw that his mace was taken down by one hand, and his expression changed drastically. He knew exactly how much force he used for this blow. The opponent's ability to take it down so easily must have surpassed him in strength. , should have reached the fifth-order Spirit Emperor.

"Huo King Kong, teach him a good lesson, let him know the rules of my Xingluo Continent!" Shen Haoxuan glanced at Na Kui Lang, and said lightly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's order, Huo Jingang's figure flashed out instantly, and then, a crisp applause resounded in the tavern.


(End of this chapter)

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