Chaos hegemony

Chapter 960 I want to take the first place!

Chapter 960 I want to take the first place!

"Get the No.1 in the assessment of the Three Courts!" Shen Haoxuan's words echoed in the tavern, making all the fighters in the tavern stunned, no matter if they were from the hidden world or the fighters who just came up from Xingluo Continent , looked at Shen Haoxuan in disbelief.

"Haha, it's really whimsical, it's up to you!" After a long while, the warriors in the hidden world finally came back to their senses, and they all laughed loudly at the moment, their eyes full of disdain.

"Do you know the geniuses in our hidden world? Shangguan Yun, Wu Lin, Jin Tong, Jiang Ya'er, if you pick one out at random, it's like crushing an ant. You're not worthy to even lift your shoes in front of them. You can't catch up with those geniuses even if you flatter your horse, so you still want to get the assessment from the Three Great Courts?" All the warriors around snorted coldly.

Hearing the words of these hidden warriors, Shen Haoxuan smiled instead of anger, his face was full of arrogance, and then he said loudly: "Hmph, genius? So what, I, Shen Haoxuan, have been stepping on the footsteps of geniuses all the way to the present." So what about the geniuses from the hidden world? After all, they will only become my footsteps! I will show you today that your so-called geniuses are still vulnerable to me!"

After all, an extremely domineering aura erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, instantly sweeping across the entire tavern, causing everyone in the tavern to bow their heads to him, as if they were paying homage to a king.

Feeling the domineering spirit of Shen Haoxuan, the warriors in the hidden places in the tavern trembled in their hearts, and then their complexions became gloomy, and they could only leave in despair.

"Brother Haoxuan, are you... a little impulsive, the first place in the assessment of the three courtyards sounds a bit difficult!" Murong Wanqing said helplessly spreading her hands.

"That's right, I never thought you would say such a thing!" Luo Hongtian also rubbed his forehead and smiled wryly.

Hearing what these two people said, Shen Haoxuan smiled softly, and then said: "Why, you don't have confidence? People in these hidden worlds have already talked about this, and I haven't said anything. Isn't it too cowardly? Buddha Fighting for a stick of incense, people fight for one breath, isn't it?"

"Then Cousin Haoxuan already has the confidence to fight against those geniuses in the Hidden World?" Murong Wanqing had some joy in her eyes, she knew that Shen Haoxuan would not do anything unplanned.

But this time she was a little surprised, because Shen Haoxuan shook his head and said: "Not yet, we are far behind those geniuses in the hidden world, and the top five are all fifth-order spirit emperors." , the little princess of the Jiang family is at the sixth level, and that Li Yunfeng who is even more perverted may be even stronger. With our current strength, it is still somewhat impossible to defeat them!"

Shen Haoxuan's analysis is very good, he is very proud, but he has not yet reached the stage of conceit, and he knows the gap between his opponent and himself. If he is inferior to the opponent, he is inferior, and Shen Haoxuan will not deny it. Now that he knows that he is inferior, then You should work harder and surpass them instead of lying to yourself.

"Okay, let's go, since we have already boasted about Haikou, then we have to do something!" The corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised slightly, and the hunt was about to start next!Originally, Shen Haoxuan didn't want to do it so early. He wanted to wait until he entered the last Holy Spirit Mountain Range and started to do it. At that time, all the people who participated in the assessment of the three major courtyards would enter it. It would be more convenient to do it there, but now It seems to be ahead of schedule!

Now that they decided to attack, the three of Shen Haoxuan stopped looking for a safe route, and walked swaggeringly on the road to Shengwu City, waiting for the prey to arrive.

As the saying goes, good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. In just one day, the news that Shen Haoxuan said that he was going to win the first place in the three courtyards spread like a plague.

"Have you heard? A martial artist who just came up from Xingluo Continent actually threatened to get No.1 in the examination of the Third Court!"

"Tch, that kid is so arrogant that he really thinks he is still in Xingluo Continent? This is a hidden place, even if he was a genius in Xingluo Continent, but here, he is nothing!"

"The geniuses in our hidden world will naturally punish him, but he is only a first-order spirit emperor, and he dares to make such a bold statement!"

"I heard that his name is Shen Haoxuan, and he grew up following all kinds of geniuses. I don't know if he will be so frightened that he will cry out for his mother when he sees the genius of our hidden world! Haha!"

"Come on, come on, let's bet, I think that guy will definitely not survive a day, and there is no need for Shangguan Yun and the others to take action. I guess any genius disciple can crush him!"

In the outer domain of the Hidden World, the rumors about Shen Haoxuan became more and more in an instant. Whether it was a native of the Hidden World or a warrior who just came up from the Xingluo Continent, they all had no hope for Shen Haoxuan. The local warriors in the hidden world are confident, but the warriors from the Xingluo continent really know how big the gap is between the warriors in the Xingluo continent and the warriors in the hidden world.

Thus, the casinos in the entire Hidden World began to bet on Shen Haoxuan, and most of the warriors in the Hidden World bet that Shen Haoxuan would not survive a day, because his words offended all the geniuses in the Hidden World, There are many people who want to kill him!

"Cousin Haoxuan, you can be considered a celebrity in the Outer Domain of the Hermitage!" Murong Wanqing listened to those people's discussions, and said with a wink at Shen Haoxuan.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan spread his hands helplessly, he did not expect that those people in the tavern would spread the news so quickly, and also, the people in this hidden world are too gossip!
"Bet that I won't survive a day? You really have confidence!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the notices posted by various casinos on the wall, and a wicked smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

"Well, you guys go to the casino to bet, we're going to make a good fortune today!" Shen Haoxuan winked at Murong Wanqing and Luo Hongtian and said.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the two of them understood instantly, and then they disguised themselves into the casino and directly bet that Shen Haoxuan would survive the day. On the gaming table, the bet between Murong Wanqing and Luo Hongtian seemed a bit lonely, and everyone Looking at Murong Wanqing and Luo Hongtian like idiots, this made them feel ashamed for a while, it seems that the people in the hidden world are very unfriendly to Shen Haoxuan, no one bet that Shen Haoxuan can survive a day.

When the two returned to the gate of the city, they saw Shen Haoxuan surrounded by many people, presumably his identity was recognized, and standing in front of Shen Haoxuan was a man in a golden robe Young man, at this time he was looking at Shen Haoxuan arrogantly, and then said lightly: "My King Kong Sect Jin Wuji, I heard that you are very crazy, today I will teach you a lesson for our genius in the hidden world, Let you know the gap between you and us!"

(End of this chapter)

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