
Chapter 1106 Inheritance

Chapter 1106 Inheritance

Chapter 580 Three Inheritance

The six young Taoist priests had already been told on the road. They knew where this place was, what they should do and what they should not do, what they should say and what they should not say.People who can be cultivated as heirs will definitely not have a fool.Naturally, there is no doubt about their loyalty.

When they came in, the teachers just greeted them casually, but the six young Taoists all paid respects.After paying homage to Patriarch Ling Xu and Elder Wang Shengwang, they dispersed respectfully and stood up to wait for orders.

Wang Sheng and Lao Dao had already tidied up the place, and Wang Sheng even prepared a comfortable chair for himself so that he could be more comfortable when sharing the inheritance.There are a few seats around, for everyone to use, so that everyone can stick a part of their body on Wang Sheng.

Of course, everyone must be putting their hands on Wang Sheng's body, so they all need to get closer.Wang Sheng sat sideways, taking care of three people on the front, chest, back, and back, holding the inheritance green ball with one hand, and taking care of one person with the other hand stretched out.

The six head teachers were sitting in front of and behind Wang Sheng, and each stretched out a hand to stick to Wang Sheng's body.Wang Sheng's outstretched hand grabbed the old Taoist Ling Xu's hand.

After everyone was ready and had greeted the six junior Taoist priests, Wang Sheng followed the initial action again and reached out into the translucent barrier.

This time, Wang Sheng no longer left with a light touch of his fingertips, but his entire palm was completely attached to the rotating green ball.

A huge amount of information suddenly rushed into Wang Sheng's mind. At the same time, this information also passed through Wang Sheng's body and rushed into the minds of the seven people who had contacted Wang Sheng outside the barrier.

Together with Wang Sheng, the eight people trembled at the same time, and then remained motionless.The suspended green ball also stopped changing and no longer spinning, as if all time stopped for an instant.In the eyes of the six young Taoist priests around them, it was as if the eight people suddenly froze in a weird way.

Boom, a clear picture flashed in Wang Sheng's mind.Ever since Wang Sheng remembered, everything he had experienced, such as reading, playing, vacations, eating and drinking, joining the army, training, fighting, going out on missions, entering the special forces, becoming an ace sniper, and the last mission, was like a revolving lantern. Wang Sheng's mind flashed, without missing a single thing.

Everything Wang Sheng experienced on the earth, the sights he saw, the sounds he heard, the taste he tasted, the touch he felt, the cold and heat, pain and happiness, went through everything in detail.All the memories are so clear that Wang Sheng can see the pictures he has seen at any time as clearly as if he was watching a movie with a giant screen.

Then after coming to this world, everyone I saw, every scene I saw, every sound I heard, practice, battle, escape, assassination, was still so clear.

After personal experience, I just don’t know where the scene came from, whether it is on the earth or in this world, sunrise and sunset, tide ebb and flow, sky, earth, ocean, creatures, wildly growing grasslands, forests, monsters Hunting prey, and being hunted by more powerful monsters, a complete life cycle.

Although there were life and death in the scene he saw, Wang Sheng could only feel a surge of vitality, and his whole body was extremely comfortable.The scene after scene only made Wang Sheng feel that everything seemed to be being promoted to become more and more energetic, rather than lifeless.

Immersed in this vicissitudes of life, I don't know how long it has passed, Wang Sheng suddenly felt his body tremble, and then another tremor. After four or five consecutive times, Wang Sheng's mind no longer Unable to maintain that passive calm, he woke up instantly.

Master Daguan, the five head teachers, and the old Taoist Ling Xu, their hands have already left Wang Sheng's body.The vibration they felt just now was when their hands left Wang Sheng's body.

Wang Sheng pulled his hand without thinking, the touch of the inherited green ball was cut off, and all the images in his mind disappeared instantly.

Except for Wang Sheng who was still able to stay awake, everyone else seemed to be in meditation, as if they were practicing.

At this moment, Wang Sheng didn't dare to do anything except to keep silent.Turning his head to look at the inheritance green ball, as expected, it was half the size.

This also means that each of the six young Taoist priests has the opportunity to experience it with Wang Sheng.Maybe what they saw was different from what Wang Sheng saw, and Wang Sheng didn't know what the real inheritance was, but in Wang Sheng's view, everything he saw, apart from his own experience, was nothing but natural inheritance. Is this the patriarch of the Taoist sect reminding himself again that Taoism follows nature?

Obviously, Wang Sheng was not qualified to be the successor of the Taoist sect, so he couldn't figure out what this inheritance was.But the six head teachers and the old Taoist Ling Xu must have benefited a lot, and Wang Sheng could even feel the abnormally clear state changes in them.

Huh?Wang Sheng also suddenly felt strange, why he could feel the change of their realm so clearly?Wang Sheng didn't have such ability before, could this be his reward for acting as a bridge?

In the soul space, Wang Sheng took a look, and there seemed to be no change, except that the indescribable sixth sense became more acute, it seemed that there was no change.

No, the nine-character mantra.Wang Sheng just experimented casually, and was shocked to find that the six-character formula was easy for him, just like the five-character formula that he had rehearsed countless times, he could use it at the moment of thought.

Not only that, but I seem to be able to judge the effect of any combination of six characters in Liu Zi Jue before sending it out.You must know that Wang Sheng has never successfully used Liu Zi Jue even once in other places except at the performance site of the great master.

Just this time, I don't know how much hard work Wang Sheng has saved, and Wang Sheng's combat effectiveness has been increased several times.

The inheritance of the Taoist patriarch is really extraordinary!I haven't deliberately comprehended the deep connotation. I just acted as a bridge to have such benefits. I really don't know what kind of huge gains the old Taoists will have after waking up.

At this time, Wang Sheng didn't dare to make a sound to disturb the people who were in samadhi. He looked at his watch, and it was still the time at the beginning. Could it be that he thought of so much in just a moment?Out of curiosity, Wang Sheng couldn't help asking the six young Taoist priests who had been guarding around with gestures.

From the feedback of the young Taoist's hand gestures, Wang Sheng knew that in reality, five days and five nights had passed in the instant he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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