
Chapter 1170 There's a Mystery Inside

Chapter 1170 There's a Mystery Inside

Chapter 610 There is a mystery in the fifth chapter

Hahahaha, seeing Meier's rare expression and demeanor, a group of great masters all laughed.

Everyone just wants to take a closer look at the white jade concentric ghost crafted white lotus ball, and carefully ponder the rationale and design of it. Who would have thought that they really have it for themselves?From having the title of Grand Master until now, there has never been a promotion work of a Grand Master that has been forcibly demanded.

The last time Master Wu was promoted to Grand Master, Wang Sheng bought it from Master Wu with a million gold coins.

"Don't worry, what's yours is yours, and no one can take yours." Master Lu smiled and gave Mei'er a reassurance.What she said made Meier feel a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Qian, how high is the valuation for the father-in-law now?" Mei'er rolled her eyes and turned the question to Mr. Qian again.

"This is indeed an old mistake." Qian Lao also smiled wryly and shook his head: "Blind eyes, what a mistake!"

"That's the father-in-law's deliberate trickery. You don't have to worry about it if you didn't reveal the mystery." Mei'er immediately smiled. This was obviously a compliment to the father-in-law's craftsmanship and skills. Meier didn't mind saying something bad about Wang Sheng first. Let Mr. Qian be happy and give a more accurate valuation.

"Ashamed and ashamed." Qian Lao still shook his head, but when he turned to Wang Sheng, his face was full of admiration: "My lord's design is ingenious, I'm ashamed of myself!"

"Then add this white lotus now, how high can the valuation of this ball be?" Meier asked before Wang Sheng and Qian Lao were polite.Qiangwei also pricked up her ears, wanting to know the exact number.

"This white lotus is enough to add another 500 million gold coins." Elder Qian said in admiration: "Obviously, the Lord didn't carve anything more, but adding such a rotating formation, it will be reborn immediately, it is simply original. .The old man admires! Admire!"

Adding another 500 million, the value of this white jade concentric ghost-crafted white lotus ball directly rushed to 1000 million gold coins.Even without the bonus of Wang Sheng's identity, it is worth 700 million gold coins.

In Qianshengyuan, there has never been a higher-value boutique than this one, that is, some time ago at Mengzhifang's boutique jewelry, a phoenix crown that used a lot of precious gemstones could barely exceed this price.

However, the material value of that phoenix crown alone exceeded 700 million gold coins, and Wang Sheng's concentric sphere didn't count the price of materials at all, it was just the valuation of handwork and design.Of course, compared to this price, the original value of that white jade ball is already negligible.

A group of great masters studied and appreciated for a long time, and finally they were satisfied.Meier had already prepared food and wine for the judges and grand masters who watched the ceremony to enjoy.

"Since that's the case, the finely crafted grand master assessment that Wang Sheng participated in today..." Master Lu officially announced on behalf of all the grand masters in charge of the review: "Passed!"

yeah!Mei'er and Qiangwei cheered immediately.It seemed that Wang Sheng was happier to be promoted to Grand Master than they were to be promoted.

The old Taoist didn't say anything, but the way he kept nodding while sitting there already showed his mood.

"In addition..." It was Qian Lao who took the call this time, and said something else with a smile. After everyone quieted down, he continued to announce: "After the unanimous consent of more than 200 great masters in our Linglong Pavilion, at the same time grant Wang Sheng is awarded the title of Grand Master of Fine Design."

Linglong Pavilion has long thought about giving Wang Sheng the title of Grand Master, but it was really hard to find a suitable opportunity before, so giving the title of Grand Master for no reason seems a bit baffling.Just taking advantage of this opportunity of Wang Sheng attacking the Grand Master of Fine Sculpture, the title of Grand Master of Fine Design was assigned to Wang Sheng.

No one dissatisfied with this finely designed grand master title.Whether it was the great masters of Linglong Pavilion or the shopkeepers of various big companies, they all admired Wang Sheng.If Wang Sheng is not the master of design, then it seems that the names of the masters of Linglong Pavilion are not worthy of their names.

One promotion exam, two Grand Master titles, everyone is happy.Everyone present opened their mouths to drink, celebrating Wang Sheng's success in attacking the grand master.

Because of this, all the great masters in Wang Sheng's mansion stopped working for a day, and I don't know how many people who were waiting for orders were delayed for a day.

The emperor finally got the news.Everyone was not surprised that Wang Sheng was promoted to Grandmaster, and even promoted to two Grandmasters at the same time. After hearing the news, everyone felt that it should be taken for granted.However, the emperor and the queen became very interested in Wang Sheng's promotional work, Bai Yu Concentric Ghost Work White Lotus Ball.

Fifty floors, concentric carving, inner ball and outer ball, carving technique from outside to inside, and after rotating, it will produce the visual effect of white lotus due to different rotation speeds. Any feature will make people itchy and unbearable to see. look!
"Old Zhou, go to Chang Sheng Gong's mansion and bring back the things for me to see." The empress was also very interested and very curious, the emperor simply ordered Zhou to take the things back and have a closer look.

Manager Zhou didn't dare to be negligent, and went directly to Chang Shenggong's mansion.He didn't directly disturb Wang Sheng and Mei'er, and waited until the celebration of Chang Sheng's mansion was completed before meeting Wang Sheng, expressing the meaning of the emperor.

Of course Wang Sheng didn't care, the emperor would let him watch it if he wanted to, and if he really liked it, it wouldn't hurt to give it to him.Think of it as a gift for the mother-in-law and the old man.

Meier was quite unhappy, but after hearing what Wang Sheng meant, she felt extremely sweet in her heart.The thing worth tens of millions of gold coins was carved out by Wang Sheng himself, just to make Meier's parents happy, to make Meier happy, give it away as soon as he said it, without hesitation, how can we not make Meier happy and excited?
"That's not okay, you can't give it to them easily." Mei'er wrapped herself around Wang Sheng's body gently: "I still want to keep it, don't give it away, sell it to them, hmph!"

"Careful girl." Wang Sheng smiled: "I'll carve another one for you, a more subtle one. The first one has elements of experimentation, and it doesn't fully include all my ideas. I'll make you a more refined one later." OK."

Wang Sheng's promise finally made Mei'er happy again, and he also agreed to give the things to the emperor and empress.

"Old Zhou, I gave this to the empress, don't allow the emperor to occupy it!" Mei'er told Lao Zhou who was taking the things.

Steward Zhou nodded hurriedly. The Empress would definitely be bursting with joy when she heard the news.

Just when the capital was full of joy, Ah Qi was walking in the night like a lonely wild ghost without a soul in a certain wilderness in the Xia Kingdom. His face was full of despair, and his whole body seemed to be Has completely lost its vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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