
Chapter 1092 Clearing the Portal

Chapter 1092 Clearing the Portal

Chapter 570

Just as Master Tongming was about to wait to see how good-looking the group of guys around him who had never thought of him was, Wang Sheng suddenly took out a mask from the ring and put it on his nose and mouth. He also swallowed a pill.

"If you have the detoxification pill, take the detoxification pill. If you don't have it, I have it here." Wang Sheng handed one to Ling Xu, and then threw one to the Grand View Master. At the same time, he said something inexplicable: "It's time to clean up. The portal."

Master Da Guan nodded, and before he could move much, the old Taoist Ling Xu had already made a quick move and restrained the teacher Tongming.With one blow, Master Tongming didn't even have a chance to struggle, and was captured alive by the old Taoist, which was no less effort than capturing a child.

The old Taoists of the Qing generation took out the detoxification pills and swallowed them almost immediately after Wang Sheng finished speaking.Although the other master teachers reacted a little slower, they were only a little late, followed by a few senior Taoists of the Qing generation who took the detoxification pill.

Anyway, taking the detoxification elixir won't kill anyone, and it's safe to eat, so what are you afraid of after taking it?As for Wang Sheng's masks, none of them had them, but they also had a way. According to Wang Sheng's instructions, they each wet their burlap or skirts in water, and then covered their mouths and noses.

After finishing all this, the straight-tempered headmaster asked, "What happened?"

"He poisoned." Wang Sheng smiled and pointed to the head teacher Tongming: "It's on his right hand. In addition, he also notified people to come over. We will find out after a while."

It's dusk now, and it's getting a little dark.Everyone looked around and detected their breath, and it seemed that no one was in ambush.At their level, they are very confident in their own cultivation.Wang Sheng said that Master Tongming notified people to come, and everyone was very puzzled, where did people come from?

"I used to wonder how Zhu Xingsheng of Baoqing Yutang, a businessman, would think of using religious methods to control the barbarians in the mountains and beyond." Wang Sheng opened his mouth with a smile, which can be regarded as an explanation to everyone : "It is only now that I understand that there are professional people teaching me!"

Master Tongming's expression changed drastically in an instant. How did Wang Sheng know about such a secret matter?
The others were also puzzled, but when Wang Sheng looked up at the sky, they already understood.

In the distant sky, ten huge shadows suddenly appeared.Even if the distance is very far, you can see that the shadows are very huge.If Wang Sheng hadn't reminded them, if they looked over there, everyone wouldn't have noticed that there would be a group of flying monsters coming from that direction.

These monsters flew soundlessly, unless they were within a hundred or ten meters, otherwise, they would not be found at all.

If everyone just didn't realize it, the poison released by Master Tongming would make everyone fall for it without knowing it. The poison may not be able to knock everyone down all at once, but it will definitely affect everyone's cultivation.

The masters on the backs of those monsters suddenly attacked within a hundred meters, and everyone was poisoned, the consequences were disastrous.

Several headmasters stared at Tongming headmaster viciously, and then each became on guard.As for the people on Laojunguan's side, they are ready to activate, but everyone still put on a dazed look, as if they didn't notice the flying monster over there at all.

Except for Wang Sheng, any of these veterans present are seasoned masters who have lived for decades or even hundreds of years. How could they not know how to lure the enemy deep?All of them behaved very naturally. From a distance, even Headmaster Tongming seemed to be talking to the old Taoist Lingxu.

Those flying monsters flew very carefully, almost all of them flew close to the mountain, even if someone stared at them, they might not be able to find them.It wasn't until they rushed to the nearest hill and the monster began to swoop, that everyone woke up like a dream and shouted loudly.

The masters who rode the flying monsters watched the panic of the people below with satisfaction.I didn't find out until this time, it was too late.They determined the signal from a certain smell that humans could not smell from the headmaster Tongming, and they didn't worry that everyone would find out in advance.

What's more, they had already agreed with Master Tongming that while releasing the smell signal, Master Tongming would release some poisonous gas from the Shanyue area, silently tricking everyone.As long as you accidentally inhale the poisonous gas, your body will become sore and weak after a while, and you will not be able to fully mobilize your spiritual energy. Facing these masters who have an advantage in numbers, it is like giving food away.

The leading master had already seen that several old Taoist priests were not moving normally, and his heart was full of joy.This time, it can almost be said that several masters of the Taoist sect were wiped out, including the Grand Master of Laojunguan, Patriarch Lingxu, and even Wang Sheng.

The Gan family is really pitiful, their luck is bad, they finally found an opportunity to ambush Wang Sheng and the old Taoist Ling Xu, but they were bumped into by the disciples sent by Laojunguan to greet them.This can't be helped, who made them unlucky?
However, who would have thought that in just a few days, just when everyone thought that no one would dare to plot against Wang Sheng and Ling Xu around Laojun Temple, the masters of Shanyue Kingdom, with the help of their internal staff, not only Captured Wang Sheng alive, and took down Laojunguan and several other Taoist sect leaders in one fell swoop?
Thinking about the expressions of those big princes when they heard the news, the leading experts couldn't help being happy for a while.The sense of superiority in IQ simply made him as happy as an orgasm.

The flying monster flew very fast and very low. It took only a second or two from the time it was discovered on the top of the mountain to rushing to the top of the valley.The masters on the flying monster had already made their preparations and jumped off the back of the monster.Experts like them don't care about this height at all.

"Kill!" The leading expert gave an order, and everyone who was still in the air started to move towards their respective targets.This was agreed a long time ago, and naturally someone would save Wang Sheng's life.

However, the person was still in the air when he jumped down, and several experts from the Shanyue Kingdom had already discovered that something was wrong.The Taoist priests below seem to be a little too calm.Especially Wang Sheng, who actually had a crossbow in his hand.

"Old Taoist, Guanzhu, if one of you runs away, you will lose face!" Wang Sheng's voice sounded with laughter, and the heavy sniper crossbow in his hand was already pointing at the farthest flying monster: "I I have to keep these beasts and don't let anyone disturb me!"

"Don't worry!" Ling Xu's old-fashioned voice sounded beside Wang Sheng: "If you can stay alive, stay alive, if you can't, kill them all."

(End of this chapter)

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