
Chapter 1156 A Bigger Pie

Chapter 1156 A Bigger Pie
Chapter [-] A Bigger Pie
"You are cruel!" The emperor gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Sheng for a long time before finally giving in.There's no way, Wang Sheng is so shameless that he wants Meier to talk to him, can he please Meier?
Not to mention that Meier is his own daughter, just because of Meier's innate charm, if he fully fires at the emperor, the emperor is not sure that he can bear it.Of the several negotiations between the Xia family and the Gan family, which one was less than [-] million gold coins?

If you really want Meier to talk to yourself, the emperor reckons that if you can talk about seven to three points, it is already the limit, and it is still three for the emperor and seven for Meier.If Meier is really dissatisfied, the empress will not let herself go without anyone else.

"Isn't that right?" Wang Sheng looked at the emperor and nodded in satisfaction.

Tianzi gritted his teeth angrily, and couldn't say anything else.

"If you dare to be more ruthless..." Wang Sheng said half a sentence, then stopped, and began to show off, let Zhou Guanshi pour the wine, and slowly savored it by himself.

After waiting for a long time, the emperor and Zhou Guanshi couldn't wait for the next sentence. Seeing Wang Sheng drinking slowly, the emperor really wanted to smash the wine glass in his hand on Wang Sheng's head.

It's a pity that the emperor's wine glass couldn't be smashed out.Even if Zhou Guanshi makes a move now, Wang Sheng can definitely be taken down, but so what?This is not the result the emperor wanted.The emperor wants to know now, what good idea can he have if he is more ruthless.

"I've thought about it carefully, and actually fifty-fifty is a reasonable share." The Son of Heaven finally spoke again and bowed his head softly.

"Not forced?" Wang Sheng asked with a smile.

"It's not forced at all." The emperor's ability to change his face was countless times better than Wang Sheng's, which made Wang Sheng amazed.

"That's good. Business is a win-win situation. It's best if you make money and I make money, right?" Wang Sheng smiled and asked, "What did you say just now?"

"My lord said something harsher..." Manager Zhou hurriedly replied.Just kidding, the emperor has forced a smile on his face, and the emperor will have to answer this meeting. Isn't that embarrassing the emperor?

"If you want to be more ruthless, move the entire outer city out." Wang Sheng continued his shocking remarks: "Anyway, most of the people living in the outer city are ordinary people. As long as they are given more land, bigger houses, and more If there are more gold coins, they will be happy to move to the suburbs."

"And then?" Tianzi asked.

"Construction!" Wang Sheng replied: "You don't need people from all walks of life to buy houses and land, and you have to build mansions yourself. You can directly divide the area, re-plan it, and build a large number of mansions of the same size, who cares?" You can buy whatever you want. In addition, both sides of the moat should be well-designed, waterscape manors, noble mansions, and you can get a few times the price at will, so no one will buy it.”

The emperor was already pulling his beard and began to ponder the feasibility of Wang Sheng's words.Such a large-scale ground-breaking move was never imagined by the emperor before.Not to mention the Son of Heaven, who has ever thought of the combination of civil and military affairs in the Manchu Dynasty?No wonder Wang Sheng said to be more ruthless, it is indeed ruthless.

"Will someone buy it?" The emperor asked a little bit suspiciously, but his tone was very tempting.

"It's safe!" Wang Sheng laughed: "First of all, it is stipulated that in the inner city area, no title is not allowed to buy. How big a title is to buy a mansion. Your civil and military ministers are good at this. Let them set the rules."

"In the outer city, if you have money, you can sell it." Wang Sheng continued to point Jiang Shandao: "Don't tell me that in the whole world, except for the important figures of the eight princes, other wealthy and powerful small families are not afraid of death. Anyway. The capital is not allowed to use force. Compared with other places that are well-connected, the capital is considered the safest place. Besides, the capital has far incomparable enjoyment in Wuyou City. Don’t these rich and powerful guests like to live in It’s a safe place in the capital, is it okay to visit Qianshengyuanrunzifang Mengzhifang or something?”

"More foreign masters are pouring into the capital..." Manager Zhou interjected appropriately, raising his concerns.

"Old Zhou, tell me, is it easier for the royal family to concentrate their forces just to defend the imperial city, or to defend the entire capital?" Wang Sheng didn't answer Manager Zhou's question, but asked a rhetorical question.

But this sentence is enough, of course defending the imperial city is easier than defending the entire capital.

"It's definitely not right to give up the entire capital city, but it's perfectly fine to only defend the inner city area." The emperor said next to him: "Since the inner city is only allowed to be bought by people with titles, it is naturally a title bestowed by me, the power of the royal family." Protecting the meritorious officials who I rewarded with titles is justified, right?"

"Anyway, whether it's the inner city or the outer city, the more outsiders there are, the less we can figure out what's true." Wang Sheng said with a smile: "If the royal family has some hidden power or something, they can easily Scattered in the capital. Everyone is guarded by masters, and these masters just stay there brightly, and no one doubts their origin."

"As for the protection of the outer city, it is simpler." Wang Sheng continued to say to the emperor whose eyes were getting brighter and brighter: "The emperor has stated his position so thoroughly, the city walls have been ripped off, and let the eight princes each send some people to jointly maintain it. Order, right?"

"It makes sense." The Son of Heaven nodded, "I'm afraid they will be so happy."

"Anyway, leave the outer city protection to them, and let them fight openly and secretly." Now that Wang Sheng said it, he didn't hide it: "But set a rule for them, and they are not allowed to disturb the residents, and they can fight whatever they want in private. It is absolutely impossible to completely eradicate the hands-on things in the capital, but as long as they can suppress it, there will be no problem. If anyone can't suppress it, then don't blame all parties for attacking."

The emperor and Zhou Guanshi nodded frequently. It is absolutely impossible not to do anything at all, even gods can't do it.But being able to do what Wang Sheng said is enough for all the rich and powerful people in the world to turn their attention to it.

"Think about it, the rich people all over the world have worked so hard to earn gold coins everywhere, and then ran to the capital to give you the gold coins. How does this feel?" Wang Sheng was simply bewitching the emperor. Although what he said is true if it is to be realized.

Isn’t this how the United States on Earth grabs global wealth?And isn't the real estate in the capital on the earth concentrating all the wealth of the whole country in the capital?This method has almost no technical content, but it is extremely effective.

"At that time, the economic center of the capital will definitely be fine. The cultural center will depend on how you continue to operate it." After Wang Sheng said this, he did not forget to draw a picture for the emperor, as long as he nodded, it seemed that he could eat it in his mouth. The big cake: "You roughly calculate that the entire outer city of the capital is sold at several times the price of the land in the inner city. How much gold is that? Half of it for you, isn't it too much?"

(End of this chapter)

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