
Chapter 1118 Correct posture for beating

Chapter 1118 Correct posture for beating
Chapter 580 IX Correct Posture for Being Beaten
In just a few days, the incense of Taoist temples in various places has increased by at least [-]%.All the female relatives of the important figures of the major families went to burn incense and worship Laojun.

At the same time, the elders of the major princes who were stationed in the capital went to the Laojun one after another to show their goodwill.It's a pity that Laojunguan has been closing its doors to thank guests recently, and no one has received them.

Now all parties are a little panicked, Laojunguan is closed behind closed doors, what should we do?Then, all parties immediately thought of Changsheng Gongfu.

As long as we have a good relationship with the Changsheng government, it will also indirectly make Laojun feel his goodwill.So, the elders from all sides rushed to the Changsheng mansion in a swarm.Knowing that Wang Sheng is definitely not there, he has not come back after going out to kill people, so they all ask to see Mrs. Mei in the name of discussing cooperation and buying a batch of products from Gansheng Yuanrunzifang Mengzhifang and Yayun in bulk.

To put it bluntly, it is actually a door-to-door delivery of money.However, Meier has been told by Wang Sheng long ago that cooperation is fine, but this time Meier did not use her housekeeping skills, nor did she ruthlessly slaughter all parties in terms of price.

On the contrary, Meier not only agreed to do business with all parties, but also agreed to orders from all parties, and even gave all parties a [-]% discount on the store price for the first time.

In other words, as long as these batches are taken back, they can earn [-]% of the original retail price.Qian Shengyuan's things are worried about selling in other places?Or is it the sad sale of Runzifang?How many people from other places are rushing to buy good things that can't be bought at a higher price. As long as these things are brought back, if each family is more ruthless, they can directly earn more than [-]% of their profits.

The average order of [-] million gold coins for each vassal state, especially the Gan Kingdom, as if to forgive their sins, directly placed an order of [-] million gold coins, and Meier accepted all of them.It is estimated that in a long time, the goods in these stores will be reduced by half. Just completing the orders of each store will be enough for those masters to be busy for a year.

The business is done, and there must be some profits, even big profits, but all parties are even more uncertain.If you want to give a gift, it will make you a lot of money. Could it be that you don't plan to give it?

Fortunately, Meier finally vomited, and told all parties not to worry. Half a month later, there will be a public ceremony at Laojun Temple in Beijing, and representatives from all parties are sincerely invited to attend.

After receiving this answer, the representatives of all parties put their uneasy hearts back into their arms.It's just that after a long time of peace of mind, all parties were concerned again.

Laojunguan wants to hold a Fa conference and invite representatives from all parties to participate. What does this mean?Both the heads of the Dai family leader and the great elder were removed. This ceremony is obviously to show the power of Laojunguan and the whole Taoist sect to all parties, but what next?Will the Daoist sect take this opportunity to step onto the all-powerful stage and become an important force for hegemony in the whole world?

On the big stage of the world, if Daomen were to appear on the stage, what kind of changes would it bring?How should all parties respond?In the past few days, the high-level leaders of all parties gathered together for meetings and discussions all day long, each of them frowning and sighing.

In any case, since Lao Junguan sent such an invitation through Meier, all parties should give enough face.If it was in the past, maybe it would be enough to save face a little bit, but King Dai's palace has just been turned into ruins, and the heads of King Dai and the Great Elder have just been taken off, which prince would dare to be so rude?
No way, at least a senior elder would have to be sent to attend so as not to be impolite, and he had to carry a heavy gift.In addition, even if Laojunguan has any conditions on the spot, I am afraid that only people of this level can make the decision.

Among the various forces, the royal family is probably the least worried and happiest.A long time ago, the royal family already knew Laojunguan's attitude, and they didn't want to get involved in these worldly matters.

If the Taoist sect is willing to intervene in the secular world, Da Guanzhu would have agreed to his request to be the national teacher as early as the second prince's rebellion.As a result, Laojun Guanda Guanzhu didn't care about such a respected title at all, and directly rejected the second prince, and later rejected the kindness of the emperor, and didn't care about these mundane worlds at all.

Since the Taoist sect does not interfere with the mundane affairs of the world, there is no threat to the emperor or the royal family.On the contrary, the stronger Laojunguan's strength, the less all parties dare to do anything to the capital, the safer the royal family, and the more secure the position of the emperor.Of course, the centers that Wang Sheng mentioned back then became more and more possible.

As for the fighting power of Patriarch Lingxu, who was horrified by all parties, the royal family was the least surprised.The three major priests have successfully broken through the legendary peak and entered the tenth realm. They broke through under the reminder of Lingxu ancestor. Bye, ancestor Lingxu, who is more terrifying than the three major priests, what is it to destroy the palace of the Dai family?Why didn't the Dai family arrange all the masters in the palace!In this way, Patriarch Lingxu can catch them all in one go.

That is to say, no one was hurt when the Shanyue Kingdom attacked the headmaster of the Taoist sect, otherwise, how crazy would the Laojunguan retaliate?Now it is the Dai family who is behind the scenes of the Shanyue Kingdom, and I am afraid that it will be the Shanyue Kingdom in the future.Today's royal family likes chaos the most. The more chaos everyone fights, the more opportunities the royal family has.

When all parties were making intensive arrangements, Wang Sheng and Ling Xu finally came out from Qian Jedi.

When the figures of the two appeared at the gate of the capital city, everyone who saw them was stunned, and waited until Wang Sheng and Ling Xu walked out of their sight, then they all gasped in unison.

What Wang Sheng and Lao Dao are wearing now are the two protective clothing that were stained with blood after the killing in Dai's palace that day.After leaving it for more than half a month, the original bright red blood stains have turned into dark red marks, but the traces on them tell experienced people what kind of bloody massacre they experienced that day.

The two dressed like this on purpose, in order to increase the pressure on all parties involved in this killing.This was Wang Sheng's suggestion, and the old man did not object.

The two men, who were full of murderous aura, immediately changed their aura after entering Chang Sheng Gong's mansion, like wanderers returning home, relaxed and at ease.

Meier and Qiangwei had already been waiting, and seeing Wang Sheng, Meier didn't care about the blood on Wang Sheng's body, and threw herself into Wang Sheng's arms, until Wang Sheng picked her up by the waist and walked to the back practice room.In Meier's mind, what about Wang Sheng and the old man who killed Yingcheng?That is her lover and relative.After saluting to the old Taoist with a smile, Qiangwei took the old Taoist to wash up.

"Hurry up and take a bath!" Mei'er didn't seem to notice the smell of Wang Sheng until Wang Sheng put her down.I couldn't help pinching my nose: "Don't touch me until I wash it clean!"

(End of this chapter)

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