
Chapter 1074 Ranking

Chapter 1074 Ranking

Chapter 560 Ranking

The Xia family suddenly seemed to be the target of public criticism, and everyone in the Shanyue Kingdom didn't seem to pay much attention to it.

The change of the situation is very subtle, as if the Xia family, the Qiu family, and the Tang family were planning to carve up the land of Shanyue, but suddenly the Xia family revealed a fatal weakness, and the eyes of the other two families turned directly from the prey On the head of former companions.

The prey is already there, and the reality is being further investigated. You can ignore it for now, and you won't run away anyway, but the companion who has exposed the fatal weakness is a delicious meal. Anyone who sees it will feel itchy.

Not only the Qiu family and the Tang family, but also the surrounding Feng family and the Gan family, and even the Song family farther away, have also begun to turn their attention to this side.As for the Dai family and the Shi family, the two families have now begun to fight openly and secretly, and casualties have begun to occur.

Of course, the lingering eyes of the princes staring at the Xia family have been sweeping over the Dai family and the Shi family. Once a family is weak, they definitely don't mind stepping on it a few times.

Suddenly the world is no longer the original world. The emperor is here, and the princes are also there, but it is no longer the previous world where it seems that nothing has changed.

The Tianzi Bieyuan opposite Wang Sheng's mansion also welcomed its owner again.The world is so chaotic, on the contrary, only the capital city and the place of worry-free are quiet, and there are fewer people staring at them. The emperor was able to come to the courtyard of the emperor again, and by the way, Wang Sheng and Meier were invited to visit.

"Boy, this trick of yours is simply amazing!" The emperor still followed the old rules, chatting and drinking in the living room of the front yard with Steward Zhou.The emperor was in high spirits, and he and Wang Sheng also drank happily, and praised while drinking.

Just letting each of the three major priests make a move once will cause chaos in the world.The greater the loss of all parties, the happier the emperor will be. I really want them to keep fighting, and then the emperor can finally rule the world.

"It's just a matter of making the best use of the situation, and it's not a matter of wonder or wonder." Wang Sheng replied casually after drinking with the emperor.

Now the emperor has always regarded himself as Meier's father, although he didn't make it clear to Wang Sheng Meier, but he behaved exactly as he should.Of course, even if he is Meier's adoptive father in name, he is still an elder, and Wang Sheng has to bear the stance of a senior in front of Wang Sheng.

Now that he has promised to give Meier a promise, Wang Sheng will do everything right.In the past, Wang Sheng was obsessed with the girl in his dream. In his heart, the girl in his dream was his favorite goddess, and he wanted to marry the girl in his dream.

However, one day I suddenly figured it out, no matter what, even if the girl in the dream was the number one expert in the world 500 years ago, as Wang Sheng expected, she was still [-] years older than Wang Sheng. Can the dream girl really become a husband and wife in this world?

"The situation is so good, how can I benefit?!" The emperor asked suddenly after humming.

For the royal family, the current situation is simply the best opportunity. If they can really do something, it is very exciting to think about it.

"If you don't want all the princes to look at you, it's best not to do anything." Wang Sheng shook his head: "If you really want to do something, then let yourselves out and confuse your opponent. Then you should practice in private , It is time to cultivate masters, to cultivate masters, no matter what time it is, the growth of one's own strength is fundamental."

In fact, the emperor understands the truth. He just feels that the opportunity is rare and wants to do something.When Wang Sheng said this, the emperor nodded slowly, but he was a little too anxious.

"If it's really urgent, then let the three priests work harder." Wang Sheng knew what the emperor was thinking. Once such a powerful person had ambitions, he would be like a wildfire burning the sky. The reminder said: "As long as there are no traces or evidence left, it's not impossible to use some unthinkable exercises or something to follow the crowd and stir up the situation even more chaotic."

When the emperor heard it, he was overjoyed for a while, and he wanted to get some advice from Wang Sheng.It's not because Wang Sheng is so good at calculating, but because of Wang Sheng's overall view.When they met for the first time, Wang Sheng frightened the emperor almost out of his body with a few simple methods.Conversely, all the ideas Wang Sheng gave him were effective, from enfeoffment ceremonies to economic and cultural centers, they had already seen remarkable results.

Now the emperor sometimes has to think about the ideas of those counselors in the court, but what Wang Sheng told him, the emperor will follow without even thinking about it.

It is too simple to ask the three major priests to make the situation more chaotic, and it is in line with the emperor's idea, so do it!
"By the way, don't you want to marry Meier?" The emperor suddenly changed the topic, and turned to Wang Sheng and Meier's marriage: "Is the date set?"

"No." Wang Sheng shook his head: "Ancestor Lingxu and Master Daguan said to take a good look at the day, but they haven't responded to me yet. I have to go back and ask to see what's going on."

"Okay, I'll give you a big gift when the time comes." The emperor's face was full of joy, and he didn't hide the way the father-in-law looked at his son-in-law.

After drinking for a while, Wang Sheng asked the emperor and Guanshi Zhou curiously: "Your Majesty, Guanshi Zhou, tell me, among the eight princes, which one is the strongest?"

This question is very interesting. The emperor and Zhou Guanshi are very interested, and they have even studied it many times in private. Hearing Wang Sheng's question, the emperor nodded at Zhou Guanshi and asked Zhou Guanshi to answer.

"In terms of territory, Tang State must be the largest and Qiu State the smallest." With the approval of the emperor, Zhou Guanshi did not hide it, and quickly replied: "But in terms of the number of masters, Song State is the strongest."

"Song State?" Wang Sheng didn't expect this answer. You know, when Wang Sheng first came, what kind of virtue was the Song family being bullied by the Dai family?Even the daughter of the Patriarch of the Song family was almost kidnapped, and now she has become the number one?
"That's right, it's the Song Kingdom." Zhou Guanshi said with certainty: "Song Guogong brought in thousands of Jedi hundreds of Song family elites. They have lived in Qianjedi for a full ten years and have accumulated a lot of money. Now these hundreds of elites are all legends. At the peak or in the late stage of the legend, you can't accept it!"

Wang Sheng clearly remembered that when Song Hongde first came out of the Thousand Jedi, there were only dozens of elite masters who had just entered the Ninth Level Realm.Sure enough, the practice seemed to suddenly become easier later on, and hundreds of people were all promoted to the legendary peak and late legendary realms, and the effect was simply admirable.

Speaking of the Song Dynasty, Wang Sheng immediately saw Song Yan's beautiful face, her heroic figure, and the domineering Queen Fan, who viciously pushed him down and then forced him to do so. Suddenly, Wang Sheng felt that he was charming It seems that Song Yan feels a little sorry for her son's marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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