
Chapter 1178 The Importance of Fundamentals

Chapter 1178 The Importance of Fundamentals
Chapter 610 The Importance of the Nine Foundations
As soon as the old Taoist talked about the gossip of the Grand View Master, Wang Sheng immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, "How long has the Grand View Master stayed in the eighth level?"

"20 years!" Lingxu old man raised two fingers in a victory gesture: "20 years."

Being trapped in one state for 20 years, or even 60 years, is beyond Wang Sheng's imagination.But this is a fact that clearly happened.

"During those years, Daguanzhu thought of many ways in order to seek a breakthrough." The old Taoist Ling Xu raised his head and recalled: "For a period of time, he vigorously promoted the Taoism, trying to break through from the practice of Taoism, and went a lot Detours. It was also in those few years that I couldn’t get used to the old way, so I left the way alone.”

"You are really old-fashioned. You don't say that you give advice to your juniors when they are trapped in the realm, but you just ran away by yourself. It's really unkind!" Wang Sheng couldn't help complaining: "Is there anyone like you who is an elder?"

"If he hadn't been tempered for 20 years, do you really think he could have reached the tenth level in just a few years?" Ling Xu once again snorted proudly, and said arrogantly.

Wang Sheng was speechless for a moment, isn't this the same reason as what he is doing now?In the eighth level, I worked hard and tempered my temper. After all, isn't it just laying a solid foundation?After reaching the legendary realm, the breakthrough becomes easier.

"I understand!" Wang Sheng suddenly realized, and said to the old Taoist Lingxu: "The three major priests are also in a hurry, otherwise with their character of serving people in the palace for a lifetime, there is no need to polish anything at all. When laying the foundation at the eighth level, it will not take decades to break through."

When it comes to tempering one's temper, is there anything more effective than humbly serving people in the palace?It's a pity that Wang Sheng couldn't use such a method, but chose boring carving.

"If I had understood this truth earlier, I wouldn't have wasted more than fifty years in vain." The old Taoist Ling Xu sighed, "I thought I was gifted and practiced fast, but when I was in the legendary realm, I copied it all. After 20 years of Taoist classics, I finally took a step forward. Sigh!"

No wonder when I first met the old Taoist, the old Taoist said that all the classics of Laojunguan were copied by him, so it was so.This is not just the honor of some Taoist sect, it is clearly a means of cultivation.It is a pity that those who understand will not speak, and those who do not understand will never understand.

"But I am still not as good as you, the old man, and they are not as good as you." After sighing, the old man sighed again: "Even when we are struggling, we don't forget to practice hard. You are good, you can't even practice. Practiced. By analogy, this analogy is good! Simply forget to practice, naturally, the effect is obviously much better than our deliberate pursuit."

"Hey, old man, don't boast." Wang Sheng laughed bitterly: "After all, isn't the owner of that golden hairpin amazing?"

Speaking of the owner of Nobile, the old Taoist's face suddenly brightened again, he is really a peerless master!Just by looking at how people integrate practice into their lives, one can know what a brilliant method of practice it is.

"I really don't know how clever it is to release the breath on that long sword." Ling Xu sighed again.

"Anyway, you'll know when the time comes, and you don't have to worry about it." Wang Sheng smiled and said, "I'm quite curious, what changes will happen to Qian Jedi if he really wants to release the breath on the long sword in Qian Jedi's core .”

A super monster can easily melt an iceberg when it is awakened, what happens when the breath on the long sword is released?Wang Sheng is not lying, he is really curious!
"Speaking of which, you were able to listen to the advice of the old man without hesitation at that time and abolish all the realms of hard work, which was beyond the expectations of the old man!" Talk to Wang Sheng about abolishing his cultivation base and re-cultivating.

"The foundation is not stable, of course we have to start over again, what's so difficult to understand?" Wang Sheng didn't mind this very much, just like when you were in school on earth, if you failed a certain homework exam, you don't need to re-learn Retest?If it doesn't work, I have to repeat the grade and retake the exam. How normal is this?

"It's easy for you to say." The old man smiled bitterly: "But in this world, cultivation is the foundation of one's life. How many people can honestly give up the cultivation they have cultivated for so many years and start over? You When everyone is you? Eat hundreds of good luck pills, all kinds of supplementary formations and powerful pills for food?"

"Old Daoist, when I first started, I didn't even have a single gold coin." Hearing what the old Daoist said, Wang Sheng couldn't help but retort with a smile: "Do you know how much I sold for the method of snow icing and refined salt?" ?A top-notch ring, plus a Heavenly King Fist technique and some things that add up to only a few hundred gold coins."

The implication is that Wang Sheng expressed very clearly that how many resources he has, he can rely on his own earnings.

"It's still the same sentence, you treat everyone as you?" The old man gave Wang Sheng a blank look again, and couldn't help but said: "Speaking of which, sometimes you think and act like someone from another world. It’s the same, it’s out of place. But after careful consideration, there is some truth to it, which is really strange.”

Wang Sheng almost gave the old man a thumbs up.Sure enough, he is an expert, and he can tell at a glance that he is from another world.It's a pity that the old man is only describing, not guessing the facts, so naturally Wang Sheng will not be foolish enough to admit it.

However, as Wang Sheng said, not everyone has Wang Sheng's determination, and not everyone has Wang Sheng's financial resources. came?Sisters who don’t look at the Grand View Garden, in order to restore the Yongchun mentality, the most basic condition is to ask Wang Sheng to prepare [-] million gold coins, and everyone must not suffer hardships, and must be beautiful and in a good mood?
In this world, how many people can meet this condition?Didn't the old man himself have to be trapped in the legendary realm for more than fifty years?The three royal offerings made them practice again?The moment their cultivation bases are abolished is probably the time of their death. In a place like the imperial palace, how can anyone allow them to live long enough to practice back to their original cultivation bases?Is the main condition of Daguan good enough?Isn't it also because the old Taoist watched helplessly and was dissatisfied with the practice of Taoism for more than [-] years?

"You promised the two girls to carve two concentric spheres for them, why don't you hurry up and choose the materials?" The old man looked at Wang Sheng excitedly and said, "Just let the old man show me how to carve the concentric spheres, see Let's see if I can be a great master for fun."

(End of this chapter)

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