
Chapter 11 Businessman

Chapter 11 Businessman

Chapter 10 Businessmen

The only remaining survivors were in another direction, and when Wang Sheng walked over unhurriedly, that guy was already looking weak and dying.

But when Wang Sheng was just approaching, the dying guy stretched his legs on the ground, and quickly rushed towards Wang Sheng.Just looking at the speed at which he rushed over, he knew that this was definitely a master of masters.

At least when Wang Sheng was on Earth, he had never seen such a terrifying guy.With such a serious injury, he can still have such explosive power.

It's a pity that the enemy didn't realize how terrifying Wang Sheng's caution as an ace sniper was.When he stood up and walked back and forth, Wang Sheng had keenly noticed that the other party's wound had stopped bleeding.There was no bandage at all, but such a big wound no longer bleeds.

How could Wang Sheng not be alert to such an abnormal phenomenon?His right hand had already touched the handle of the gun intentionally or unintentionally, and the opponent's figure jumped. The muzzle of Wang Sheng's Glock gun was already aimed at the enemy in the air, and he quickly pulled the trigger with his finger.

Bang, a gunshot hit the opponent directly in the chest.With such a short distance, Wang Sheng's instinctive movements made it impossible for him to make a mistake.

A shot hit the heart, even if the opponent survived the terrible explosion in the equipment warehouse, he couldn't stop the bullet from entering the body.

All the power of the enemy in the air disappeared without a trace in an instant, Wang Sheng flashed lightly, and the opponent fell heavily on the ground.With its mouth wide open like a dying fish coming ashore, it breathes loudly, but the light of life is slowly fading away.

"I... am also from Wuyou City, a third-level... killer." Maybe knowing that his life is not long, the other party said these words intermittently: "Bao...Qing...Yu...Tang."

Struggling to say Baoqing Yutang's name, the third-level killer's body twitched, and finally swallowed his last breath.

Wang Sheng pointed his gun at the opponent. After a while, the opponent did not make any movement. Then he slowly stepped forward and carefully touched the opponent's carotid artery. After confirming that he was dead, he put away the Glock and started Fumbled on him.

From this third-level killer, Wang Sheng took out a silver metal plate.The style is exactly the same as the six black ones, only the color is different.It is estimated that this is a sign of different levels. This third-level killer should be the strongest among the people present.

Wang Sheng took a closer look at the scene here, and quickly understood why this third-level killer survived that kind of explosion.It is estimated that the other party is also very sensitive to killing intent. At the moment of the explosion, he found a big tree and hid it behind it in time.However, the tree was still not big enough to cover the whole body, and a calf and an arm were still blown off.

This third-level killer shocked Wang Sheng a lot.I didn't feel it when I killed Dai Huan and those guards, but I can find something wrong between the lightning and the flint and quickly find cover. Even after the limb is broken, there is still that kind of flying power. The master in this world is really shocking.

The emergence of masters also strengthened Wang Sheng's determination to practice as soon as possible.If he couldn't quickly improve his strength, he might be able to live here for a while just relying on the equipment on his body, but if those equipment ran out of bullets, how long could Wang Sheng survive?

The most urgent task right now is to make up for the incompleteness of his original soul as soon as possible.However, the incomplete soul needs a lot of Peiyuan pills, but Wang Sheng doesn't have enough money to buy them.

Looking at the silver metal plaque of the city of worry-free, Wang Sheng's heart skipped a beat.Perhaps, with this metal plate, some Peiyuan Pills could be extorted from Baoqing Yutang.

When Wang Sheng reappeared in the city carrying a backpack and a gun case, it really surprised many people.Wang Sheng came back with all his beard and tail, how is this possible?Could it be that so many people who are chasing after him are just eating dry food?
Seeing Wang Sheng strutted into Baoqingyu Hall, many people were rushing in all directions, and Wang Sheng's return had to be known to those in charge immediately.

It was not the first time Wang Sheng came to Baoqing Yutang. After entering the door, regardless of whether there were other guests inside, he yelled at the shopkeeper: "Let you who can be the boss come to see me!"

The clerk didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly reported to the back. After a while, the fat shopkeeper who received Wang Sheng last time appeared in front of Wang Sheng, and then respectfully invited Wang Sheng to the back living room to serve tea.

Wang Sheng was not afraid of being poisoned by the other party, so he sipped his tea slowly.The fat shopkeeper's gaze was intentionally or unintentionally looking at the backpack next to Wang Sheng and the apparently special gun case.

"What does Baoqing Yutang mean?" Wang Sheng asked unhurriedly after finishing a cup of tea.

"What are you talking about?" The fat shopkeeper asked cautiously with a smile on his face.

This time Wang Sheng didn't answer, but reached into his backpack, took out the seven metal plates of Wuyou City, and placed them neatly on the coffee table next to him.Silver metal medals first, then six black metal medals.

The moment he saw the silver metal plate, the fat shopkeeper's pupils suddenly shrank, and when he saw the other six, his small eyes widened quickly, as if he had seen something incredible.

"Don't tell me that this brand has nothing to do with Baoqing Yutang." Wang Sheng pointed at the silver metal plate, and asked with a smile: "So, I want to know, Baoqing Yutang is looking for a Youcheng's third-level killer, what does this mean?"

Wang Sheng spoke very easily, and asked the question without embarrassment, but it was this kind of calm speech that shocked the fat shopkeeper greatly.

The killer card in Wuyou City has always been with the person. Leaving the owner can only show that the killer himself is dead, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to lose his own killer card.Seven killer cards, it means that Wang Sheng killed at least seven killers in Wuyou City, including a third-level killer.

"Excuse me, honored guest!" Since Wang Sheng has already shown the third-level killer card, if the fat shopkeeper wants to deny it again, he is pretending to be confused.Such a powerful master cannot be handled by the small town branch of Baoqing Yutang. If the other party wants to kill him, it is probably a matter of reaching out.

"Last time, some of the things that the distinguished customers sold to our store had the secret mark of the Dai family on them." The fat shopkeeper is a smart person. Quickly explained: "We are businessmen, and we are afraid of trouble, so we entrust the experts of Wuyou City to help investigate what's going on. It's definitely not malicious to the distinguished guests!"

"Entrust a third-level killer to investigate?" Wang Sheng had a half-smile on his face, but there was a deep sense of distrust in his tone of voice.Investigating things, you let a third-level killer out?What about cheating ghosts?
"All those who come out of Wuyou City are killers." The fat shopkeeper originally thought that this was not a problem, but suddenly realized that Wang Sheng is a barbarian who doesn't know anything about Wuyou City, so he hurriedly explained: "They also accept Some other work, not all killing. We really mean no harm."

Wang Sheng understood that the people who come out of Wuyou City are all killers, but the killers may not all take on murder jobs, maybe they will also take on some jobs like investigations, or even act as bodyguards if they go too far , this worry-free city is also an interesting place.

However, in the current situation, it is not a good opportunity to inquire about the city of worry-free.Wang Sheng's fingers tapped on the coffee table one after another, as if he was thinking about what to do about this matter.

The fat shopkeeper's face was full of cold sweat, and he smiled apologetically, and he didn't dare to urge Wang Sheng, let alone help Wang Sheng out of his own opinion.This master is a ruthless character who killed seven killers in Wuyou City in a row. He is a shopkeeper who is serious about business. How can he be disrespectful face to face?

"Twenty Peiyuan Pills, this is the end of this matter!" Wang Sheng suddenly opened his mouth, which shocked the fat shopkeeper.

"What?" The fat shopkeeper almost thought he heard it wrong, and hurriedly asked.

"Twenty Peiyuan Pills, I don't need to pursue the matter that you set my mind on." Wang Sheng was not angry, and expressed his meaning again directly: "But, I don't want to have a next time!"

"Just follow the wishes of the distinguished guest!" How dare the fat shopkeeper disagree?It's just a mere twenty Peiyuan Pills, which is a drop in the bucket for Baoqing Yutang.It is absolutely worth it to use this price in exchange for the understanding of a master like Wang Sheng!The fat shopkeeper's hanging heart finally let go, and he narrowly escaped death!
Two bottles of Peiyuan Pill were delivered to Wang Sheng very quickly. Wang Sheng opened it and took a look. The things were correct, and he stood up and was about to leave.

"Please bring these killer cards with you." The fat shopkeeper hastily reminded Wang Sheng: "If the distinguished guests need to use the people from Worry-free City one day, these killer cards can also be exchanged."

I killed the opponent's person by myself and snatched the opponent's killer card, but when the time comes, I need to use the killer from the city of worry-free. Can these killer cards be converted?This Worry-Free City is really a strange place, Wang Sheng didn't understand the rules for a while, but he got the things first before talking.

As soon as Wang Sheng on the front foot left Baoqing Yutang, the fat shopkeeper on the back foot stood respectfully in front of the masked woman, and quickly reported what happened just now.

"The seven killers of Wuyou City, including a third-level killer, are all dead?" The masked woman couldn't see the expression on her face, but her tone was full of surprise: "It seems that Dai Huan and his party are absolutely dead." He died in his hands, otherwise those things from the Dai family would not have fallen into his hands."

"Do you want to release the news? Miss!" The fat shopkeeper asked the masked woman for instructions.

"Why did you let it out?" The masked woman sneered and said, "The Dai family and the Song family are intrigues, so what does it matter to us? We only do business and don't care about other right and wrong."

"This time it's unreasonable for us to ask someone to investigate. We are businessmen and we don't get involved in their affairs." The masked woman quickly set the tone for this side: "It's the same sentence, we do business. Whose gold coins are not gold coins? We don’t know anything else.”

"Yes, miss!" The fat shopkeeper quickly agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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