
Chapter 108 Fear

Chapter 108 Fear

Chapter 84 Fear

The ball Wang Sheng threw was one of the equipment that came to this world with the equipment warehouse this time, an arson bomb.Arson bombs, in layman's terms, are incendiary bombs.However, Wang Sheng's one is specially made.

In fact, almost all the equipment used by Wang Sheng, a special sniper, is not standard, but all specially customized top-quality equipment.Although this arson bomb is only the size of an egg, its power is definitely beyond people's normal expectations.

An arson bomb of this kind can instantly form a terrifying fire scene in a closed three-story building, and the central temperature directly exceeds [-] degrees.If someone was near the bomb when this kind of arson bomb exploded, the result would be a snort and vaporization.

Even if you are not in the center of the explosion, as long as you are touched by the flame of the bomb, then congratulations, you will immediately experience what is called tarsal maggots and what is meant by burning into the bones.

The special burning substance is extremely viscous, and it will never fall if it sticks to it until it is completely burned.What's even more frightening is that this terrifying burning substance burns like white phosphorus, and it can't be extinguished even by jumping into the water.

The reason for carrying this kind of arson bomb is to facilitate Wang Sheng to destroy the enemy's arsenal or directly destroy the enemy's headquarters during the mission.Under the current situation, the closed warehouse is a closed area, where the enemy personnel are concentrated, and there are flammable materials piled up around it. It is simply the best place for natural arson bombs to test their power, and it cannot be justified if they are not used.

The surveillance personnel who followed Wang Sheng for a whole afternoon were already exhausted.How could they imagine that Wang Sheng would be so addicted, wandering the streets and alleys, they would study the meaning of every little move, and they would have to work hard to inquire about the people in the shop next to them, come here in such an afternoon, no No wonder you're tired.

Among them was the surveillance boy arranged by Lingba, but he didn't think Wang Sheng would take any action against Lingba.As everyone guessed before, even if Wang Sheng is a very high-level assassin, there are five levels, but his actual cultivation level is not in the top right now. Fighting in the warehouse of other realm masters?

Ling Ba's sphere of influence is between the street where Wang Sheng lives and the other street, not far from each other. When Wang Sheng came here, everyone thought that Wang Sheng was going home. Who would have thought that Wang Sheng would be at this moment? What about a sudden attack?

Even when an arson bomb the size of an egg suddenly appeared in Wang Sheng's hand, no one took it seriously.What about something the size of an egg?what will happen?How can you beat a master of the fourth level?

Especially when Wang Sheng threw the arson bomb, almost everyone who saw it couldn't help but laugh.If Wang Sheng threw it with the greatest strength and the greatest speed, everyone could understand that this is a slightly special hidden weapon, but this hidden weapon needs speed but no speed, no strength but no power, and it is so round, it is simply a joke.

Ling Ba's reaction was quick. When Wang Sheng passed by and several other people passed by, he was already vigilant.It's just that the special place of Wuyou City made him dare not provoke easily.But when the arson bomb smashed the window paper of his warehouse, he jumped up immediately.

Not only Lingba, but also those younger brothers of Lingba jumped up.Everyone is in this place of Worry-free City every day, and their vigilance is definitely not high. Who would dare to sleep to death?Jump up as soon as there is any movement, this is the consensus of everyone.Even when sleeping, there are weapons next to the pillow, and a group of people immediately changed from practicing and sleeping into fighters who attack at any time.

Hearing the origin of the arson bomb, Ling Ba was a little relieved, and subconsciously thought that someone was going to throw stones as a warning or send a letter or something.Otherwise, this hidden weapon is too "soft".

Pa, Ling Ba's figure flickered, and appeared directly on the line of throwing the arson bomb. He stretched out his hand cleanly, and grabbed the arson bomb thrown by Wang Sheng in his hand.

If Wang Sheng knew that Ling Ba was so talented and dared to grab the activated arson bomb with his bare hands, he would definitely give him a thumbs up.On earth, even firefighters wearing a full set of aluminum foil asbestos fire protection suits dare not stay on the edge of the area where the arson bomb exploded, and the bully grabbed the bomb with his bare hands?

Wang Sheng's performance was also very contemptible. As soon as the arson bomb was shot, he immediately turned around and ran straight to the nearest river.The watcher was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, a drastic change occurred in the warehouse.

Boom, there was a loud noise, and then a group of flames suddenly rose up.All the doors and windows in the warehouse burst into flames in an instant.

How can it be?Everyone was stunned watching this scene.There are so many things like fire. When does it not burn slowly and become more intense and bigger?Where could it be burning so fast all of a sudden?

The surrounding residents responded extremely quickly, no one was asleep, and everyone responded immediately when there was any movement.There was a sudden explosion and fire here, whether they were sleeping or cultivating, they all jumped out of their respective rooms neatly, those with weapons in their hands were alert first, and then looked at the fire scene.

Regardless of whether they understood the cause of the fire or not, they were all stunned at the moment.Such a terrifying fire, how can it be done just after burning?It is clearly the effect of burning for a long time.But they just didn't hear any movement and saw a gleam of fire before, how could it be possible?

The surveillance people who saw Wang Sheng's actions could hardly believe their eyes in the face of such a terrifying flame.Is this the egg-sized object that Wang Sheng casually threw to set the fire?

Some people guessed what Wang Sheng would do, and some didn't, but no matter who it was, they never thought that Wang Sheng would do revenge so casually, so easily, and so nakedly.

There was no notification, no challenge, no warning, and there seemed to be no life-and-death animosity between the two parties.Of course, this is just what it looks like, and those who watched knew it well.However, it is very rare in Wuyou City to have such a hatred like Wang Sheng.

"Ah!" A seasoned expert looked at Wang Sheng's fleeing back and sighed, as if he felt sorry for Wang Sheng: "Young people still take it for granted. I really thought that such a small flame could deal with a fourth-level opponent." The peak master still has a group of subordinates?"

As if to confirm his point of view, the warehouse door burst open suddenly, and then seven or eight figures burning with flames rushed out quickly, screaming in their mouths, and rushed towards the nearest place with water.

(End of this chapter)

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