
Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188
Chapter 620: Is there a lot of money?
Don't need to calculate carefully, Zhou Guanshi also knows that if he really does what Wang Sheng said, it will be as Wang Sheng said, 1000 billion gold coins are enough to do a fart!I'm afraid it won't even be half done.

But what Wang Sheng said is really tempting!All scholars from all over the world will gather in the capital to study knowledge. Doesn't that mean that if these people say that the Son of Heaven is orthodox, then he must be orthodox?

The cultural center and the economic center are simply a continuation of Wang Sheng's proposal.Thinking of this, Manager Zhou couldn't stay any longer, and immediately bid farewell to Wang Sheng: "Your Majesty, I will go back and report to you, Your Majesty will come to have a detailed discussion with you in person."

There is no way, what Wang Sheng just said is too general, but it is also too tempting.Steward Zhou understood what the emperor was thinking, and he was still anxiously waiting for Steward Zhou's reply.Now go back quickly and bring the news that the gold coins are not enough to the emperor, and then let the emperor slowly dig out more surprises from Wang Sheng's mouth!

In the final analysis, Zhou Guanshi actually came to ask Wang Sheng if there was any way. If there was a way, the emperor had to come to understand. Zhou Guanshi was just a front-runner.

"Hey, something big can make you so nervous." Wang Sheng shook his head, and said to Guanshi Zhou: "Forget it, forget it, I'll be with Meier tomorrow, and you can arrange it yourself!"

Manager Zhou got the approval letter and left happily.Originally, a master of the tenth level like him should be able to hide his emotions and anger, but at the moment he is doing things for the emperor, and he is still solving problems for the emperor, but he is happier than his own cultivation base.To be able to make the three major offerings of the royal family, the kung fu on the small details is perfect.

Meier is such a smart person, just now she heard Wang Sheng say that she would spend as soon as she had too much money, how could she not understand what Wang Sheng meant, she was no longer worried.As soon as Manager Zhou left, Meier began to tell Qiangwei: "Check out what rare things are available in various countries. If they are useful to us, hurry up and buy a batch before they realize it."

If those guys reacted, the price would definitely increase, and Meier would not suffer such a disadvantage.Of course Qiangwei also thought of it, so without further ado, she went to make arrangements right away.

Seeing the resolute and resolute style of the two daughters, Wang Sheng was quite emotional that there were actually two strong women in the family.

The old man is also feeling emotional.It seems that the truth in this world is the same, too much is too much.When there are no gold coins, I want to earn gold coins desperately, but when there are too many gold coins, I am always worried about causing trouble because of the gold coins. It is really ironic.

The way of gold coins is like this, so why not the way of cultivation?As he discussed with Wang Sheng before, it is not a good thing to blindly pursue the speed of practice and improve the realm.It's too late, it's really too fast, but it takes a longer time to break through when it reaches the threshold.On the contrary, he worked hard and laid a solid foundation, but he was able to soar into the sky.Whether it is the old way or the three major offerings, it just formed a sharp contrast with the Daguanzhu.

Facing the insight of the old man, Wang Sheng also extended his thumb in admiration.Even a veteran Taoist with a lot of money and a little money can figure out so many truths, he really deserves to be a genius in practice.

"Old Taoist, it seems that you will soon reach the state where you can integrate practice into your life." Wang Sheng was really happy for the old Taoist, and said excitedly to the old Taoist.

The old Taoist Ling Xu was stunned, he was just good at pondering and his cultivation was high, he could always think of things that ordinary people couldn't, but he didn't realize that maybe this was the only way to enter the next realm.As soon as Wang Sheng said it, the old man came to his senses.

"Yes!" The old Taoist suddenly burst into a smile, and suddenly laughed at Wang Sheng: "So it is! I also know how to get started in this realm, so it is! Immediately comprehend, when the kung fu is reached, you will naturally enter that realm. That's how it is!"

The laughter is hearty and indescribably beautiful.Wang Sheng's eyes also brightened, and he was sincerely happy to mention the old Taoist. At least he helped the old Taoist find the direction and method of getting started. Can save a lot of effort and time.

"By the way, Meier, Qiangwei." After talking with the old Taoist, Wang Sheng remembered something, and told Meier and Qiangwei: "The money is loose, first give the sisters in the Grand View Garden a daily allowance. several times."

After practicing the improved Yongchun mentality method, the gold coins are poured out like running water.Previously, Tantaiyao estimated [-] million gold coins, but it was barely stuck at the bottom line. Although the women practiced fast, that was all. After all, at that time, Tantaiyao did not dare to speak to Wang Shengshizi.Now I have a lot of money in my hands, and there is so much money that Meier is a little flustered, so if it is not spent on her own people, when will it be?

Of course Meier would not refuse, if the girls were successful in cultivation, they would all be their own people who could rest assured, and now that the gold coins in their hands were smashed to the point of pain, naturally they would not hesitate to spend such a small amount.

"It's all re-cultivation, basically needless to say, but Qiangwei, including you, when you reach the eighth level of cultivation, be careful and careful, at least stay for a while before entering the ninth level, please remember!" Wang Sheng said. Qiangwei warned very seriously, and turned to Meier, and the same was true: "Meier, you are the same."

Mei'er and Qiangwei didn't understand that when Wang Sheng and Lao Dao were talking about these martial arts practices, they were not there, so the two women looked at Wang Sheng with some puzzlement, and then looked at Lao Dao together.

The old man nodded seriously.Sometimes, the truth doesn't need to be explained too clearly, just like when he didn't give advice to the master, when the opportunity comes, he will naturally understand the painstaking efforts.

Wang Sheng ordered so solemnly, even the old Taoist nodded solemnly, so why doubt it?The two women immediately agreed in unison. Anyway, they both knew that a solid foundation would not be harmful. Now Meier, Qiangwei and all the girls in the Grand View Garden didn't need to fight in the capital, and they didn't need to rush and desperately pursue the realm of cultivation.

Knowing the general direction from Wang Sheng's mouth, the two women stopped panicking and didn't bother Wang Sheng and Lao Dao to carve concentric balls. They found a place by themselves and happily researched how to spend money.

The emperor was eager to see through, and finally waited until Manager Zhou returned.As soon as he saw the joy on Zhou Guanshi's face, he knew that Wang Sheng must have a solution to the problem.When Steward Zhou explained Wang Sheng's ambiguous methods, the emperor and the empress were both surprised and delighted, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The dignified son of heaven couldn't even wait until the next day to rush to the opposite side of Wang Sheng's house. The night before, he and the empress rushed to the emperor's other courtyard together, just waiting for Wang Sheng to come over tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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