
Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153
Chapter [-]: The Identity of the Queen
Before Wang Sheng went out in the morning, he had already told Qiangwei about this matter.The empress doted on Meier so much that one had to wonder what the royal family was trying to do.

Asking Qiangwei to accompany Meier to meet the Empress Empress, on the one hand, raised Qiangwei's status, and on the other hand, asked Qiangwei to help Meier pay more attention. After all, sometimes this kind of family-like care is the most difficult to resist sugar-coated bullets.

Now Meier Qiangwei is still meeting the empress in the back hall, Wang Sheng doesn't know if there is anything else, but the emperor took the initiative to bring it up, which made Wang Sheng's curiosity a lot more.

"Have you heard the royal story?" The emperor didn't answer directly, but asked a question: "It's mainly about my story 20 years ago."

"I have heard." Wang Sheng nodded, and there was nothing he couldn't admit to the emperor.If you really want to say that you have never heard of it, you must let the emperor laugh, don't you even have the courage to admit it?
"Then you must know that my favorite concubine was persecuted to death by the queen and the clan. Later, after I wiped out those clans, I abolished the queen and wiped out their entire clan." The emperor slowly explained his experience. Part of it came out.

"Well, I know this part." Wang Sheng still nodded.If the emperor wants to confide, then cooperate with him. Anyway, he wants to explain the queen's unique feelings for Meier to Wang Sheng. If he wants to know, he must make the emperor feel better.

"Later, I found another woman from the people who was naturally charming to enter the palace and took her as a concubine." The emperor continued: "In the end, I helped her become a queen, which is the current queen. You know this?"

"I know that too." Wang Sheng nodded.Whether it is folklore or the records of Laojunguan, there is this part, the content is similar, and there is no difference in general.

"Then do you think that I am indulging in the femininity of a naturally charming woman and cannot extricate myself?" Tianzi suddenly asked Wang Sheng with a wry smile.

"If it was before, I must have thought so." Wang Sheng nodded, raised his wine glass and clinked a glass with the emperor: "You are a foolish king who is addicted to women."

"What about now?" The Son of Heaven was not annoyed by Wang Sheng calling him a fool, but asked Wang Sheng with interest, "How do you feel now?"

"It's really amazing that you still have the ambition to win the world." Wang Sheng gave a thumbs up: "You are definitely a genius in the practice of keeping a quiet mind. You are at least the second stage now, right?"

Seeing Wang Sheng's thumb and hearing Wang Sheng's praise, the emperor couldn't help laughing.This is the real happy smile. After all, Wang Sheng himself is also a man of knowledge, and he has also practiced the method of keeping a quiet mind. He knows how difficult it is to practice the method of keeping a quiet mind.

However, if the Son of Heaven knew that Lingxu had directly practiced to the second stage of the Meditation Method in just a few ten minutes, would he still be able to laugh?

"Then why do you think I still have to find a woman who is also naturally charming?" After the emperor finished laughing, he asked Wang Sheng with a little pride.

"Well, do you want to see things and think about people?" Wang Sheng immediately felt wrong when he said this: "No, the empress is not an object, anyway, just want to remember the dead concubine?"

"Many people think so." The Son of Heaven laughed again, this time directly: "If it were you, would you find a naturally charming woman to reminisce about Meier?"

These words are very unpleasant, what is recalling Meier, isn't this cursing Meier for something to happen?But the Son of Heaven is Meier's biological father, so he definitely wouldn't have such thoughts, so there must be other reasons.

Wang Sheng's heart suddenly moved, thinking of the empress's excessive doting on Meier, he opened his mouth and asked: "Is the eunuch who was responsible for killing that beloved concubine a shadow of Wuyou City?"

In the eyes of the emperor, there was a moment of appreciation: "You can think of this question in an instant, it's amazing." After a compliment, he nodded and admitted: "Yes, it is him."

In an instant, Wang Sheng fully understood that this empress was actually the favorite concubine who was said to have been killed back then.If Wang Sheng's guess is correct, Ying Ying didn't practice enough back then, so Concubine Chong and Meier could only protect one, and as a last resort, she sent Meier away, and he independently protected the concubine Chong to escape.

This is why even if Shadow lost Princess Meier, she could still gain the trust of the royal family and the emperor.It turned out that he desperately saved the beloved concubine back then.Even Lao Junguan didn't know about this secret, and the emperor must have kept it from everyone.

Why later, in order to commemorate that beloved concubine, I deliberately recruited a naturally charming woman among the people, which is simply a cover to deceive people.The truth must be that the current empress has changed her face and reappeared by the emperor's side.As for the insider in the palace, they must have already died.

"Mother?" Although Wang Sheng thought of this, he still asked.

"Mother!" The Son of Heaven knew what Wang Sheng was asking, and nodded quickly.

Steward Zhou next to him lowered his eyes, said nothing, and showed no surprise.Obviously, Zhou Guanshi is also an insider.

No wonder the empress doted on Meier so shamelessly, in Wang Sheng's opinion, even a real mother might not be able to do that.Now Wang Sheng fully understands that it is the empress's true feelings that she has not been able to take good care of Meier for so many years, and that Meier has suffered so much. This is what a mother naturally wants to give her daughter the best.

Fortunately, Wang Sheng thought it was some kind of conspiracy by the royal family to win over Meier through family affection, but it turned out that Wang Sheng was overthinking.so awkward!

No wonder the empress looks at herself sometimes like a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law. It turns out that she is really looking at her son-in-law!

"Hey! You two are really outrageous." After Wang Sheng figured it out, the first thing he said was to complain to the emperor: "You guys want to snatch half of the business of my dear daughter, it's too much!"

The emperor originally wanted to see Wang Sheng being overwhelmed by his wife, but when Wang Sheng complained, the emperor almost vomited blood in anger.The blood didn't come out, but the glass of wine he just drank was sprayed out.No, the Son of Heaven didn't even have time to wipe off the wine stains still dripping from his chin, pointing at Wang Sheng, his fingers trembling all the time, unable to say anything.

"Forget it, since you really helped Meier solve a lot of troubles, let's take half and half!" Wang Sheng had a forgiving expression, which made the emperor really want to give Wang Sheng a hard look. fist.But this punch never came out because Wang Sheng asked a question.

"Aren't you going to tell Meier?"

PS: The third update yesterday.

WeChat public account: renyuangongzhonghao Pinyin of Renyuan public account, please pay attention when you are free, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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