
Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076

Chapter 560

"Come on, I don't believe you didn't see it." Wang Sheng was so surprised that the old man didn't believe it at all, and asked Wang Sheng directly: "Now in your house, do you think it's you or Meier who speaks?"

"Meier." Wang Sheng replied without hesitation.

"Why?" The old man asked directly with a smile.

"Because of the whole house, Meier is taking care of everything inside and out." Wang Sheng smiled wryly: "I don't have much time to come back, of course Meier's words are helpful."

"Even if you stay in the mansion every day, can you talk more effectively than Meier?" The contempt on the old man's face was undisguised, and he taunted Wang Sheng directly.

Wang Sheng shrugged his shoulders, not intending to argue about anything, arguing with the old man on a hypothetical issue is pointless.

"Tell me, has Meier changed recently?!" The old Taoist Ling Xu didn't intend to continue playing charades with each other, and asked directly: "I planned to wait two months to find a way before telling you, since you also think it's wrong. , then just say it!"

"Changes?" Wang Sheng thought for a while, and quickly replied: "As the cultivation level increases, people become more and more beautiful, and they are more and more anxious to get married."

"Is that all?" The old man smiled: "When we are together every day, we may get used to many things, and we won't feel much change."

"Well, there are actually some, and they are becoming more and more attractive." Wang Sheng didn't have to think about it at all, but he didn't want to admit it at first. Now that he figured it out, he said an answer again: "It's very attractive. Dare to get in close contact with Meier, not even dare to make her happy, I am afraid that I will not be able to hold on after a long time. Last time when I talked about getting married, when Meier was happy, I almost couldn't hold it back."

"Are you relying on the nine-character mantra to maintain your composure?" The old Taoist asked one more question.

"That's right!" Wang Sheng nodded: "The five-character formula must be released at the same time, otherwise the single-character formula may not be enough."

"Even you have to rely on the nine-character mantra and five-character formula to keep calm, do you think about other people's feelings?" Ling Xu said with a long sigh: "You really think that with your title of Lord Chang Sheng, you can be in Chang Sheng Everyone in Duke Sheng's mansion is ordered?"

"That's why Meier has the final say." Wang Sheng smiled wryly. He had been pretending not to notice it and cooperated all the time. He thought it would be good to get married, but he didn't expect that the old Taoist and Da Guanzhu didn't think so.

"Maybe it will be better after we get married." Wang Sheng said a little bit wrongly.Meier's situation may be the result of hormone secretion. After the two perform Zhou Gong's ceremony, maybe the balance of yin and yang will be achieved, and this situation will not happen.

"You said this yourself, you will believe it yourself?" The old man sneered, and exposed Wang Sheng's lie without hesitation: "You and Qiangwei are not married, and you are not married to that girl of the Song family. Can couple Dun Lun? Why can't He Meier?"

Wang Sheng smiled wryly again, the old Taoist knew too many secrets about him, and the old Taoist couldn't believe it with the reason of keeping the chastity before marriage, so he could only smile bitterly.

"Don't talk about you, I don't even dare to make Meier happy." Seeing Wang Sheng's wry smile, the old man also sighed: "As long as she smiles now, she is a peerless beauty who can overwhelm the country and the city. It's overwhelming!"

"If she doesn't smile, she will be the best of the country." Wang Sheng smiled proudly.

"Qiangwei and Meier are supposed to be rivals in love. Even if she knows that Meier must be the real wife, she can't compete with her, but her attitude towards Meier has surpassed that of a concubine to a housewife." The old Taoist reminded Wang Sheng that he hadn't noticed before. to the details.

Wang Sheng pondered for a while, and indeed, Qiangwei seemed to have been brainwashed by Meier, she obeyed her words, and did what she was asked to do, she was even more loyal than the most obedient servant.Before, I thought she knew how to advance and retreat, but when the old Taoist said it, Wang Sheng realized that it might be more than that.

"Let's talk about something else." The old man continued with a smile and said, "Do you really think that concert tickets can be sold for ten times the price, and even a way to take a bath after entering the mountains can be sold for 5000 million gold coins? Or do you Do you think a complete map of Thousand Jedi can be worth [-] million gold coins?"

"Is it because Meier unconsciously used her charm to influence their judgment when negotiating with them?" Wang Sheng said a little uncertainly.

"Then why do you say it is?" The old man was very dissatisfied with Wang Sheng's way of deceiving himself and others, and asked in a very bad tone.

"That is to say, Meier can actually control her attractiveness a little bit, and only release the part that is beneficial to her, and not go too far?" Wang Sheng rubbed his nose, really didn't want to admit this, but the fact It seems so.

"I can only say that Mei'er's talent is too amazing." It was the first time for the old man to think about Wang Sheng's statement, and he nodded and admitted after a while.

"I think, is it okay to get married while I can still suppress Meier's charm with the five-character formula?" Wang Sheng once again turned the topic back to the original question, which was still about the wedding date.

"Are you sure you can not be affected after marrying Meier?" The old man sneered again: "Are you sure you can calm down after Meier is so happy and uncontrollable after marrying you? You have to have this confidence , and asked what our day is for? I can just choose one or not? Even if you don’t care about the day, if you pull Meier to bed, will Meier refuse? "

"Old man, if you don't tell the truth, we are still friends." Wang Sheng found that his wry smile today may be more than the sum of the past year.

"As far as I know." The old Taoist did not laugh at Wang Sheng this time, but said seriously: "From the records of Laojunguan and the records of the palace, there have been women who were naturally charming in history. For those who have lived past the age of 25, their original souls have never surpassed the five-star level, and their cultivation level has never exceeded the fifth-level realm. You should be able to imagine the reason, right?"

"I'm afraid their men won't be able to bear it." Wang Sheng sighed.

"It should be like this." The old man is not completely sure, but the general inference should be correct.

"Is there any one that exceeds the five-star? The one that exceeds the fifth level?" Wang Sheng asked in disbelief.

"Yes." The old man nodded affirmatively: "Isn't that Meier? As for the records in history, basically no one lived past the age of 25."

"How did you die?" Wang Sheng was still worried about himself just now, but now Wang Sheng began to worry about Mei'er.

"Either become a witch and be killed by a group of female masters." The old Taoist Ling Xu also had to remind Wang Sheng of the danger: "Or be abused to death by a group of out-of-control masters." Finally, the old man added a sentence : "It all happened in the Eighth Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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