
Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115
Chapter 580 The seventh thing happened, brush your clothes and go
After the shaking of the ground stopped, Wang Sheng let go of his ears, and said to Ling Xu, who was still shaking, "Okay, let's go back and kill at this time!"

The old man was almost dragged by Wang Sheng and jumped onto Daxue's back.When Daxue suddenly flapped his wings a few times and returned to the mountain where King Dai's palace was located, the two of them couldn't find a complete building in the palace.

The meeting hall, which was still aloft just now, has already gone to nowhere. There is only a big pit several feet deep left on the scene, and the smell of gunpowder almost fills the nostrils of the two of them.Within two miles around, there was not a single building that could stand upright, and all of them were turned into ruins.

The two people who had been prepared for a long time had already put on goggles and masks. Seeing such a situation at this time, the old man was taken aback even though he had been mentally prepared.The power is so great, no wonder Wang Sheng wanted the snow to fly twenty miles away. If he stayed here or flew in the sky, he didn't know what terrible consequences would happen.

"Let's do it!" Wang Sheng greeted the old man, and was about to jump off Daxue's back.

"Don't kill women and children!" The old man hastily told Wang Sheng, and then jumped off Daxue's back before Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng was a bit late and jumped directly on the square at the entrance of the main hall.

The square is huge and there are many people.Almost all the guards who wanted to protect the Patriarch of the Dai family and the Great Elder just now concentrated in this direction.Of course, apart from the servants and guards in the meeting hall, they were also the group of people who were closest to the explosion force of ten tons of explosives.

It has to be said that when the cultivation base reaches the legendary peak, it does have some powerful strength.Even if ten tons of explosives exploded within a distance of less than 50 meters, a dozen or so people survived.

But that's all, just survived, this level of explosion, even if the fragments of the hall caused by the explosion failed to injure their bodies, but the huge shock wave and powerful sound waves still made these guards People stood there dumbfounded as if they had been stunned, not knowing how to react.

Wang Sheng has experienced similar situations on Earth. The most dangerous time was that after Wang Sheng killed a target, he was covered by the opponent's large-caliber artillery and fired three rounds.If Wang Sheng hadn't escaped quickly at that time and had already escaped from the coverage of the artillery, he might have been smashed to pieces long ago.

But even so, the shock waves and sound waves produced by the violent explosion of the large-caliber artillery made Wang Sheng unable to hear anything for at least three hours on the way to escape, and his body was a little unbalanced.This is due to the vibration of the semicircular canal by the explosion, which affects the balance.

Now these guards are within the range of the explosion. Even though their bodies are extremely strong and withstand the power of the explosion, without any preparation, their ears are deafened and they cannot hear any sound.

When Wang Sheng came to kill him fiercely, even with the help of the burning flames they had already seen Wang Sheng's figure, but their bodies were disobedient for some reason. At least four people watched Wang Sheng with a completely black handle. The knife cut their necks and pierced their hearts without knowing how to resist.

The rest of the people knew how to resist, but half of them couldn't do it properly. They finally wanted to attack, but they fell to the ground involuntarily until Wang Sheng's tiger teeth pierced into the vital parts of his body. Inside, they feel as if they have just returned to their bodies.However, at this time, there is only pain left, and there is no way to recover.

There are less than three masters who can really fight back.However, their movements were also affected. Whether it was the speed or accuracy of their shots, they couldn't compare with those at their peak. Being able to barely make moves was already the limit.

One of these three masters was killed by Wang Shengzhong's sniper crossbow. Wang Sheng rushed to the front and fought fiercely to kill one. The last one was almost a threat to Wang Sheng. Unfortunately, he didn't see or hear it. He didn't even feel the huge snow sculpture that was rapidly approaching behind him.

With just one paw, Daxue grabbed this master in the air, and regardless of Wang Sheng, he directly took that guy to an unknown place.Anyway, when Wang Sheng saw the heavy snow again, his hooked beak was stained with blood, probably because he regarded that legendary peak expert as the most delicious food.

After taking care of the Dai family guards in the square, Wang Sheng repaired each of the guys who were missing half of their body, ended their pain, and then went further to kill.

As long as they are within the scope of the palace, except for the women and children that the old Taoist just mentioned, the other Wang Sheng and the old Taoist will not hold back.Even some master female guards were not spared. They have combat effectiveness and do not belong to the women and children that Wang Shenghe said.

In the palace, the most elite group of masters gathered in the square just now, and were patronized by ten tons of explosives.What is left now, the strongest is nothing more than the legendary realm.

Occasionally there are a few strong opponents, who may even be at the peak of legend, but they have already been filtered out by the old Taoist Ling Xu once.Old Taoists kill people according to their level of cultivation, starting with those with high cultivation levels, and then killing those with low cultivation levels.

Afterwards, the strongest Wang Sheng met was a master in the later stage of the legend. Wang Sheng discovered it in advance in the dark and ended it with one arrow.In this situation, Wang Sheng and Lao Dao were only two people, and they had no intention of fighting face-to-face with the masters of the Dai family.

As for the old Taoist, he came to stand up for the Laojun Temple and the Taoist school, and he didn't mean to hold back at all.

The flames were raging in the palace, and countless people ran in panic. They had lost the ability to distinguish between the enemy and us in the panic, and even a group of eunuchs and maids were directly killed by the palace guards of the Dai family.

There were battles almost everywhere, and dead bodies everywhere. Wang Sheng only killed a hundred of them, and he couldn't feel how many threats were around.

After killing to this extent, no matter whether it is the Dai family or other families, they must have understood what it feels like to be angry with Lao Junguan, right?
Wang Sheng's nine-character mantra and six-character tactic called out to the old Taoist a few times, and he took the lead and went straight back to the square of the meeting hall.Within a few minutes, the old Taoist rushed over covered in blood.

Seeing the situation of the old man, Wang Sheng looked down at himself, and his whole body was also covered in blood.But this time, it was extremely fun!
The two stayed in the square for only 2 minutes, and the heavy snow flew over from nowhere.Before the heavy snow fell to the ground, Wang Sheng and Lao Dao both jumped onto the back of the heavy snow.

During the flight, Daxue never forgot to swallow the half of someone's leg that was in his mouth, and then he let out a long and cheerful cry, and flew straight into the sky with his wings flashing.

The royal palace in Dai's capital has been completely turned into ruins.Countless people in the capital were awakened, and they were rushing towards the palace, intending to put out the fire and save people.No one noticed that in the dark sky above their heads, there were two eagles flying together, bloody all over their bodies, flying to nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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