
Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086
Chapter 570 Open the Door
Sure enough, Wang Sheng saw more and more old ways when he walked down several strange mountain terrains.When these Taoist priests saw Wang Sheng and Ling Xu, they also saluted them very respectfully.

"No way!" Wang Sheng couldn't help but let out a voice of surprise when he saw the lonely little Taoist temple on the barren mountain along the way.

so crude?I don't know how many years the Taoist temple has been. It hasn't been repaired at all. It looks dilapidated and crumbling. It feels that if the wind is a little stronger, the Taoist temple will be blown apart.

The Taoist temple is really small, so small that there are only three rooms in a row, and there is not even a yard.If he hadn't seen a big incense burner at the door, Wang Sheng wouldn't be sure that it was a Taoist temple.

The most unbelievable thing is that there are still Taoist priests resident in such a small broken Taoist temple in such a desolate place.You can tell from the fact that the censer is not rusty at all, it must be taken care of every day.

This broken Taoist temple is on Laojun Mountain, and anyone who comes and goes can see it.Although it is a bit remote, it is undeniable that it has never been hidden. Walking from the foot of the mountain to the Taoist temple, you can still see an obvious path stepped on by people.

Sure enough, the most dangerous place is also the safest.Laojun Mountain has never prohibited anyone from entering, let alone restricting anyone from coming here.And the terrain here is not the highest, although the road is a bit difficult to walk, but from the surrounding high mountains, the terrain here is almost unobstructed, and the Taoist temple has no cover.

"Is this the place of inheritance?" Wang Sheng asked the old Taoist Ling Xu.

The old Taoist seemed to enjoy Wang Sheng's surprise, and nodded with a smile.

Since it is a place of inheritance, you should clean it up properly!But this ruined Taoism is good. Up to now, it has looked dilapidated.If it weren't for so many old Taoist priests around, Wang Sheng would have suspected that Ling Xu was bringing him here for fun.

However, it is undeniable that this place is indeed beyond Wang Sheng's expectations.Even Wang Sheng, a well-trained ace sniper who would not let go of any details, didn't expect that this is the place of inheritance, and most people probably wouldn't think of it either.

Climbing along the rugged path all the way to the Taoist temple, the closer to the Taoist temple, the more strange Wang Sheng felt.Didn't it mean that the place of inheritance should be protected by a powerful inheritance formation?Why is there no aura of formation fluctuation here?
It seemed that the old man didn't intend to explain, but Wang Sheng suspected that it was more likely that the old man didn't know.

In the middle of the three dilapidated rooms, there is an equally dilapidated statue of Laojun. The mud tire has faded in many places, and some places are still damaged.Obviously, even if there is incense here, it doesn't matter.Clean is clean, but it can't hide the traces of the years outside.

Along with the old Taoist, Wang Sheng and the old Taoist saluted at the old gentleman's statue at the door.It's not that I don't want to go in, but that the inside is too small and there is really no room.

After saluting, Wang Sheng followed the old man to the room on the left that looked like the kitchen.After entering, I saw a familiar old man of Qing Dynasty.

The old Taoist bowed to them, then pointed to the side of the stove.There is a dark cave with a height of half a person, and there are still a few steps, which lead to the bottom at first glance.

Well, the Taoist temple above conceals it, and the place of inheritance is hidden in the mountainside below the Taoist temple, which is barely justified.

Wang Sheng didn't let the old Taoist Ling Xu take the lead, he bowed his waist and went in first.When he went in, Wang Sheng could not help grinning his teeth. There was no one else, because the entrance of the cave was a bit too narrow, and Wang Sheng was so big that he could barely squeeze in sideways.

Fortunately, after going in, I went down a few steps and relaxed.At least Wang Sheng can stand up, and the sides are much wider. Even if Wang Sheng swings his arms freely, he won't touch the sides.

After walking down for about tens of meters, Wang Sheng saw the light and also saw a group of people.

It was a group, but it was actually a dozen or so. Half of them were old Taoist priests from Laojun Temple that Wang Sheng was familiar with. There were only six that Wang Sheng was not familiar with.The respective clothing colors are slightly different from Laojunguan, but they are generally the same.

"Ling Xu has met several master teachers!" After going down with the old Taoist, the old Taoist saluted the six unfamiliar old Taoists very politely.Wang Sheng also followed, declared his family name, and saluted the other party.This is a major event in the inheritance of Daoism, etiquette must not be underestimated, it is related to Meier's future safety, Wang Sheng does not want to ruin it because of a little detail.

"Don't dare! I've met the ancestor!" Ling Xu saluted, and several headmasters hurriedly returned the salute.The old Taoist Ling Xu is not only the one with the highest seniority in Lao Junguan, but also the most senior old man in the entire Taoist sect. Although these old Taoists are all head teachers, which one dares to be rude to the old Taoist Ling Xu?

"I've seen Mr. Chang Sheng!" After saluting to the old Taoist, the teachers all turned to Wang Sheng's side and saluted to Wang Sheng.However, they did not address Elder Wang Sheng, but Duke Chang Sheng.

"Everyone is here, let's start!" Among the six head teachers, one seemed to be unwilling, and urged him directly.

The other five seemed to be very calm. Although Wang Sheng could already see excitement and agitation from their eyes, their behavior still maintained the calmness of a master of Taoism.

"The place where my Taoist sect is inherited, only I, Laojunguan, know the location." The Master Daguan stood up and said to the six teachers: "Now the place has arrived, please check and open the door."

At this time, the six master teachers were not polite at all, they all stepped forward and walked to the smooth stone wall opposite.

Wang Sheng knew from the words of Master Daguan just now that Laojunguan should have mastered the location, but not the key to open the door.A few old masters hold the key to open the door, but they don't know the location.It is probably also a balance between the Taoist ancestors and the different sects of the Taoist sect!

Even Wang Sheng believed that the impatient person should be the guy who didn't quite agree with Wang Sheng's participation before.But I don't know what method Daguanzhu used to make him nod.But even so, he seemed to have to show his reluctance in front of everyone.Typical oral dissatisfaction.

There is nothing on the bare stone wall, and under the light of the torch, it can be seen at a glance.But even so, the six veteran masters still carefully checked the entire stone wall, not missing any corners.After a while, they nodded one after another and said, "There is no trace of this door being opened."

"A few head teachers please open the door!" Da Guanzhu smiled and said to the six head teachers with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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