
Chapter 106 Moths to the flame

Chapter 106 Moths to the flame

Chapter 83 Moths to the Flame

Wang Sheng didn't even ask if the treasurer of Baoqing Yutang knew about his affairs.Wang Sheng made such a big commotion, it would be strange if Bao Qing Yutang didn't pay attention to anything.

Sure enough, the shopkeeper didn't ask anything, and went to help Wang Sheng prepare things on his own.Even if he doesn't know about some situations, he can get a general idea by asking the people sent out.

What Wang Sheng enjoys here is VIP treatment, and all kinds of fragrant tea and refreshments are delivered like flowing water.But Wang Sheng didn't move at all, just rested half-lying there, waiting slowly.

In less than half an hour, the shopkeeper appeared again.The elixir that Wang Sheng wanted was not some high-end elixir, so there was a lot of stock here, and all of them were delivered to Wang Sheng.

The shopkeeper didn't talk nonsense, he stepped forward and whispered an address, and then said nothing else.Adding up the two people before and after, there are only a few words in total.

Wang Sheng swept away those pills and put them all into the ring.The shopkeeper was not surprised when he saw it. After all, Najie bought it from Baoqing Yutang. Those who can manage the business of Baoqing Yutang in Wuyou City must be important people. It is normal to know this.

Coming out of Baoqing Yutang, Wang Sheng passed directly in front of the Assassin Hall, and then entered Yubaozhai.As soon as he entered the door, Wang Sheng saw the little beauty Ling'er whom he had seen with Lu Wenhou last time.

Originally, the purpose of entering Yubaozhai was the same as that of Baoqing Yutang, to sell a tusk of a fangs pig in exchange for some life-saving elixir, but from the moment he saw Linger, Wang Sheng knew that there might be more. talked about.

"My lord!" Ling'er seemed to be waiting for him there. When she saw Wang Sheng coming in, she bowed her knees and saluted Wang Sheng. Then she made a gesture of invitation, walked in front and led Wang Sheng to the back.

No need to ask, since Ling'er is here, Lu Wenhou must be there.Waiting behind must be Lu Wenhou, the young owner of Yubaozhai.Sure enough, he followed Ling'er into a quiet room, and what he saw head-on was Lu Wenhou who was sitting behind a long table and pouring tea.

"Brother Wang, please sit down." Lu Wenhou stretched out his hand towards the seat opposite, motioning for Wang Sheng to sit down: "I just brewed it, and I'm waiting for Brother Wang to taste it."

Wang Sheng understood this trick very well.The people in Yubaozhai must have been paying attention to Wang Sheng. Seeing him coming out of Baoqing Yutang, they immediately counted the time. Wang Sheng entered the door here, and the tea was just right there. Give the guests a warning.

The behavior of Lu Wenhou that Wang Sheng saw last time was not so obvious.Then don't ask, it must be Linger's arrangement.

This little girl didn't know why, maybe it was the use of snake venom that Wang Sheng said last time that made her feel ashamed, so she tried every means to win the game.Wang Sheng won't argue with a little girl, there's no need for that.

Picking up the teacup, Wang Sheng sniffed it, but didn't enter it.At this moment, in this place, Wang Sheng was still vigilant.I didn't drink it in Baoqing Yutang, and I don't drink it here either.

"Hmph, coward!" Ling'er seemed to have expected him to be like this a long time ago, snorted coldly, took a cup of tea poured from the same pot from her young master, drank it all, and then Looking at Wang Sheng with provocative eyes.

"Miss Linger said that I have never been very courageous." Wang Sheng responded to Linger's ridicule with a smile, without the slightest bit of shame and embarrassment on his face admitting that he was a coward.

"Hmph!" Ling'er had no choice but to turn her head and snort once again with Wang Sheng's thick skin, and gave Wang Sheng a contemptuous glance, as if she had the upper hand, but she didn't feel the joy of having the upper hand .

"Of course, brother Wang has to be careful every step of the way in Wuyou City. It's always better to be more cautious." Lu Wenhou chuckled, and said something to Ling'er, helping Wang Sheng explain.

Turning his head, facing Wang Sheng, Lu Wenhou still had a smile on his face: "Since you have come to Wuyou City, you can stay for a while with peace of mind. It is not easy for outsiders to be too aggressive. I believe that Brother Wang just needs a period of time to relax." Come here, there is always a way to make them dare not touch Brother Wang."

This guy is a good player at guessing people's hearts.Wang Sheng did not deny that his plan was almost exactly the same as Lu Wenhou's. First he stood his ground, and then slowly used some benefits to lure those aristocratic families to restrain each other, so he would naturally turn the corner.Lu Wenhou could see through it at a glance, it was not easy.

"The last time I saw that Brother Wang was still at the first stage, why did he fall into the realm now?" Lu Wenhou seemed to have not heard the rumors outside, and even ignored the fact that he used the Yuan mirror to check the Yuanhun star in the killer hall. Ask Wang Sheng.

For Lu Wenhou, no matter how others saw it with their own eyes, no matter how others heard it with their own ears, it was not as good as what he saw with his own eyes.The last time Wang Sheng met Lu Wenhou, it was the time when Wang Sheng was promoted to the first level just after Yuanhun Carp Leaped over the Dragon Gate. He couldn't pretend, and Lu Wenhou remembered it very clearly.

"There is a small problem." Wang Sheng answered lightly, as if it was really a trivial problem: "You also know that with such a group behind you, it is impossible to get rid of it without paying a price."

Wang Sheng said it lightly, but Lu Wenhou and Ling'er both looked dignified.The group that Wang Sheng said was following behind was not a group of ordinary people, but a dozen fifth-level masters plus hundreds of fourth-level, third-level and second-level masters!Any one of them, one-on-one face to face, is estimated to be able to kill Wang Sheng eight times out of ten.

If it were Lu Wenhou and Ling'er, they would never be able to get rid of such a master's pursuit, let alone imagine what kind of pressure Wang Sheng endured and what kind of life and death test he had to go through to get here.But he just said it so easily, and with such an attitude, Linger couldn't help but glance at Wang Shenggao.

It is really a great blessing to be able to come to Wuyou City alive.Whether it is the pursuit of a fifth-layer master or the danger of a thousand jedi, if you can solve it at the price of a little cultivation, from the perspective of a businessman, you really can't make more money.If you want a little price and don't pay, then you are greedy and should be punished by God.

"If Brother Wang can trust me, I will send someone to the imperial city to invite the best imperial doctors and alchemists, and ask them to come to Wuyou City to show Brother Wang." Lu Wenhou said seriously: "Maybe I found out earlier If the dark wound is resolved early, brother Wang's cultivation can be restored, how about it?"

When speaking, Lu Wenhou's tone and expression were really sincere, as if he was really thinking about Wang Sheng.

"Then thank you, Brother Lu!" Wang Sheng was not hypocritical, since the other party wanted to make a decision from him, let them take care of it, so as to save them from guessing.

(End of this chapter)

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