Chaos hegemony

Chapter 970 Jinxiong Jinshan!

Chapter 970 Jinxiong Jinshan!

"Hahaha, this kid, it turns out that he is hiding so deeply, okay, okay!" In the sky, Fan Sheng said happily after seeing Shen Haoxuan knocking Zhu Xianzhao back.Just now, he thought that Shen Haoxuan was going to be instantly killed by Zhu Xianzhao, but he didn't expect that Shen Haoxuan was hiding such a powerful strength.

"This..." Chi Xiong and Wu Zhen were also taken aback, looking at Shen Haoxuan in disbelief, they also knew about Zhu Xianzhao's Dou Zhuan Xing Yi. He suffered a lot from the hands of Grandpa Zhu Xianzhao, and he couldn't think of a way to crack it all the time, but he didn't expect that someone would be able to crack Dou Zhuan Xing Yi today.

"In that blow just now, the power that erupted in an instant directly exceeded the limit that Dou Zhuan Xing Yi can bear!" Wu Zhen frowned, and muttered, but he was very puzzled, because from the beginning to the end, Shen Haoxuan revealed His aura is only that of a second-order spirit emperor, and the blow just now is definitely not something that a second-order spirit emperor can use!

"This kid, could it be that something has been done in the dark?" Chi Xiong also had some doubts on his face.

"I said that you two are old and immortal. What do you mean by secretly playing a black hand? It is obvious that the kid has strength, so don't act like a debtor!" Fan Sheng slapped the two of them and shouted, his face was full of joy. , this Shen Haoxuan's strength seems to be not bad, and with his two helpers, it should be more promising to enter the top ten, so that his elixir does not need to be given away, and he can get two treasures for free!

"Hmph, what are you proud of? Isn't it just luck? If you meet a real strong man, some secret means will be useless!" Chi Xiong and Wu Zhen said with a cold snort when they saw the smile on Fan Sheng's face.

"Well, look, if you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive. Aren't those two confidantes beside Jin Tong?" Sure enough, just as Wu Zhen and Chi Xiong finished speaking, they saw Jin Shan and Jin Xiong He was rushing towards the direction where Shen Haoxuan was.

"Jin Shan, Jin Xiong!" After seeing those two people, Fan Sheng's expression changed instantly. It's over now. Originally, he wanted Shen Haoxuan to keep a low profile. As a disciple, you can collect enough token points and get into the top ten, but who would have thought that Jin Shan and Jin Xiong would come to your door. These two are both disciples of the Vajra Sect. It's not much worse, Shen Haoxuan can't escape now!

"Haha, Jin Shan and Jin Xiong are not like Zhu Xianzhao. Dean Fan, you should prepare to bleed a lot this time!" Wu Zhen and Chi Xiong both laughed and said, completely forgetting the disappointment just now. At the back of his head, Fan Sheng looked sad, and he had already taken out the elixir from the storage ring.

At this time, in the Holy Spirit Mountain Range, Shen Haoxuan took out the identity token from Zhu Xianzhao, and then swiped his own token, the original 583 directly soared to 1342!This Zhu Xianzhao is really rich.

Just when Shen Haoxuan was about to ask other warriors for identity tokens, two figures suddenly appeared in the open space, and it was Jin Shan and Jin Xiong who came.

"I finally found it. I thought that kid would hide!" Jin Shan looked at Shen Haoxuan and said lightly.

"Oh, isn't that Zhu Xianzhao? It seems that we have achieved a good harvest today!" Jin Xiong looked at Zhu Xianzhao who was lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, and a smile appeared on his face.

The two people who appeared suddenly attracted everyone's attention. The martial artist behind Zhu Xianzhao was overjoyed when he saw the person coming. These two are celebrities. The reason for coming seems to be because of Shen Haoxuan, they are saved today.

"Are you warriors from the Vajra Sect?" Shen Haoxuan saw the clothes on the two of them, and recognized their identities at a glance, because Jin Wuji also wore the same clothes before.

"Heh, boy, you have a good eye. You can even recognize us from the Vajra Sect. Since you recognize it, then leave the identity token in your hand and follow us with your self-defeating cultivation base. Otherwise, we You won't feel better if you do it!" Jin Shanju looked down at Shen Haoxuan, his eyes were full of disdain.

"Oh, you're being rude to me? I want to know, how do you want to be rude to me!" Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of coldness flashed in them.

"Hmph, do you want to know? Then you have to pay a price, but this price is your life!" Jin Xiong snorted coldly, a cold killing intent suddenly burst out in his eyes, and a handle of spiritual power suddenly appeared in his hand The spear was thrown at Shen Haoxuan in an instant.

"call out……"

There was a sharp sound of piercing through the air, and no one reacted to Jin Xiong's attack. The long spear condensed with spiritual power instantly pierced through the space and came in front of Shen Haoxuan.

Jin Xiong's spiritual attribute is metal, and the most powerful metal is his attack power. Even from a long distance, everyone can feel the fierce energy emanating from the spiritual spear. It is hard to imagine being locked What kind of pressure will Shen Haoxuan face!

The golden spiritual power bombarded Shen Haoxuan's body, and the violent spiritual power directly overturned the ground around Shen Haoxuan, stirring up a burst of smoke and dust, covering everyone's sight.

"Hmph, vulnerable!" Jin Xiong looked into the smoke and snorted coldly, at this moment he could no longer feel Shen Haoxuan's aura, and Shen Haoxuan did not do anything at the moment when the spiritual spear pierced past. Defense, so this shot should have directly killed Shen Haoxuan!
"Huh?" However, before the smile on Jin Xiong's face rose, it immediately froze, the smoke and dust surrounding Shen Haoxuan slowly dissipated, and Shen Haoxuan's figure also slowly appeared in the sight of everyone. Shen Haoxuan was standing on the spot intact, he held the sharp spear directly in his hand, the tip of the spear was only a tiny bit away from his chest, but even with this tiny bit, there was no way to go any further.

"Is this the only level you have?" Shen Haoxuan looked at the spear in his hand, and said lightly, and then squeezed the spiritual spear with force, and it turned into a little bit of starlight, dissipating between the sky and the earth.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan resisted his sneak attack, Jin Xiong's face changed slightly, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seems that this Shen Haoxuan is not as useless as the rumors say!
"call out……"

Just when Jin Xiong was in a trance, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and in Shen Haoxuan's hand, a purple-black sword glow shot out instantly, pointing directly at Jin Xiong's heart. Jin Xiong attacked Shen Haoxuan just now, and now Shen Haoxuan is repaying him in his own way and giving Jin Xiong a big gift...

(End of this chapter)

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