
Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Chapter 82 The gangster dares to be arrogant

The Pi Wangsheng of the fangs pig will definitely not be sold in the butcher shop, and will definitely be sold at a place where the price can be sold, either at an auction, or at Baoqing Yutang or Yubaozhai, or if it is not good, it will have to be exchanged for something needed thing.

Several people have already expressed their intention to buy, but all of them were rejected by Wang Sheng.Everyone knows the goods, the skins of fifth-level monsters, the armor made out of them are definitely good things, it is normal for Wang Sheng not to sell them, and it is foolish to sell them, even the buyers will laugh at Wang Sheng in turn.Such a good thing, I want to buy it with gold coins. What good things do you want?
The people got the meat of the fifth-level monsters and began to spread out slowly, thinking about how to cook them so as to stimulate the maximum effect of the monster meat.

Wang Sheng is tidying up the shop.If there is nothing to sell, he can close the stall.However, before closing the stall, Wang Sheng still carefully cleaned the iron chopping board and meat hooks in front of everyone, and even washed the ground on both sides to ensure that no dead spots were left.

This is to create a unique signboard for yourself.Having lived in such an extremely commercially developed society on Earth for so many years, Wang Sheng certainly understands the importance of a signboard.However, now he has no shortage of signs, Wang Sheng's name is the best sign.However, he lacks a word of mouth.

What kind of word of mouth?In the business of selling meat, Wang Sheng wants to establish a clean and hygienic reputation.That's why they take the trouble to clean the chopping boards and shop surfaces before taking out the meat and after selling the meat, which is to leave such an impression on people.In the future, whenever I think about selling meat, regardless of the price, I first think about whether I should come to Wang Sheng, a clean place.

He was trying his best to wipe it, and bang, a fat giant palm hit the iron chopping board that Wang Sheng had just wiped.

"Closed, please come early next time!" Wang Sheng directly sent a lazy sentence to the other party without raising his head.As he spoke, he scooped up a ladle of boiling water and poured it on the place that that guy had just patted.

There were three people who came over, and the one in the middle who looked to be the tallest, the strongest and the fattest bald man was making the chopping board.The cultivation base is not low at first glance, at least it looks like a second-level realm.Although it is nothing in Wuyou City, when facing Wang Sheng, he still has an advantage.

But no matter how tall he is, he is only at the second level of cultivation, and he can't reach the point where he can be ignored by pouring boiling water on his hands.Originally, he just wanted to attract Wang Sheng's attention to try it out, but Wang Sheng poured a ladle of boiling water regardless, so he could only ignore talking, and hurriedly jumped two steps to avoid being taken care of by the boiling water.

"You opened a shop here, did you ask our brothers?" Seeing that Wang Sheng didn't lift his head from the beginning to the end, the bald head couldn't help being furious, and shouted violently at Wang Sheng.

"What is your killer level?" Wang Sheng asked casually while wiping.

"Level [-], what's the matter?" The bald head subconsciously replied, and immediately felt that something was wrong, and asked angrily, "What do you mean?"

"I'm a fifth-level killer opening a shop, but I have to ask you what you mean by a second-level killer?" Wang Sheng finally raised his head, reached out and pulled out the dagger from the corner of the chopping board, changed a piece of cloth and wiped it slowly: " Is this the rule of the outer city of Wuyou City, or the rule of the inner city?"

The bald head was momentarily at a loss for words.He was just ordered to test Wang Sheng, so he acted like a bully.He couldn't answer Wang Sheng's question at all.

how to answer?Is this the rule of the city of worry-free?If he dared to say that, he would have no choice but to say whether he would be able to go home in full at night.The entire killer in San Francisco would probably take the opportunity to ask him about this rule.

But if it's not the rules, then it's none of Wang Sheng's business to open a shop?Besides, did he just remember that Wang Sheng might really be a fifth-level killer. A high-level killer wants to find a low-level killer to agree to open a shop?
Wang Sheng held the dagger in his hand, but his bald head didn't dare to act rashly.Although he looked at the sharpness of the dagger from a distance, he also took a closer look. His flesh and flesh were not as thick as the fangs of the fifth-level realm. Wang Sheng wanted to kill him, but he might not be able to gain the upper hand.

"I've taken a fancy to that skin of yours." Wang Sheng couldn't be troubled by this question, and the bald head immediately changed an excuse: "I'll give you ten gold coins, and the skin belongs to me."

In front of the bald head and the other two, Wang Sheng slowly rolled up the fangs and put it behind him.The bald head and the two strong men watched but did not dare to act rashly. With so many people around watching, they were a little bit annoyed.

Just as he was about to attack, Wang Sheng had already turned back and hooked his hands at the bald head.The bald head froze for a moment, is this telling yourself to get closer?Cautiously, he took two steps forward, making sure that even with a dagger, Wang Sheng might not be able to reach him through the iron chopping board, so he asked in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, some games are boring to play." Wang Sheng took the time to do it well, and said coldly to his bald head: "If you want to know something, just come and ask, you don't need to waste that kind of effort, save trouble. You say Woolen cloth?"

"I don't understand what you're saying!" The bald head is not a fool, he knows what Wang Sheng said, but he denies it: "I just like your skin, whether you can sell it or not is up to you."

There weren't many people watching the excitement, but there were not many, at least the people from all the families monitoring Wang Sheng were there.In addition, there are some who may be tired from practicing, leaning against the door and watching from a distance, probably as a change of mood.

"You'd better be more acquainted and see clearly what this place is, otherwise, I'll see you!" A big man next to him also threatened fiercely.

However, if this was said from the very beginning, it might still have the air of a bully.But since Wang Sheng said that he is a fifth-level killer and his bald head is only a second-level killer, the whole scene has become extremely funny.

Three killers who are at most only second-level to threaten a fifth-level killer?No matter how you look at this scene, it makes people want to laugh.Even if Wang Sheng behaved like an ordinary person and the three strong men could see that their cultivation was higher than Wang Sheng's.

This is the city of worry-free, what depends on is not the realm of cultivation, but who can survive in the end.Obviously, the survival rate of a fifth-level killer is much higher than that of three second-level killers.

The three strong men were obviously aware of the problem, and they didn't know how to deal with it for a while.Whether to force Wang Sheng to do it or retreat in embarrassment, they have no idea.The leading bald head could only secretly look in one direction, and that direction was where the person instigating them was.

"I don't want to be in trouble when I first come here." Wang Sheng glanced in that direction with his bald eyes, and basically determined which guy was the instigator.With a sneer, he said to the bald head and the two big men, "But I'm not afraid of trouble. If you don't want to die, get out of here immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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