
Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Chapter 87 Self-assessment

Wang Sheng bought a small courtyard, a small shop facing the street, with three small rooms and a kitchen inside, and [-] gold coins.This is the market price.

Next to the warehouse, Wang Sheng burned 1 rooms of the family.The sizes are different, calculated according to the market price, more than [-] to [-] gold coins, and Wang Sheng also promised to double the compensation, which now requires [-] gold coins.

Although Wang Sheng sold the leg meat of the tusk pig for several thousand gold coins, it was nothing more than earning back his own yard.Later, although the fangs of the fangs pig were sold for 3000 gold coins, they were directly exchanged for pills.It can be said that Wang Sheng only has more than [-] gold coins in his hand, which is definitely not enough to pay back.

A penny can force a hero, and he really can't just cause trouble when he is away from home.Wang Sheng shook his head and sighed, under the watchful eyes of several guys who were eagerly waiting to see him embarrassed and unable to pay, ready to help out at any time to get favors, he took out two teeth that were almost two feet long and put them in the killer hall. in front of.

This is the City of Worry-Free, there are no gold coins, and it is allowed to use things of comparable value to pay.Anyway, the largest auction house in Wuyou City belongs to the city lord like the Killer Hall. As long as these things are confirmed to be true, they can always be cashed in.

The office staff saw this kind of thing a lot, so they were not surprised, and they followed the procedure with ease, and invited the on-site appraiser to come over.No matter what you want to collect, you need the appraiser to make a conclusion first.

"Brother Wang, although the fangs are good, they haven't reached [-] gold coins a piece." The little fat man next to him seemed to have come to see it by chance, but in fact he had been paying attention to Wang Sheng and walked forward for two minutes. Step by step, he said to Wang Sheng with a smile: "If it's not a coincidence, brother Wang, I can help you here. Brother Wang only needs to pay a small amount of interest. I don't know what brother Wang wants?"

"Oh? A loan lender?" Wang Sheng cupped his hands slightly at the other party, and the other party came over with good intentions, and Wang Sheng didn't know what to do, and refused thousands of miles away: "Okay! Wait a while and see how much is worse. If it's much worse, I have to trouble my brother."

The two of them had a happy chat here, but before they could continue talking, they heard a harsh voice.

"Two teeth want to cheat [-] gold coins? Do you think our Wuyou City is a charity hall or is it easy to cheat?" Following the sound of this voice, two people came out from the back of the hall.One was the staff member who handled the formalities for Wang Sheng, and the other was a guy who looked like a monkey with a sharp mouth and a cheeky head.

That harsh voice was obviously this wretched-looking guy. He was dressed in luxurious clothes, but he was not very airy. No matter how he looked at it, he looked like a big monkey in a coat.To use an idiom familiar to Wang Sheng to describe it, it is the crown after washing the monkey.

Wang Sheng spent two days in Wuyou City, as long as he met strangers, except for the ignorant rookie killer yesterday who dared to sneer and the three baldheads who provoked him, he never saw anyone with a bad attitude.Still the same sentence, who knows what level of killer that stranger is, isn't it courting death to offend someone for nothing?
Especially the staff in the Killer Hall, they really need to have a good attitude. Even the one just now greeted him with a smile and a kind tone, and this wretched guy was the first one Wang Sheng had ever seen before. That's the attitude.

Of course, Wang Sheng didn't expect that the entire Wuyou City would treat you well, that's unrealistic.But since this guy works in the Assassin's Hall and acts as an appraiser, it's not like he doesn't know the severity. How could he behave so unbearably?

"Appraiser, the quality of your things depends on his mouth." The fat man next to him reminded Wang Sheng in a very low voice: "People from the City Lord's Mansion."

I see.It is estimated that the only force in Wuyou City that can be arrogant is the City Lord's Mansion.The entire city of worry-free is under the protection of the city lord. It can be said that the lord of the city is the king of the city of worry-free.

Under such circumstances, the people who came out of the City Lord's Mansion were naturally arrogant.What's more, he is still in charge of the power of appraisal, which is naturally everyone's fawning.It's not unusual to have such arrogance.

The staff didn't dare to be as arrogant as the appraiser. They trotted over, moved the chairs for the appraiser, and asked people to sit down politely.

The appraiser, however, had both nostrils facing the sky, and without even looking at Wang Sheng, who was facing him, he just sat down and put his legs up. Then he snorted, stretched out his hand, and yelled in a leisurely manner, "What do you want to appraise?" Something, take a look?"

Damn, this guy definitely did it on purpose.Just now he was talking about two teeth for [-] gold coins, and now he has to ask loudly in front of so many people what to appraise, which is obviously to make Wang Sheng look bad on purpose.If the things Wang Sheng took out were not worth [-] gold coins, this guy would probably laugh at Wang Sheng to death with his vicious tongue.

The appraiser dared to put on airs, but the staff did not dare to beat him to death.Hurriedly holding the two long teeth that Wang Sheng took out with both hands, he sent one to the appraiser first.As he moved, he kept cursing in his heart, why did this guy go crazy today, didn't he know that this guy in front of him could easily kill the master of the fourth-level and fifth-level realms?How dare you, an appraiser at the second level, dare to act like this in front of him?
Wang Sheng has a good temper. This kind of person is not worth getting to know him. Anyway, he has nothing to do with him after finishing his work. There is no need to compete here.

As soon as the long teeth are used, the appraiser feels extraordinary.He is arrogant and he is putting on airs, but he is absolutely competent as an appraiser, otherwise he would not gain a foothold in the City Lord's Mansion.

Who is Wang Sheng? Of course, the appraiser has heard a little bit, but he went to bed early last night and came to the killer hall early in the morning. He didn't know what happened last night.Some of the staff knew and some didn't, but no one would tell him that this guy was so arrogant that the little staff didn't notice him.

He only knew whether Wang Sheng had come from Thousand Jedi, or whether he had escaped the pursuit of a lot of masters, and he didn't know more.However, there were rumors in the City Lord's Mansion yesterday that the City Lord seemed a little dissatisfied with Wang Sheng and wanted to beat him up.Since this is the case, it is imperative to take the opportunity to suppress Wang Sheng today and let him know that even though he can come out of Qianjedi, in Wuyou City, the city lord has the final say.

At first, the appraiser thought it was the fang of a fang pig. After all, Wang Sheng entered the city carrying a fang pig's hind legs, and there was a lot of rumors.Since it can have a hind leg, it is normal to have fangs.The fang pig has two fangs, and Wang Sheng wanted to exchange the fangs of the two fang pigs for [-] gold coins.

It's impossible and definitely not worth it.With this confidence, he dared to sneer at Wang Sheng and ignore him.But now, he found trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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