
Chapter 1141 Lectures

Chapter 1141 Lectures

Chapter [-] Lecture

Just such an idea of ​​wedding jewelry, as for?Wang Sheng really couldn't figure it out.He still underestimated the attractiveness of these things to women.

But there is one thing Wang Sheng can be sure of, that is, if these three series of clothing are listed, it will definitely be a huge income again.

The small courtyard was so crowded that there was no room for them to fit in. As a last resort, Wang Sheng could only take everyone to his practice room, which was spacious enough to fit them all in.

In this posture, there are ten masters and masters in tailoring alone. Wang Sheng brought back more than 40 people when he went out this time, and even those who have lived in Changsheng's mansion for a long time have also been invited, huh huh More than 50 people went out.Including Empress Meier Qiangwei, the old eunuch Shen who guarded the empress, and the old Taoist Lingxu who came to watch the excitement, the total number was close to [-].

That's not counting the guards, all the guards, no matter they were from Chang Sheng's mansion or the palace, were kicked out. If they all came in, they wouldn't be able to stand in the practice room.

As for safety, it's not a problem at all.Almost every great master is a master in the legendary realm, plus Lingxu old Taoist and old eunuch Shen, the worst cultivation bases are Meier Qiangwei and Wang Sheng.It would be strange if something happened to this lineup.

Hundreds of huge candles were lit around the practice room, illuminating the place brightly, revealing every detail.

In order for everyone to see clearly, Wang Sheng had no choice but to ask the master carpenter to quickly erect a large wooden board as a blackboard, paste large paper on it, and explain his ideas and designs to everyone.

The first thing to take out was all kinds of phoenix crowns that I had told several tailors before, all kinds of materials, inlaid with various gemstones, and all kinds of extremely gorgeous phoenix crowns. Wang Sheng took the pictures he had already drawn and pasted them on. The masters who made jewelry explained what materials to use, what styles to use, and what effects to create.

After only talking about five or six designs, those master jewelry crafters jumped up excitedly.

At their level, their skills have reached their peak. If they still want to break through, they can only go on the road of innovation and change.For them, there is no lack of skills, no lack of techniques, only ideas!

Wang Sheng's design is tantamount to pointing out a clear path for them, as long as they follow along, they don't worry that they can't go further, and don't worry that there will be several great masters among their apprentices!
It took more than two hours to talk about the phoenix crown alone, because from time to time, the great master would ask questions and Wang Sheng would answer them in detail.Of course, the name must not be called Fengguan, but directly changed to Huaguan.

After talking about the phoenix crown, Wang Sheng took a short break, and then continued to talk about jewelry.From the most common hairpins to hairpins with complicated tassel pendants, etc.Under the hairpin is the earring, and under the earring is the necklace.

Regardless of the size of the earrings, there are too many things to talk about, long and short, big and small, thick and thin, clip-on earrings, with pendants and without pendants, with various makeup, a series of earrings The system is more detailed than what everyone has seen or heard.

There are so many things to say about the necklace, just the pendant Wang Sheng can make hundreds of different styles casually.In addition to this orthodox one with a pendant, there are also those without a pendant, just working hard on the necklace.Gold, silver, jade, pearls, coral, giant clams, ivory, animal bones, and even wild ones with teeth of all kinds of ferocious monsters.

Bracelets, waist chains, anklets, rings, bracelets, arm rings, brooches, buttons, and nail rings. After a series of talks, the sky will dawn.Except for a few women and great masters in jewelry, everyone else has become numb.It's just something nice to wear, why is it so complicated?Its function is not as much as that of Najie, and it is not useful for Najie. Why are those women so obsessed?
Fortunately, everyone's cultivation base is good, so staying up all night is not a big deal.Even if it's not my major, but when producing, there will always be a time when everyone here will be used, and everyone will listen carefully.

After breakfast, Wang Sheng suggested that everyone take a break, but was rejected by the group again, so Wang Sheng could only continue.

This time, Wang Sheng started to talk about men's clothing that matched the previous wedding clothing.Men's clothing of the same design is matched with Fengguan Xiapei, suits and Chinese tunic suits are matched with wedding dresses, and Tang suit mandarin jackets are matched with cheongsams.

Every time he took out a previously designed women's wedding dress, Wang Sheng brought out a matching men's dress. Mei'er and Qiangwei couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear, and they had already imagined that they and Wang Sheng were wearing a pair A happy couple in costume.

The Empress Dowager seems to be showing signs of breaking out.It's normal to think about it, Mei'er and Qiangwei must have a chance for Wang Sheng to cooperate with them in wearing couple outfits to show their affection, but can the empress let the emperor wear these to match the empress?Can you not be angry?

Every time Wang Sheng said something more, the empress would be more angry, but when Wang Sheng brought out more and more, the empress could only smile wryly.Forget it, let's enjoy yourself in the deep palace by yourself wearing those beautiful bridal attires!
After talking about men's clothing, it took a long time, and the next step is the women's medicine bag that can cure all diseases.

You can understand the menswear just now. Some male masters also like some of the styles. After all, Wang Sheng also said that they don’t have to be worn in pairs, but can be worn separately.But when it comes to bags, most men don't understand again.

Isn't it just a bag for things?Big, small, square, round, wide, narrow, leather, cloth, after all, isn’t it just a bag for things?It’s not as much of a pretense, and it’s so troublesome to hold it in your hands. Why are these women so obsessed?Even the empress looks like she has never seen the world, so what?
When it came to the watch, the high interest of the girls slowly diminished.What's the point of those gears and clockwork?Why are the eyes of several finely crafted masters turning red?In the eyes of the girls, this must be the reason for not sleeping well.

It was obvious that the girls had lost interest in the latter, so Wang Sheng stopped to let the girls leave and let them rest at the same time.The empress returned to the palace with all kinds of excitement, while Meier and Qiangwei began to pull Wang Sheng happily to plan a new business.

"The Mei Zhi series must have a Xiapei series, and the wedding dress series also has a cheongsam series." Mei'er counted on her fingers, completely regardless of the stimulation she would bring to Wang Sheng when she was sitting in Wang Sheng's arms and physical contact: "What about the father-in-law's men's clothes?"

"Add one more winning series." Qiangwei suggested without hesitation at the side: "It just happens to be a pair with Madam's Meizhi series."

"Okay!" Mei'er didn't ask Wang Sheng's opinion at all, and agreed directly.This winning series is simply too much for Meier.

(End of this chapter)

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