
Chapter 1144 A Wedding That Is Not A Wedding

Chapter 1144 A Wedding That Is Not A Wedding

Chapter [-] Not a Wedding

What is the situation?Wang Sheng was stunned immediately!

The entire Grand View Garden, the original palace, more than 600 people, now everyone has a set of wedding dresses, wedding dresses, cheongsams, and summer peepers. Almost all of the things Wang Sheng said were made, and everyone chose a suitable one. His own, dressed neatly, looked at Wang Sheng with a smile.

Every beauty Wang Sheng saw was wearing a wedding dress.Originally the body and appearance of a supermodel, but now he is tempted by such a complete set of uniforms. Wang Sheng is dazzled by the sight, and feels that his eyes are not enough.

"Do you like it?" Mei'er's voice sounded from behind, Wang Sheng turned his head and saw Mei'er in a gorgeous dress.

The bright red wedding dress, gorgeous gold thread embroidery, and the patterns on it all looked so graceful and luxurious.Wearing a gorgeous phoenix crown decorated with gemstones of various colors on her head, she is as delicate as a flower, and she is simply the most perfect bride.

Next to Meier, Qiangwei was wearing a simple and slim cheongsam, with only a simple red hair flower on her head, and she also looked at Wang Sheng with a smile.

Standing together, the two looked like two delicate flowers, swaying slightly in the morning light, almost melting Wang Sheng's heart.

"I like it!" How could Wang Sheng say he didn't like such a beautiful scene?
Walking forward, Wang Sheng made no secret of his love, holding Meier and Qiangwei in his arms from left to right.

"Could it be that today is a good day that I'm optimistic about?" Wang Sheng already had expectations in his heart, so he didn't hide it when he asked Meier.

"Yes!" Mei'er replied without any concealment.

"Then what do you mean?" Wang Sheng gestured to the busy girls in wedding attire, and asked again.

"Although I don't plan to hold a grand wedding with my father-in-law, at least I want to have a simple visit with you at home, right?" Mei'er smiled mysteriously, as if she was hiding something.

"It's fine if you want a wedding." Wang Sheng had already told Meier that he could give her the grandest wedding anytime.However, it seems that Meier has not changed her original intention.

"No, I like simple ones." Meier shook her head: "As long as our family is here."

"As long as you like it!" Wang Sheng didn't mind Meier's choice at all, Wang Sheng could cooperate with Meier as she liked.Wang Sheng really likes Meier now, so even if Meier wants to go to heaven, Wang Sheng will try every means to take her there.

"Today I will pay a visit to my father-in-law." Mei'er mentioned it again: "Qiangwei also wants to."

What else can Wang Sheng say?Will Wang Sheng shake his head with two beautiful women who are as beautiful as flowers and jade?It's just that all the girls in the Grand View Garden were wearing wedding gowns. Wang Sheng wondered if he had misunderstood the concepts of bridal gowns and bridesmaid gowns, so he saw all the girls wearing bridal gowns early in the morning.

"Before today, they were our sisters." Meier finally talked about the girls.

"What about after today?" Wang Sheng realized that Mei'er hadn't finished speaking, so he took the initiative to ask out.

"They will all be me and Qiangwei's roommates." Mei'er said this without any concealment, with a smile all over her face: "Tongfang girl, but she wants to pay homage to my husband with my young lady."

And this statement?Wang Sheng was dumbfounded by Meier's powerful explanation.Could it be that the reason why all the girls wear wedding attire is because they all want to pay homage to him?

"You're going to be silly if you're happy!" Mei'er looked at Wang Sheng with a smile, she liked to see Wang Sheng shocked by her arrangement with Qiangwei, she was really happy.

"Why don't you change your clothes soon?" Seeing that Wang Sheng was still standing there in a daze, Mei'er couldn't help pushing Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng was still in a daze, Meier winked at a few supermodels who were wearing the same type of scarf as her, and they immediately stepped forward with a smile, and surrounded Wang Sheng back to the bedroom in the back hall to change clothes up.

Surrounded by a group of fragrant beauties, Wang Sheng seemed to have lost his ability to move, and turned into a puppet directly, allowing those beauties to take her to the back, and then wait for him to take off his exercise suit Attire, put on men's clothing that matches Fengguanxiapei.

After changing, Wang Sheng was surrounded by all the girls and went to the main hall of the Grand View Garden.This was originally the middle hall of the original palace, where guests were received, but now Wang Sheng has turned it into an inner house, and it has become the most solemn place in the inner house.

Mei'er was already waiting there, extremely shy, as delicate as a flower.Tantaiyao actually stood in the middle, acting as the master of ceremonies with a smiling face.

"Newcomers pay homage!"

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

Wang Sheng really became a puppet this time, he could only follow the rhythm and cooperate with Meier's movements.He had seen, heard and heard that when he was worshiping with Meier, there were at least 200 women worshiping with him in the huge living room and yard behind him.

Ever since Meier said that these sisters were all maids, Wang Sheng knew that he was unlikely to object.If you resolutely oppose it at this time, I am afraid it will bring a devastating blow to the sisters in the Grand View Garden.

At this time, besides being at the mercy of others, what else can Wang Sheng do?That's all there is to it!
"Send to the bridal chamber!"

Amidst Tantaiyao's loud voice, Wang Sheng and Mei'er were surrounded by a group of beauties behind them, and returned to the bedroom in the back hall again.

"Okay, change people, change clothes!" Back in the bedroom, Mei'er immediately clapped her hands and ordered to the girls.Turning around, he smiled and explained to Wang Sheng: "I have to worship Qiangwei again!"

The few supermodels wearing phoenix coronets and Xiapei who had just helped Wang Sheng change his clothes happily retreated, and then a group of supermodels wearing cheongsam came in.

Wang Sheng still obediently allowed himself to be manipulated, allowing the girls to take off the groom's attire he was wearing just now, and change into a Tang suit that matched the cheongsam, and then he was flocked to the middle hall again.

It's still the same routine as before, but this time it's changed to Qiangwei.When Wang Sheng and Qiangwei bowed, there were also more than 200 supermodels wearing a series of cheongsams bowing down with Wang Sheng behind them.

However, what surprised Wang Sheng was that the two batches of sisters who worshiped with Wang Sheng together only amounted to more than 400, and there are more than 200 left?Is that all?How are they arranged?
When he returned to the back hall again, Wang Sheng saw in astonishment that Meier had changed into a white wedding dress, and looked at Wang Sheng with a smile.

"Need to change clothes?" When Meier directed a group of supermodels in wedding dresses to come forward to change Wang Sheng into a suit, Wang Sheng finally couldn't help asking: "One more obeisance?"

It's normal to change clothes on the wedding day, but you have to pray several times, right?

"This is for another person who can't come." Mei'er smiled playfully at Wang Sheng: "This wedding dress is also for her, and I will send it to her later. Are you satisfied with this arrangement? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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