
Chapter 1108 Prepare for Revenge

Chapter 1108 Prepare for Revenge

Chapter 580 Four Preparations for Revenge

Wang Sheng stood up, walked around the six young Taoist priests carefully, and walked to the old Taoist Ling Xu.

The old Taoist patted Wang Sheng, and then gestured to the six headmasters. The six headmasters nodded in unison, and then the old Taoist pulled Wang Sheng and walked directly into the passage.

He thought he would eat something here, but the old man dragged him all the way into the water and walked out along the underwater passage.It was hoisted up through the potter's wheel, and walked out of the small broken Taoist temple from the passage.

"How long has it been this time?" Wang Sheng asked when he left the Taoist temple and was heading towards Laojun Temple.

"Three days and three nights." The old Taoist Ling Xu replied angrily.Listening to the old-fashioned tone, it seems a little uncomfortable.

"Old Taoist, why are you angry?" Wang Sheng asked with a puzzled face. Did something else happen outside when he was acting as a bridge for six young Taoist priests?

"The patriarch has a great opportunity to inherit, but you don't want to understand my Taoist method, but you are thinking about practicing?" This is what made the old Taoist unhappy, and he scolded Wang Sheng: "Violent waste! Violent waste!"

"Huh? Old Daoist, you guys can see what I was thinking when I accepted the inheritance?" Wang Sheng was surprised. How did the old Daoist know that he was practicing?
"Others accept the inheritance and sit calmly. Only your hair is about to explode. What are you doing if you are not practicing?" Enter Baoshan and return empty, I have never seen you so stupid!"

Not even a child, obviously saying that Wang Sheng is not as good as those six young Taoist priests.However, Wang Sheng did not intend to argue with the old Taoist. His mind was not on the inheritance of the Taoist school, and he never planned to be born in the world to practice the Taoist. It is already very satisfying to have the opportunity to experience the inheritance of the Taoist school, not to mention there are two huge harvests. If you are not satisfied, it is really a lack of human heart.

In the eyes of old Taoists, the inheritance of Taoism and Taoism must be more important than any practice, which is understandable.Although the old Taoist seems to be deviant, in fact he only looks unrestrained because he has broken through that level of state.In his heart, the old Taoist is still a virtuous Taoist.

After scolding Wang Sheng a few words, the old Taoist also knew Wang Sheng's true heart, so he didn't continue when it was enough, and asked him what he had gained.

"Six-character tactics." Wang Sheng's simple words made Ling Xu's eyes shine.

Even if Wang Sheng practiced, he chose the Nine-Character Mantra, the Taoist method, which made the old Taoist very satisfied.In particular, Wang Sheng used the Taoist inheritance formation to practice his nine-character mantra to the point of six-character formula, which surprised the old Taoist even more.

"Try it!" The old man couldn't wait to let Wang Sheng show it to himself.

The old man is interested, of course Wang Sheng will not refuse. On the way back to Laojun Temple, Wang Sheng demonstrated to Ling Xu the old man a series of six-character formulas that focus on the soldiers' formulas, protecting his body, and at the same time It made the old Taoist Ling Xu feel the powerful body recovery effect.

"Try Lin Zi Jue." Feeling the unprecedented effect of the nine-character mantra, the old man couldn't wait to let Wang Sheng demonstrate the calming effect of Lin Zi Jue.

Without saying a word, Wang Sheng immediately performed a Linzi formula for himself and the old Taoist respectively.The old man's eyes became brighter and brighter, almost turning into two little lanterns.

"Okay!" After feeling it, the old man said in a very carefree way: "Go back and find a day to marry Meier! At least until the peak of Meier's legend, you don't have to worry about anything. As long as Meier's thoughts It's still on you, and it's still in business, so you don't have to worry about her having problems in a short time."

"Then what about your meditation method?" Wang Sheng was also overjoyed, but he still didn't forget to ask about the old way of keeping the mind.

"I have accepted the Taoist inheritance this time, and I already have a direction, but it will take a while to prepare. When the time comes, I will retreat once, and I should be able to take it out." The old Taoist is very happy, not only Wang Sheng's entry, but also the The Zhixu Shoujing method also has a direction. When he comes out of the retreat, is this another Taoism that can be compared with Taijiquan, or is it born on the old Taoist himself, why not make the old Taoist happy?
"What preparations do you need? What arrangements do you need?" Wang Sheng was also overjoyed. At least for a long time, he didn't have to worry about Meier's problems, and his mood immediately improved a lot: "Tell me, what kind of environment do you want? I'll help you arrange it! "

People are refreshed on happy occasions, their cultivation has improved, and the old man has good news. Meier doesn't have to worry for the time being. Wang Sheng immediately showed his true nature of wealth and wealth. He even forgot to eat or drink for three days and three nights. Even if the old Taoist asked him to use gold coins to build a scripture library for him immediately, Wang Sheng would do so without hesitation.Isn't it just gold coins?As long as it can solve Meier's problem, what is it?
"You don't need to prepare anything." The old Taoist Ling Xu smiled, and said calmly: "When the Master and the others are well, I will go out and kill people, and when I come back after killing people, I will be almost ready."

"No way!" Wang Sheng was startled, and asked loudly: "You want to study the method of Zhixu and Shoujing, and the preparation is to go out to kill and kill? Is this to Zhixu to keep quiet or to wash the world with blood? Killing people can keep quiet?"

"Of course you can't keep quiet when you kill people." The old Taoist said slowly and calmly with a look of reason: "However, the murder is almost done, and the violent energy in the chest has been vented, so you can naturally keep quiet."

Wang Sheng was stunned.There is such an explanation?I couldn't help but smiled wryly at the old Taoist: "Old Taoist, you are a virtuous man! If you say that, others will think you are a murderous maniac!"

"Bullshit!" Ling Xu yelled out a classic mantra, and then yelled at Wang Sheng: "You are the inventor of Tai Chi, don't you understand that everything in this world is a yin and a yang. Positive and negative? When there is stillness and no movement, where does Tai Chi come from? After killing enough people and venting enough violent energy, you will naturally calm your mind. Isn’t this a typical positive and negative life? You say it yourself Is it a joke to hold the yin and embrace the yang?"

Now Wang Sheng was completely speechless, because Wang Sheng found that he couldn't refute the old Taoist Ling Xu's words for a while.

"When have you ever seen someone who is trying hard to calm down and suppress all the evil fires can really calm down?" The words of the old Taoist passed into Wang Sheng's ears like enlightenment, and Wang Sheng's heart couldn't stop Surging: "The consequence of suppressing it hard is that one day when you can't suppress it, it suddenly explodes on a larger scale. I don't know how many times more powerful than when you vent it normally. Is this what you want?"

"It's better to block it than to block it?" Wang Sheng said subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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