
Chapter 1098 Searching for the Inheritance Formation Continued 1

Chapter 1098 Searching for the Inheritance Formation Continuation Part [-]
Chapter 570 IX Searching for the Inheritance Formation Continuation One
Old Taoist Ling Xu is a genius in practice, but he is definitely not a master of formations, let alone an expert in engineering. Therefore, Old Taoist Ling Xu couldn't answer Wang Sheng's question.

Not only the old Taoist Ling Xu couldn't answer, even Da Guanzhu and the five head teachers couldn't answer.In addition, so many old Taoists of the Qing Dynasty who were near Po Taoist Temple couldn't answer.

This question seemed so simple that they even took it for granted when they went all the way in and broke the formation and walls, but no one thought about how this passage was built.

As Wang Sheng said, since the passage has been blocked by the stone wall and the formation, how is the passage behind it dug?Where did the excavated stones go?

Everyone couldn't understand this problem, and everyone turned their attention to Wang Sheng for help.

"The stone wall we saw was a whole piece." Wang Sheng first told what everyone saw and got.Everyone nodded for a while. This is what everyone has seen. Seeing is believing, there will be no illusions.

"Actually, the complete stone wall we saw was not a whole piece at the beginning." Wang Sheng paused for a while, and waited for everyone to understand his words before continuing to explain: " It's a thousand years of time, through the effect of the formation, it becomes a piece after being compacted from a pile of fragments."

Under uniform and continuous pressure, after thousands of years, not to mention stone, even metal can be fused together from fragments.The reason why Wang Sheng checked those fragments was to see if the material inside was as uniform as normal stones.

Obviously, the fact is just as Wang Sheng expected, the fragments of those stone walls seem to be broken in one piece, but some parts of them are different.This also supports Wang Sheng's guess from the side. The stone wall was not a whole piece at first, but became one piece after being slowly compacted over a long period of time.

Only in this way can we explain how to dig a passage behind the complete stone wall and the whereabouts of the excavated stones.

"The materials used in this Taoist temple should be local materials, using part of the excavated stone." Wang Sheng pointed to the broken Taoist temple. Although the Taoist temple is not big, the walls are all made of stone. Wang Shengzao I just noticed that it should be the same kind of stone as the stone in the passage, but it has been exposed to wind and sun for thousands of years, weathered and eroded, and so on, there are some differences.

Among the five teachers, two have already turned to that Taoist temple, and began to ponder the walls of the Taoist temple.Among the remaining three, one also went straight to the valley that Wang Sheng and Lao Dao had just inspected, and made a large pile of gravel and placed it in front of the Taoist temple for study.

Wang Sheng didn't continue to talk about his discovery, and waited for everyone to verify it first.For Daguanzhu and the others, this journey to open the land of inheritance is like a process of solving puzzles, which makes people intoxicated and unable to stop.

"No wonder the ancestors recorded in the classics that the place of inheritance is not that simple, so that's how it is." After studying the gravel, a head teacher had to admit that what Wang Sheng said did have some truth.

Several head teachers nodded at the same time, even the Grand View Master nodded, which made Wang Sheng curious, and asked the old man, "What is recorded in the ancient books handed down by the ancestors about the place of inheritance?"

"The inheritance formation is very powerful." The old Taoist replied directly without thinking: "The opening of the inheritance land requires the sincerity and unity of all sects, and only those who are truly qualified to obtain the inheritance can open the inheritance formation."

"What else?" Wang Sheng didn't hear the not-so-simple statement about the place of inheritance, so he continued to ask.

"Also, only disciples who can truly understand the true meaning of inheritance can find the true inheritance formation." The old Taoist also answered quickly, blurting out.

"The true meaning of inheritance?" Wang Sheng was stunned, and then laughed again: "What do you mean? Purity of heart and asceticism? Tranquility and inaction? Or is Tao following nature?"

"I don't know!" The old Taoist shook his head and said, "If I knew, maybe I would have found it long ago. Maybe the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom. If you stick to your own way, that is the true meaning of inheritance!"

"That's what I like about you, old man." Wang Sheng laughed: "Never impose your own ideas on others. If everyone is like you, old man, there will be fewer disputes in this world."

The people next to them listened to the conversation between the two, and they all looked thoughtful.

"Let's go!" After sighing, Wang Sheng greeted the old Taoist, and also reminded the master: "Go in and have a look."

Entering the passage again, when passing three stone walls, Wang Sheng deliberately stopped to verify it again.Some subtleties on the wall and floor proved Wang Sheng's judgment once again.The stone wall that originally seemed to be integrated with the wall is actually not the original stone.

After arriving at the space with the sitting statue of Laojun again, Wang Sheng once again gave several head teachers and old Taoist Ling Xu the opportunity to re-investigate.They first went in and checked carefully to see if there was really any difference.

However, this time, everyone encountered a problem. Except for the direction they came in, no matter whether it was the left, right or front stone walls, they were completely normal stone walls, complete mountain rocks, and there was no abnormality at all.

The old Ling Xu didn't believe in evil, so he asked Wang Sheng for a carving knife. He swung the carving knife with a sledgehammer and chiseled several pieces from the three walls. All the fallen stones showed that it was a whole piece The space carved out of the boulder.

"Forget it, I won't guess the riddles anymore." The old man lost his interest. This kind of riddle-solving process is obviously not the old way's dish, and it's not to his liking.After a few setbacks, the old man didn't want to play anymore.

The several head teachers and Grand View Master observed carefully. One of the head teachers felt that the old Taoist Ling Xu had overlooked a direction. There was only an entrance the size of a passage, and there was actually a large wall.Not believing in evil, he deliberately chiseled the walls on both sides of the entrance, but the result was the same, a whole stone, nothing unusual.

Instead of finding the inheritance formation, some potholes were dug out of the original regular space, which made all the Taoists feel a little ashamed. In the end, all eyes still focused on Wang Sheng.

"Let's talk, don't be a fool." Da Guanzhu said with a wry smile at Wang Sheng: "Where is the inheritance formation?" After speaking, he added a sentence specially: "Don't worry there will be scum like Tongming. Those here are all the true elites of my Taoist sect."

"Guardian." Wang Sheng nodded with a smile and reminded: "In fact, everyone ignored one direction, didn't you notice?"

(End of this chapter)

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