
Chapter 1127 The person I most want to kill

Chapter 1127 The person I most want to kill

Chapter 590 The person I most want to kill

In the past, as long as it was a concert by great masters, the shortest one was one day and one night, and the longest once reached four days or less than five days.But this time, it was only five hours in total, two and a half hours.

There is no aura tempering the body, no big aura group, no collective sharing of practice experience by everyone, there is only the consolidation of each person's own cultivation base following the music, pure consolidation.

When the game ended, all parties exited in an orderly manner.Mei'er and Song Yan still haven't met each other, and when they staggered to leave, the two didn't discuss anything, but they both had a tacit understanding.

The people watching from all sides thought that it would take a few days to see the end of the concert, but before they were ready to follow up, the concert was over and everyone left.

Now, the mood of all parties is much better.It seems that this time is indeed a new song audition, and some songs may not be suitable for practice, so it is normal that no one advances this time.

Fortunately, none of the parties sent people to participate, otherwise, it would be too bad to pay a price of [-] gold coins for each ticket without being promoted.

After the concert, Wang Sheng went to Song Yan's place to stay for a day again, and the two were lingering until the evening, and Wang Sheng was kicked out again.

Back at Chang Sheng's mansion, Wang Sheng thought he would face the unhappy Meier again, but instead he saw Meier who was shining brightly and waiting for Wang Sheng with a smile.

Even though Wang Sheng still had the smell of having a good time with Song Yanhuan, but this time Meier didn't say anything, and together with Qiangwei, she attentively waited for Wang Sheng to take a bath, and accompanied Wang Sheng to eat, looking very happy .

Not only that, even Qiangwei, who had to serve Wang Sheng every night, did not take the initiative to serve him this night, but just lay beside Wang Sheng and slept peacefully, but did not let Wang Sheng enjoy the joy of fish and water again.

The next morning, Wang Sheng knew the answer.

After Song Yan drove Wang Sheng away yesterday, she left the capital overnight with her guards, and didn't even stay overnight.However, Meier seemed to know about this before Song Yan left, so she had such a good attitude towards Wang Sheng.

Women are truly magical and mysterious creatures.

Originally, Wang Sheng planned to announce to the world that he would marry Meier. After all, the Master of the Grand View was optimistic about the future, but was stopped by Meier herself.

"This concubine intends to hand herself over to the father-in-law on that day." Meier's reason was so strong that Wang Sheng couldn't understand: "But the concubine did not intend to let everyone know that the father-in-law is married."

"Why?" Wang Sheng asked puzzledly, "Don't you want to?"

"I've been thinking about that day in my dreams." Meier snuggled into Wang Sheng's arms, let Wang Sheng hold her comfortably, stretched out a hand to caress Wang Sheng's face, and said with a happy and blurred gaze: " But I don't want to marry you just like that, I still want to wait."

"What are you waiting for?" Wang Sheng still didn't answer.

"I'm waiting for you to forget the person in your heart." Mei'er's eyes seemed to be a little red, but she still spoke out her heart: "I know you may never forget, but I still I want to try it, and I want to wait and see.”

Wang Sheng's hands tightened involuntarily, which made Mei'er feel a little uncomfortable.Wang Sheng noticed it in time and hastily let go.

Even though she did not agree to get married, Ke Meier was still happily preparing for it. Judging by her appearance, it was clear that she was preparing for that day as a wedding.Except for not sending out big wedding invitations and entertaining everyone, Meier is preparing for everything that a newlywed should have, and she is very happy preparing for it.

Seeing Meier like this, Wang Sheng felt very uncomfortable.However, can Wang Sheng, the girl in his dream, give up his search?If he could give up, Wang Sheng would not be Wang Sheng anymore.

The more gentle Mei'er and Qiangwei are, the better they treat Wang Sheng, the more Wang Sheng has an evil fire in his heart and wants to vent it.

"You're not in the right state recently!" The old Taoist waited until now to ask this question that he had held back for a long time: "What's the matter? What exactly did you gain from the inheritance of the patriarch?"

After accepting the inheritance from the Daoist patriarch, Wang Sheng's behavior was a little bit wrong.Apart from knowing that Wang Sheng's five-character formula has been upgraded to a six-character formula, the old Taoist knows nothing about other gains.

And Wang Sheng's changes were also obvious. During that time, Wang Sheng was very indulgent.During the day with Song Yan, and with Qiangwei at night, it seems that they are not restrained.

However, Wang Sheng and Song Yan had been having an affair long ago, and they were also veterans who helped guard the door.He and Qiangwei have had a good time many times, it seems that this is normal and there is no problem.

If it was someone else, they must have thought that Wang Sheng was tired of dealing with both parties and wanted to please, so he was so "dedicated", but the old man knew it was not.

Wang Sheng is by no means a person without restraint, but Wang Sheng obviously spent too much time on women during this period, which is not normal.After much deliberation, the only problem is probably that Wang Sheng has other insights on the inheritance of the Taoist patriarch.

"The way of nature, the balance of yin and yang." Wang Sheng said two words to the old Taoist, and then confessed: "The inheritance of the ancestors has made my original soul meet the conditions for upgrading, but I still want to suppress it. This The change of Dimensional Soul is a bit strong, and there is always the urge to make a move."

This time the soul change is Yazi's change, Yazi is the dragon son who is best at fighting, and killing is simply Yazi's instinct.So Wang Sheng killed so many people in King Dai's Palace, but he still couldn't suppress the killing intent in his heart.

"Haven't you killed enough in King Dai's Palace?" The old man frowned and couldn't help asking.

"It's not a matter of enough or not enough." Wang Sheng shook his head: "No matter how many people I kill, the one I want to kill the most hasn't been killed. If that person doesn't die, I feel uneasy." At this point, Wang Sheng also realized The problem is described by a ranking of online novels on the earth: "The idea is not clear enough, so I am unhappy."

"Then go kill it!" The old Taoist didn't care who Wang Sheng wanted to kill the most, and frowned without saying a word: "Go kill him, so that your thoughts can be clear! Do you want to achieve good things with Meier like this? Now go!"

"Okay!" Wang Sheng nodded and stood up: "Talk to Meier, I'm going!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Sheng walked out of the mansion without hesitation, even ignoring saying goodbye to Meier Qiangwei.

"Girl, do you know who that kid most wants to kill?" The old man found Meier, and after repeating what Wang Sheng said, he asked Meier.

"Probably know!" Mei'er thought for a while, raised her head and replied.

"Who is it?" the old man asked curiously.

"You definitely can't think of it." Mei'er replied with a smile: "It's Zhu Xingsheng from Baoqing Yutang."

(End of this chapter)

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