
Chapter 110 Another Gift

Chapter 110 Another Gift
Chapter 85 Another Gift
Wang Sheng didn't care what these people were thinking, he was afraid of turning his head when he threw the arson bomb, because he was afraid that if the master inside could escape and accidentally get the flames on himself.

You know, Wang Sheng himself can't do anything about these flames. If he really wants to be infected, he will probably have to cut off his wrists, just like the big man who cut off his own flesh with a knife, to completely solve the hidden danger.

As for the guy who was burned to the bone, maybe he won't die with his strong cultivation and physical fitness, but he will definitely have to peel off his skin if he doesn't die.The burning flame is highly poisonous, and it's kind of cool to let it burn to the bone without cutting it off on the spot.

Of course, the kindest Wang Sheng didn't see it from the beginning to the end. It was the bully who was good at grabbing the arson bomb directly.As soon as he got the bully in his hand, he realized something was wrong, but it was already too late.

Even if Ling Ba could instantly use the aura shield at the peak of the fourth-level realm, which could prevent most of the flames from hitting his body, he couldn't stop the [-]-degree Celsius heat in the burning center of the arson bomb.Such a terrifying high temperature can melt even steel, let alone him with a mortal body.

If there was slow motion at that time, Lingba's subordinates would definitely be able to see that their boss, the master Lingba at the peak of the fourth level, was like a candle in a flame, and immediately became soft and liquid, and then even the soup was gone. It starts to evaporate and disappears without a trace in an instant.

The terrible fire ignited the cooking oil and linen in the warehouse. Except for the seven or eight guys by the door who were able to rush out in time, the rest were almost instantly killed by the high temperature and highly toxic flames.Of course, none of the few who escaped survived, and finally died in pain.

The flames were so big that it almost alarmed half of the city.Interested people began to pay attention to what was going on there, but how many people could tell clearly under the crowd?

Wang Sheng walked along the river for a while, making sure that he would not be contaminated by those flames, and then walked towards his small courtyard Shi Shiran.

For bullying them, Wang Sheng killed without any psychological burden.It's not that he claims to be righteous, but this kind of guy who wants to kill himself will be killed if he kills it.There is no psychological intervention in this world, and there are not so many reports to write. The only pity is that another arson bomb has been used up.

For the equipment brought over from the earth, Wang Sheng no longer wants to use one piece of equipment.Some things are better kept unless necessary.When are nukes most powerful?Not after launch, but when on the launch pad, people feel the most deterrent.

The signal that Wang Sheng is sending out now is a kind of deterrence.Wang Sheng himself will not take the initiative to cause trouble, but if someone does, then he has to weigh whether he can withstand his thunderous blow.

Before entering the door, there were almost no followers behind Wang Sheng.Seeing the end of the bully and the others, how could those monitoring people have the leisure to follow Wang Sheng?Aren't you afraid of being killed by him without anyone noticing?Besides, at this time, it is only reasonable to go back and report to the principals of their respective forces.

Looking at his small courtyard with the infrared telescope, Wang Sheng smiled wryly again.There was someone in the living room, who was sitting at his table drinking tea leisurely, it didn't look like he was intruding into someone's house at all.

What made Wang Sheng smile even more was that after so many times of use by Qian Jedi, the infrared telescope has finally run out of power.From then on, the infrared telescope can only become a purely optical telescope.

Putting away the binoculars, Wang Sheng stepped into the courtyard.Instead of going directly into the room, he turned to the kitchen next to him and boiled a pot of boiling water.After the water boiled, he carried the kettle and opened the door to enter the living room.

"The water is cold, let me bring you some hot water." Pushing the door open, Wang Sheng said to the people inside.He learned this trick from Ling'er in Yubaozhai, and it can be regarded as a blow to the people inside.

The people inside were stunned, he asked himself how he was, no one else would notice him in this big black sky, and he sat in there without making a sound, Wang Sheng actually found him there?What is even more surprising is that Wang Sheng knew that he was drinking tea inside, and went to the kitchen to boil water after he came in?
"Thank you very much!" However, the surprise was nothing but surprise, the people inside were not panicked, and immediately stabilized their position, thanking them calmly.

Wang Sheng also behaved as if he was entertaining an ordinary guest. He smiled and stepped forward to refill the hot water, put the kettle on the side, and then said politely with a smile: "The humble house is simple, and I have neglected the distinguished guests."

"Maybe it's okay!" The other party sat in the dark, as polite as a guest.

Under this kind of night, Wang Sheng's eyesight can only see the outline of the other party, as if the other party's body is a black hole, absorbing all the surrounding light.

Wang Sheng understood that it was not because his eyesight was not good enough.He can now see the world at dusk as if it were day, and a small amount of light can be enlarged and brightened, but it doesn't mean that he can see clearly when there is no light.This night, the other party purposely sat in the darkest part of the room, so it was normal that they couldn't see clearly.

"Interesting!" After Wang Sheng sat down across the table, the other party let out a shrill laugh like a night owl: "Quack, quack, you can scare many people by playing around with so many people alone. Interesting, you kid."

Listening to this unique voice, Wang Sheng frowned slightly, but didn't say much, and sat quietly.Since the other party has come, it is still in this style, it is definitely not here to make a move, there must be something to say, just wait to speak.

"It seems that you can guess a little bit about the identity of this old man?" Seeing Wang Shengshen sitting on the Diaoyutai waiting for himself to speak, the person in the dark took a sip of scalding water from a cup, not caring about the temperature of the water.Putting down the cup, he said slowly.

"To be honest, I didn't guess the specific identity." Wang Sheng was also straightforward. The other party treated him with a gentle attitude, and he responded with a gentle attitude: "However, I know which faction you probably belong to."

"Tell me!" The other party obviously didn't believe it.He asked himself that he had never appeared in front of Wang Sheng, let alone his voice was heard by Wang Sheng. Even now, Wang Sheng couldn't see his figure clearly, so how could he know the power he belonged to? ?

"Although you tried your best to conceal it, and changed your falsetto." Wang Sheng didn't shirk, and said directly: "But your old voice sounds more sharp and less forceful. Sitting here, it is stable. Rusong, with an extraordinary bearing. The head of an ordinary family is no more than this, but you have come to Wuyou City yourself, so you are obviously not the host. With this kind of bearing, there is only one place where you can come out."

"You've always been the servant of the royal family, right?" Wang Sheng finally said the answer directly: "I don't know how to call it."

(End of this chapter)

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